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"Oh my God, this is a bit too cruel!"

"Yao just turned his back and knocked Terry away. If I hadn't seen his previous performance, I would have doubted whether he was a professional player."

The commentator stared at the scene in front of him blankly, and then shook his head helplessly.

Before this, they had long been accustomed to Yao Ming's various magical operations and his various ways of scoring goals.

Unexpectedly, in this game against the Hawks, he once again surprised people.

Or rather, this time it was the whole Knicks who surprised people.

They actually began to use some offensive tactics. It seems that their goal has become more long-term!

Head coach Terry Stotts supported his forehead.

At this time, the game is probably no longer limited to the competition on the court. At the same time, it is also a game between him and coach Don Cheney.

Use tactics?

Let's see who is stronger!

Terry Stotts shouted to the players on the court, and then touched his chin.

In the NBA, each team has several fixed tactical options.

In order to be able to convey the tactics used concisely and effectively without being known by the opposing players, the team will mostly use head organs or fingers to represent the tactical options.

At this time, he touched his chin and conveyed the next tactical choice to the players.

The tactic he chose this time is also the outside pick-and-roll tactic that the Hawks use the most this season.

This is similar to the high-post pick-and-roll between Yao Ming and Paul.

However, this time the cooperation is completely based on the outside line.

After all, judging from the situation of this game Look, it is obvious that their outside line is relatively more stable.

Moreover, with Yao Ming and Mutombo stationed together, it is almost impossible for the Knicks to break through.

Therefore, the use of this outside pick-and-roll tactic at this time is the simplest and most convenient.

The candidates for this pick-and-roll are undoubtedly Terry and Jackson.

Both of them have certain shooting abilities, which creates a lot of trouble for the defenders.

Paul and Battier performed particularly hard in the defensive stage, but what is frustrating is that Terry finally found the gap and made another long-distance two-pointer, once again giving the Knicks the most direct response!

"Oh, baby. This is crazy. The Hawks' performance today was really crazy. They were absolutely impeccable. They once again gave the Knicks the strongest response!"

"Yes, it can be seen that the Hawks also chose the pick-and-roll tactic in this offense, and it was a very suitable pick-and-roll for the team's outside line. It seems that this game really lives up to the name of the peak showdown!"

The commentator was completely shocked by the performance of the Hawks. This is really...

It seems that the title of strong team killer is not exaggerated!

The Hawks do have such strength.

In the following period of time, the two sides fell into a tug-of-war again.

You sing and I come on stage, both are extremely outstanding, and both have shown their due abilities!

Under such circumstances, the second quarter of the competition between the two sides slowly came to an end. It was still a balanced game, and it was still hard to tell the difference.

This made the scene more and more fanatical, and the fans were expressing their recognition of this game with their actions.

Unexpectedly, this seemingly suspense-free game could be played so excitingly!

In the third quarter, after a period of transition period of substitutes, both sides replaced their main players.

As the game progressed, Coach Don Cheney frowned more and more.

Unexpectedly, the difficulty of this game was so high.

If this game continues, it is really hard to say who will win in the end.

At this time, Dayao looked at the frustrated Paul, and then slowly said

""Brother, have you noticed that Terry and Jackson's pick-and-roll are not in sync? If you grab it in advance, you can successfully crack it!"

Yao Ming's words made Paul's originally gloomy expression slowly brighten up.

Then, he nodded thoughtfully, recalling Yao Ming's words and Terry and Jackson's pick-and-roll in the first half.

That's right, the degree of tacit understanding is indeed not high!

Paul seemed to have discovered a new continent, and his originally gloomy face suddenly became clear.

The best way to crack the pick-and-roll tactic is definitely to grab it in advance, get ahead of the pick-and-roll player, and face the ball handler!

However, in most cases, the pick-and-roll player will deliberately delay the defender and will not give him the opportunity to grab it easily.

But it seems that Jackson is not very proficient in pick-and-roll.

After all, in most cases, the pick-and-roll tactic still occurs in the cooperation between the inside and outside lines. The purpose of this kind of mutual cooperation between the outside lines can only be used to create shooting space. There will be certain limitations and it will basically not be the team's first choice.

But the situation of the Hawks is special, and the Knicks' inside line is really excellent, so this is more like a tactical choice that is forced.

"I think I know how to defend now!"

Paul rubbed his palms excitedly, his eyes full of anticipation!


Coach Don Cheney took the lead in calling a timeout and replaced the main players.

The Eagles took this opportunity to make a substitution as well. The decisive battle between the two sides officially started! The

Eagles had the right to attack after the timeout.

It was still the familiar routine, Jackson and Terry played pick-and-roll!

This trick has been tried and tested, and there is no reason not to use it.

However, this time, the two's attack failed to go as expected.


When Jackson came forward to screen, Paul took the initiative to attack and took the lead to get between him and Terry.


Terry didn't expect that Paul would successfully squeeze past Jackson, and for a moment he was a little slow to react.

Paul, who was concentrating on the ball, stole the ball.


This steal shocked everyone at the scene. They had never expected that Paul would come up with a solution so quickly.


After Paul stole the ball, he immediately passed it to Yao Ming who was about to leave.

Yao Ming had already thought about this wave of steals. When Paul successfully broke the pick-and-roll between the two, Yao Ming had already started to rush to the front court.

Facts have proved that his judgment is still as good as ever!


Unguarded one-arm slam dunk, Yao Ming seems to have unlocked another identity - tactical master!

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