After the game.

Tang Ziwen was in a good mood and also accepted an interview with reporters.

“Do you want to say anything to Howard about Howard’s confidence in beating the Knicks?”

Media reporters tried their best to provoke the struggle between the two sides to make the next East Final match more full of gunpowder, so that there would be something to watch.

“I think Howard is a very cute big boy, but I feel that the champion has beckoned to the Knicks again~!” Tang Ziwen replied with a smile.

The reporter asked again: “Don, do you think the Knicks will sweep the magic?” Are you confident of playing this in the next game? ”

“Of course there is, the Knicks have passed the Celtics this difficult time, naturally have the confidence to beat the Magic, and our Knicks players are excellent!”


Media reporters, this is exciting~ exciting.

They just want to hear it from his mouth – the word “sweep”!

In this way, you can make a big fuss and stir up the heat of the duel between the two sides.

“Don! Congratulations on surpassing Michael Jordan, do you want to say anything about surpassing Michael by 3 points per game? ”

“Actually, this game was completely promoted by the tactics of the Magic, they wanted to deal with me like Michael, using “Jordan’s Law”, but I didn’t expect me to be an iron man, a physical maniac. ”


The media burst into laughter.

Jordan’s rule is very simple, that is, “let go of Jordan”, die to defend the other 4, even if Jordan scores more points, the other 4 score very low, the Bulls still lose.

In fact, Tang Ziwen is not an iron man, and he began to feel very tired in the third quarter, but he will adjust his state.

Minimize mistakes, shoot decisively when confident in scoring, and pass the ball without hesitation with less than 60% scoring success rate.

Although physically exhausted, he scored and was very efficient!


“Eastern Conference Finals, New York Knicks beat Orlando Magic!” — Associated Press.

“Knicks rookie Tang Ziwen scored 65 points in a single game, surpassing Michael Jordan and ranking first in playoff scoring in a single game!” ——ESPN。

“Can the Knicks sweep the Magic and reach the Finals?” —New York Daily.

“Can Knicks rookie Tang Ziwen surpass Michael Jordan in the future?” —Boston Globe.

“The strongest new in NBA history, surpassing Michael Jordan and setting a new record!” – Basketball Vanguard.


The news also quickly entered the country, and the topic of Tang Ziwen had not been discussed in the previous wave, and this wave swept through forums such as tiger pounce like a storm.

Is this something that people can do?

It’s God!

Absolutely God!

More fanatical fans threatened to give him a time to build his own dynasty.

ESPN reporters also interviewed the old gangster Jordan exclusively.

“Michael, do you have any thoughts about the Knicks’ top pick, Tang Ziwen, surpassing your playoff single-game highest points and ranking first in history?”

Michael Jordan said with a smile on his face.

“I think Don is an amazing player, his individual ability scoring is the best I’ve ever seen, there’s no doubt that he’s going to surpass my stats, and I’m happy that it proves that the NBA is improving, not regressing.”

“Do you think he will surpass you in the future?”

The old rogue Jordan raised his hands with a smile.

The six championship rings are shining, and the whole person exudes a kind of “I am the first in history” highlight!

“The champion is the best proof!”

He spoke slowly.

Perhaps Tang Ziwen’s personal ability is very strong, but if he wants to surpass his history, he must at least surpass him in the number of championship rings first, and establish his own king now

This era.

Dynasties are hard to come by!

“Do you have any thoughts you would like to say to him? Or what do you suggest to him? ”

Jordan pondered for a few seconds and replied: “I think he’s a terrible scoring machine on the court, and Shaq can’t compare to him at all.” ”

“Where do you think he’s strong?”

“He has the unique, strongest physical talent in history, combined with great technique, and I think he should play in the position of power forward or small forward, rather than just under the basket, which is a bit of a waste of his talent and talent.”

“Hopefully the Knicks can teach him well, his amazing rookie season, the first rookie in NBA history, it’s undisputed!”

ESPN reporter smiled and said: “Thank you for your advice, who do you think his template is?” ”


Michael Jordan wrinkled his brows and pondered for five seconds.

“Sorry, he has big dream technology, Shaq’s interior dominance, and Ewing’s iron-blooded style, the key is that his three-point shooting is still very accurate, and I really can’t say who his template is, his template is himself.”

Jordan continued: “Back to the first sentence, he’s a fantastic player! ”


Inside the villa.

Tang Ziwen was lying on the sofa very leisurely, and Taylor Swift was lying on his lap like a kitten, watching the “Iron Man 2” released this year

“Scarlett is really cool, and I’m a fan of her.”

“It’s really cool.”

The female spy “Black Widow” played by Scarlett really made her popular in the United States, not only can she take the sexy route, but her cold acting skills are also super-class.

He has watched Marvel’s movies several times, and he is very clear about the specific plot, which is worthy of being a masterpiece in history.

But at this moment, he has already begun to think about forming his own lineup.

Just with him and Curry, game by game, playing is too tormenting and too tiring.

Once it comes to the desperate intensity of the playoffs, he still has to rely on god-level sneakers, and if he doesn’t defend it, he can’t eliminate the Celtics.

He wants to assemble his own dynasty lineup, and Klay Thompson, one of the future Splash Brothers, is an absolute choice.

After all, Thompson not only has a good understanding with Curry, but also has a stable three-point shooting technique.

He took aim at James Harden.

Instead of playing three years on the bench with the Thunder and wasting three years of talent, James Harden should come to the Knicks to follow him.

He also targets several players who have a large championship roster against the Knicks and are currently free agents.

For example, Tyson Chandler, a good hard player, defensive and rebounding skills are very good.

······ Ask for flowers…

One of the future Warriors’ backups, Livingston, has a beautiful mid-range shot and assistant defense, and can be integrated into the run-and-bomb system.

Next year, there will be a “Heat Big Three” in the East, and if the Knicks want to win the championship, they must break through the “Heat Big Three” difficulty.

The Knicks have the “Warriors’ first-round pick” this year, and they can definitely strengthen a wave of rosters.


The Knicks are not short of money.

His contract will take at least three years to make a change.

Although he played at the level of a superstar, the contract could not be changed.

What’s more, he didn’t expect much money from the contract, so he valued Nike’s sneaker contract and the share of “exclusive sneakers”.

The Knicks is a big tax payer, he pays 35% of the tax to the Union, and this tax is the lowest suppression.

Because the league wants to hold him, the tax rate is very low, it can only be said that it is lower than others, just like Kobe, Lebram, at least 40% of the tax!


The higher the salary, the higher the tax rate.

The Knicks’ current salary space is now enough to bring in superstars like “Lebraun” and “Wade”.

As long as he helps the Knicks win the championship and multiplies the market value several times, the Knicks team will cut and strengthen the roster, absolutely according to his choice.

“Harden, interested in playing with the Knicks next year?”

Tang Ziwen dialed Harden’s phone.

He always felt that calling James was like shouting Lebraun, after all, many fans called Lebraun James, even him.

So, when addressing James Harden, simply call Harden directly.

The bearded man was taking a beautiful bath, ready to go to the nightclub in the evening to have a good hi wave, but suddenly received a call from Tang Ziwen.

“Huh? Going to play with the Knicks? ”

Harden is indeed very unhappy with the Thunder, Westbrook does not give him passes, only passes to Durant, and plays a short time, can not play good statistics at all……..

The superstar can continue to stay on the court, and once he feels bad about iron, he can only sit on the bench and stare dryly.

“Invite me to play with the Knicks? Are you sure? Tang Dynasty! ”

On the phone, Harden’s tone was quite excited.

“That’s right, you can take the initiative to apply for the Thunder to trade you to the Knicks, I will do a good job here to welcome you, if they don’t agree to trade you away, then I can’t help it.”

“OK, can you let me play a starter after going to the Knicks?”

Even if he doesn’t play as a starter, Harden is willing to come to the Knicks, after all, following Tang Ziwen can at least blend into the playoffs.

Of course, being a starter is an easy thing to do.

At the beginning, he was very happy, after all, he joined the NBA, fulfilled his childhood dream, and changed from a dick to an NBA player.

He was an ace core player at Arizona State University in the NCAA, and joined the Thunder with the third overall pick, not a second-round draft, but a third-round pick.

However, he did not expect it, but only let him be a water cooler player, who can understand his inner unwillingness and helplessness ah… Scholar._

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – receive

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