Nike failed to communicate again, secretly found the media to disclose the details of the negotiation, and then found a network of trolls to lead the rhythm.

Mizuno was defeated by Wang Ba, and actually came out to criticize Wang Ba personally.

"A small second-round pick, who played 20 efficient games, doesn't know how high the sky is and how deep the earth is. It's ridiculous to offer a sky-high endorsement fee of 20 million US dollars!"

"With no championship, no solid honors, you still want an independent brand and independent operation. Do you think you are Jordan?"

"The Chinese just don't know how high the sky is and how deep the earth is!"

Sony followed closely:

"It's really ridiculous. Fortunately, we rejected his lion's mouth. Otherwise, signing such a person would be a disgrace to us."

Mizuno has limited voice in the North American market. Their public attack on Wang Ba is at most lip service. Sony owns 6 major film studios in the United States.

Their influence is very large. The media rushed to report, and the network trolls were dispatched, and public opinion was quickly formed.

American law strictly prohibits racial discrimination, but their racial discrimination is very serious, and there is such a group of extreme fans in the league.

Discrimination against blacks, especially Orientals, they immediately jumped out to fire:

"The rookie offered 20 million US dollars for endorsement, which is more powerful than LeBron!"

"What does Wang Ba's special clause mean? Can the treaty be terminated unconditionally if it causes bad influence by defaming and destroying national unity? Taking American money, you want to destroy American jobs?"

"Laoke and LeBron don't have independent brands, what right do you have?"

"An ungrateful bastard!"

There are extreme fans, and naturally there are rational fans. They understand and support Wang Ba's behavior:

"Sports have no borders, but athletes do. If a player does not even protect his motherland, he is not worthy of fans' love."

"The special clause proves Wang Ba's character. Nike is unwilling to sign. Is it really discriminatory? Otherwise, why don't they dare to sign?"

"Independently operated brands can accurately position themselves and provide precise services to fans. They will not be coerced by capital. I support it."

Bill Duffy received the news and contacted Wang Ba as soon as possible. Wang Lin was very decisive. He used his connections and spent money on public relations, and public opinion was not one-sided.

Before the negotiations completely broke down, Nike did not intend to escalate the situation. They did not expect the fate of Mizuno and Sony.

Now that public opinion is balanced, they have not made any more efforts.

The situation abroad is under control, but the domestic haters are out, mocking them online.

"It's embarrassing, and you still want 20 million US dollars!"

"Establish an independent brand? Who gave you the courage, Fish Leong?"

"You have bad character and are still greedy, you are really rubbish!"

"Ordinary players, ordinary midfielders, please put yourself in the right position."

Keyboard warriors don't care about their positions, the truth of the matter, or logic. They just want to criticize!

Wang Ba's fans are not tolerant.

"The average middle-class player of the month is unique in NBA history."

"The average middle-class player scored 70+ and 3 doubles."

"The average middle-class player scored 60+ twice in a single season!"

"The average middle-class player scored 10+ steals, 10 blocks, and various triple-doubles in a single game."

The fans were noisy, and Wang Ba couldn't stop laughing.

The more they hyped him, the higher his reputation would be. He saved up some reputation and went shopping.


Wang Lin visited Under Armour headquarters again.

The details of Wang Ba's negotiation with Nike were revealed online. It's obvious that it was Nike who did it. The purpose was to put pressure on him or destroy him.

If it was just a business, Wang Lin would choose to cooperate with Nike, but when it came to his son's future, he would never cooperate with such a domineering and insidious company as Nike.

Adidas could only offer limited conditions. Under Armour was interested in cooperation, but he was hesitant. He wanted to give Under Armour a reassurance.

One hour later, Under Armour President Pugliese convened an interim board meeting and got straight to the point: "We must cooperate with Huili." Someone immediately stood up to object: "We will jointly invest to establish an independent brand. We will provide the technology, but the management rights will belong to others. The risk is too great!" "I object too! Nike's market share in China has been declining year after year. Whether we can eat up the Chinese market is an unknown!" Pugliese raised his hand to interrupt them: "Let me say a few words first." "The company signed Curry and developed rapidly. Now it has reached a development bottleneck and lost its growth potential." "The European and American markets are controlled by Nike and Adidas. It is difficult to achieve results in the short term. The Chinese market is our way out. Wang Ba is undoubtedly the most suitable candidate." "Many people are worried that they will not get the due return after paying so much." "In the early stages of a company's development, it is necessary to take risks. Moreover, Wang Ba's commercial value can be seen from Nike's offer and attitude., very big!"

"I just got the data from the league, Wang Ba's total jersey sales in Europe and the United States have already rushed into the top 10, and are still growing. The statistics of the Chinese market have not been completed yet, and the conservative estimate is 10."


"Hui Li agreed that the new brand Under Armour will account for 40%, Hui Li 40%, and Wang Ba himself 20%,"

"Wang Group will assist Under Armour in opening 130 stores in China within half a year, and the new brand will also be sold in Under Armour stores in the first year."

A director raised the question again:

"The new brand is independently operated, how can we guarantee our own interests?"

"Hui Li agreed to a bet. If it fails to meet expectations within 2 years, the operating rights will be handed over to Under Armour, or they can redeem all of Under Armour's previous investments at a premium of 15%. "

The directors looked at each other, as if there was no reason to refuse.

If you still don't dare to give it a try, you might as well go home and sell sweet potatoes.

The establishment of the new brand has been preliminarily confirmed, but in order to avoid unnecessary trouble, it will be kept secret for the time being. The follow-up will be handed over to Wang Lin and Bill Duffy.

It's just that Lin Meilan has been a little strange recently. She always makes a lot of delicious food every day, and Wang Ba can't finish it at all.

There was a table full of dishes before going out in the morning, but they were all gone when I came back in the evening. Even a pig can't eat so much, right?

Wang Ba asked several times, but Lin Meilan ignored him, so he didn't bother himself anymore and began to train and prepare for the game with peace of mind.

The Lakers away 5 The main problem of losing streak is defense. Their offense is still fine. They have Baby Don and Booker.

Back at home, the first game is against the Suns, which is a revenge game.

The losing streak on the road started with the loss to the Suns. Walton said that they can only win and not lose.

The Suns are the bottom team in the West, but it does not mean that the Lakers can do whatever they want.

The reason for being at the bottom is that their defense is very poor. The offensive firepower of the Suns is quite fierce. If they play well, they can't be stopped at all.

Walton organized the players to watch the game videos for two consecutive days and arranged targeted tactics, hoping to learn from the lessons of failure.

It's just that the 5 consecutive losses have caused problems with the players' confidence. Many people are obviously not in good shape.

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