There was no mention of the battle between Messina and Spoelstra!

Therefore, after serving the wine, he directly dragged Li Shishi to the small dark room next door. While his mind was still full of the feeling of winning the championship, he quickly recorded the end of the documentary:

"Let me summarize the real reasons why we won this round of the finals and the Heat lost, and also put an end to our season."

"Let's do something truly professional, otherwise the fans will think that we won the championship because of the internal strife on the other side."

"Hahaha, good!" Li Shishi's smiling voice was very healing, and she gracefully signaled Jiang Hao to start.

Chapter 222: Practical information, Zhang Yiyuan and Miyagawa Maya join the private party

Chapter 222 221: Practical information, Zhang Yiyuan and Miyagawa Maya join the private party to celebrate

"Let me tell you some practical information. Apart from the bonus of all the players' names, I think the reason why we won is because the outside players played too well, better than all the opponents we met."

Jiang Hao meant to cover up the ID effect, just like League of Legends only looks at the hero's name. This time the playoffs were cleared because of the outside players.

In the series, the three young players in the Western Conference Finals and the Heat's Big Three played mainly by attacking the basket, supplemented by mid-range shots.

In fact, the Spurs are the same. In recent years, the strong teams have played with the inside first.

So when the defensive formation shrinks, the space under the basket is bound to be crowded, so the performance of the outside players becomes the key to victory.

"The difference in three-point shooting percentage between the Spurs and the Thunder is 21%

The difference in three-point shooting percentage between the Spurs and the Heat is 12%"

Jiang Hao's words are self-evident. The Spurs' outside line is very good, and he is not the only one who is good. Everyone is silently contributing.

"Although everyone praised me after winning the championship, after watching this series, you will know that in addition to me and GDP, the performance of some role players is also crucial, led by Danny Green and Leonard!"

"On the defensive end, I encountered foul crises in several games, but they were able to limit James on my behalf, leaving me with physical strength on the offensive end, which led to the decisive victory and the ease of this game."

"Our 3D shooter Danny Green made an average of three three-pointers per game with a 57% hit rate in the series!!"

Jiang Hao's documentary interview this time is to let the world see these people who silently contribute.

Huang Ama is far from as fun as Hupu fans say, because he is very low-key, and Jiang Hao only remembered to praise him now.

"If you say he is the emperor's father, he is also a foster father, haha."

Li Shishi smiled and said, "If you didn't tell us, we wouldn't know how good he is."

Jiang Hao clearly remembered that in the four series between the Cavaliers and the Warriors, Klay Thompson, the second-best three-point shooter in history, only averaged more than 3 three-pointers per game in one series, not to mention a 57.7% three-point shooting percentage.

"Danny Green averaged 6.2 shots per game and scored 11.6 points. Harden in the Western Conference Finals averaged 9.6 shots per game and scored only 12.4 points. Danny Green's firepower is almost the same as Harden's, and the court space he contributed is even greater than Harden's. What is top 3D? This is top 3D!"

"The Green fairy tale was staged in the Western Conference Finals and the Finals, which made me feel much more relaxed."

"Leonard and Jackson's fierce defense, Dio can defend the perimeter even though he is so fat."

"And Mills, Neil, and Manu's close defense after the opponent's full guard lineup!"

"Rome was not built in a day, and the team did not win the championship by one person, let alone the opponent."

This sentence explains a lot of things, and Li Shishi nodded heavily.

After Jiang Hao's sober words after drinking a lot of champagne, the fans will definitely have a clearer understanding of the Spurs' bravery in winning this championship, the whole people's soldiers and team basketball in this championship! !

And as he spoke, Jiang Hao actually thought of the Heat who won the championship this season in the future.

The reason for their victory is similar to that of the Spurs. The role players are superb, and James is not as fierce as me.

In the defensive end of the Western Conference Finals in the previous life, Durant personally guarded James, Wade and others in the first few games, but Durant also fell into foul crisis in several games. Battier was able to replace James to limit Durant, saving a lot of energy for James and Wade to stay on the offensive end.

In the first two games, Battier and Miller always hit multiple three-pointers in the first two quarters, helping the Heat to establish the score advantage early, and then forcing the Thunder to expand the defense zone outward, so that James, Wade and others can get more breakthrough space.

The Spurs also encountered the same troubles as the Thunder in the previous life.

Therefore, Jiang Hao also praised Bo Bo's use of people, the Heat's role players, and the wonderful performances of these veterans:

"They really want to win, they are playing hard, I can clearly feel it on the court."

Now Jiang Hao, as a fan of the Thunder in the previous life, understands why the Thunder was beaten by the Heat in the previous life.

It is because the Thunder do not have such a thick outside line configuration as the Spurs.

If there were more Mills, the Thunder would not be 4-1.

The fundamental reason why the Thunder players are so chaotic is that there is no outside shot. Only Durant and Old Fish have the threat of outside shooting. Others such as Sefolosha and Westbrook cannot shoot even if they get an open opportunity. Once Durant falls into a foul crisis, the Heat will shrink the defense line collectively with five players. Harden and Westbrook are mainly breakthroughs, and Ibaka and Perkins are the ones who eat the cake under the basket. The Thunder have almost no way to deal with the Heat's iron bucket formation.

You can only want to beat the old master with random punches, or count on Westbrook to make zombie jumpers one after another.

So there is still a chance to beat the Spurs with this kind of random punching, but there is really no chance against the Heat.

Because people are young and strong young masters!

Not only Battier, but other Heat role players also had excellent three-point performances in previous finals. Miller's three-point shooting rate in the series was as high as 63.6%, and he shot 7 of 8 in Game 5. Super performance.

If Battier, Chalmers, Miller and the Thunder's Sefolosha, Laoyu and others change, the Thunder will probably win.

Although the score was 4-1, many games were very tense. The big three and the three young players took turns playing singles, each with its own merits. The high three-point shooting rate of Battier, Miller and others in the series was the key to opening the score.

And why would the Spurs' game against the Heat be so overwhelming if the referee factor was removed? ?

In addition to Jiang Hao's TO-level offensive ability, the team fighting ability and stability of the Spurs role players are worthy of praise.

"Okay, it's over. Do you want to go to the celebration banquet hosted by our boss?"

After finishing the documentary interview, Jiang Hao smiled handsomely at the camera and then politely invited Master Li to teach.

Master Li: "I won't go."

Then he blinked at Jiang Hao.

Jiang Haobi gave her an OK gesture and winked at her, then went downstairs to take the bus and rush to the big villa dinner party ordered by the boss with his teammates who had just finished the champagne party in the locker room. Refusing drunk driving started with the Spurs!

What Li Shishi just meant was that she would attend Jiang Hao's second celebration banquet.

In fact, it was Jiang Hao's personal happy party in his own villa.

Because during the day today, Jiang Hao’s “women”: Ma Fanshu and the others had already bought a bunch of food, flowers, and various drinks and filled Jiang Hao’s villa guest restaurant just to celebrate tonight’s victory. .

They don't buy that kind of champagne. They buy colorful wines from supermarkets, mainly because they look good.

Therefore, Li Shishi, Ma Fanshu, and Liu Yuxi, no matter how tired they are after the work is completed, will finally go to Jiang Hao's villa for a final gathering, give Jiang Hao a private celebration, and then rest directly at Jiang Hao's residence.

And tonight, they also invited their good sisters Zhang Yiyuan from South Korea's SBS TV station and Neon reporter Maya Miyagawa to celebrate Jiang Hao. By the way, it was also a gathering of the little sisters who were traveling together.

Mainly because Ma Fanshu and others already understand Jiang Hao's hobbies.

Gender male, good woman.

Then, after making sure that these two colleagues were serious, nice people, and liked Jiang Hao very much, they directly pulled them on board to finish the job. They wanted to see Jiang Hao calling them queen, instead of Jiang Hao asking such a proud Yang every time. Mom, the dignified hostesses call the host.

Jiang Hao naturally agreed, and also knew that there would be this second celebration, so he saved his stomach for the dinner hosted by the boss that night, specializing in oysters, beef whip, roasted lamb kidneys and the like.

Not just him, other players are also eating these tacitly.

Only Duncan, wearing cotton clothes and holding the championship trophy, stayed alone in the corridor with his eyes almost closed.

"Duncan, why are you still sleeping with the trophy in your arms?" (Illustration)

"Send brother to rest!"

"Tim, hey, hey, the trophy is not yours alone, let go of the trophy!"

"Okay, I'll give it to you!" Parker, who didn't open the trophy, cursed and threw Duncan into the room and ignored him.

Duncan, on the other hand, held the trophy and smiled sweetly.

For Tim, winning a championship near the end of his career is as wonderful as having a son as an old man~


After finishing the dinner hosted by his boss, Jiang Hao took a special car to go home. He already smelled of alcohol and barbecue. There was nothing to do in the boss's villa, just eat, drink and have fun. Naturally, Peart also invited a local girl to accompany him, but this guy Still stingy, no third-tier artists were willing to invite, and it was still the vulgar fans in the bar, so almost all the players left the private show prepared for them in the villa room in the second half.

After all, they are all millionaires, and it is much more comfortable to go out by themselves than to be entertained by the boss.

What is left are more staff who have been busy all season. How can they enjoy this? Winning the championship is so happy!

"We will definitely win the championship next year!"

"It's necessary!! I still want to come to this villa!"

When Jiang Hao returned to the villa, he opened the door and saw Zhang Yiyuan, who was wearing a pink long sleeves and a waist-hugging plaid skirt. (Illustration)

And Maya Miyagawa, wearing a white sweatshirt and gray shark pants, is putting candles on the cake in the restaurant. (illustration)

I don’t know if it was because of seeing their sweet smiles or because they bowed slightly to reveal their S-shaped bodies. Jiang Hao, who had obviously played a game and held a press conference, and had eaten and drank enough, and was already sleepy, suddenly became excited. got up.

Naturally, at the beginning, we sat on the sofa and chatted for a while.

Zhang Yiyuan and Zhang Yiyuan, who came to Jiang Hao's villa for the first time, were finally able to be honest with Jiang Hao and talked about many things that they could not ask or say during press conferences and on-site interviews.

For example, they were entangled with Jiang Hao's entry into the national team. When Ma Fanshu asked that question, they wanted to say directly: "You are tired from playing in the NBA. Just take a rest during the off-season."

"Hahahaha, I won't let you come to my house anymore."

"Ah, Aniyou, that's not allowed!" Zhang Yiyuan said coquettishly with a wink at the side.

Zhang Yiyuan and Miyagawa Maya are definitely the most conflicted among the reporters, because they are the few Asian reporters who are not from China. They don’t want Jiang Hao to play in the national team. Then what is their country going to do in Asia? ? Just give up!!

The main reason is that they have Sinophobia because of what they have seen and heard.

Their domestic basketball league has asked them many times how Jiang Hao practices basketball and why he is so strong, so strong that they don’t even think about defeating him.

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