"Gou Zhan fans, open your dog eyes!"

Maybe they can't control it in the United States, and it's hard to make waves on Twitter, but in China, they must establish correct concepts.

And Li Ning’s marketing operations are also helping.

Although Wade is a bit pretentious, he is definitely not a fool, okay?

Why is it said to be worthless? ? ?

There is a saying abroad, if it ain't broke, don't fix it, the literal translation is "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" and the free translation is "don't make it self-defeating", which is perfect to explain James' "8 points of military power" .

If the Heat won the championship last season and Wade won the FMVP, clarifying the position of the team leader, then the team system in the following years would continue the configuration of the championship season, with Wade as the leader and James as the second.

But this is definitely not the situation that King James, the league, and Nike want to see, so the best way is to break down the car, then replace the engine and hit the road again. Therefore, following the decision in 2010, which was the biggest black point in James' career, In less than a year, the second black spot broke out again, "The finals were super weird and lost, and 8 minutes of military power was played as Wade."

It depends on the understanding of the fans on both sides whether this is due to a mental collapse or deliberate mischief. As for the Mavericks being too strong, James and Wade deliberately coughed and laughed at Nowitzki. This does not show that they attach any importance to their powerful opponents. .

Any team that wins the championship, or a team that is aspiring to win the championship, will try to sign a contract with the core main framework for a similar number of years within a championship cycle to ensure the stability of the team's lineup.

The most important job of the championship team in the summer when they won the championship was to tighten their own fence, keep an eye on the players in the main rotation lineup, and try not to be poached by other championship opponents. A team that has experienced the playoffs many times The strong players who went on a purgatory journey to the finals and won the championship are valuable assets for some new playoff teams.

The 2011 championship team, the Mavericks, is an anomaly. Fans have always criticized Cuban for dismantling the team after winning the championship. However, the Mavericks winning the championship was originally a gift from the "King". The aging of their own lineup, Chandler, and Barea left the team for long-term lucrative contracts. Forced Cuban to find a way to clear salary space to introduce Howard and Deron Williams.

As a result, only Vince Carter, Delonte West and Odom were introduced.

"The whole world will remember our two consecutive defeats, and I bear the main responsibility as the head coach."

This is why Spoelstra apologized in front of reporters and fans from all over the world at the press conference just now.

It’s so strong!

Why James' defeat in 2011 is always talked about is because James, Wade, and Bosh were all 25 or 26 years old and in their prime. LeBron James' trip to the Eastern Conference playoffs before reaching the Eastern Conference Finals 9 times Only Rose in 2010-2011 was selected to the league's best first team, and the Heat added one of the few best team players in the East. They will have a ten-year championship period in the future, and at least two winning windows. .

You must know that when the Big Three of the Heat disbanded, they were not as old as the Big Three of the Green Army when they reunited!

This is why everyone felt that the Green Kai rabbit's tail would not grow long at that time, and they were so opposed to James defecting to Wade and Bosh. They were too young and could rule for too long, and the Miami Heat team was almost perfect. Big City: The fourth largest metropolitan area in the United States and one of the seven international first-tier cities in the United States.

Big Ball Market: The top three teams that are unique in the NBA are among the top three in the league in terms of attendance.

Boss: It is quite generous. From 2011 to 2014, it ranked among the top three in luxury tax every year.

General Manager: "Magic Calculator" Pat Riley, at least from 2010 to 2014, was one of the best general managers in the NBA.

Head coach: Spoelstra, one of the top 15 NBA head coaches in 1975, just like when Jordan met Zen Master, Duncan met Popovich, and Curry met Cole, they were all rookie elite coaches working together with superstars. This is a "super team" with impeccable hardware and software, which makes everyone lament how they can survive this long night. James, who has always been concerned about his image, can't help but arrogantly say "not 1 not 2 not 7"

And now,

1 is so difficult! ! !

What's going on? ?

This year is definitely not the 8th division of military power!

When reporters asked him to comment on James, Jiang Hao responded directly:

"I personally think it's better than last year. It seems like I'm going to be the boss."

LeBron's statistics in this finals are excellent, but his performance is poor. The offensive efficiency is only 102, while the defensive efficiency is 110. In other words, James' net efficiency on the court is -8, which is in line with people's impression of Ajan's glorious image of offense and defense. Quite different, the offense and defense are not online at all, and there are 4 turnovers in each game. This is still at the data level.

Last year was even worse. If fans watched the live broadcast of the game against the really old Mavericks last year, you would feel that James played very poorly, was not confident offensively, was afraid of confrontation, hesitated to handle the ball, and had slow defensive responses.

It's hard to imagine that this is James who came down from heaven in the first few rounds of the playoffs, and it's also hard to believe that this is James who is known for his stable performance, so everyone has to start thinking about the rumors in the world that "James doesn't want him to not be the FMVP champion." .

Through his poor performance, he lost the Heat's first championship and Wade's FMVP, because he wanted to force the team to clearly establish his position as the team leader and tactical core, instead of always having two cores in parallel like in the 2010-2011 season. When the advantage in the finals was obvious, he had to give way to Wade to win the FMVP.

"What about this year?"

"Wade is indeed not as strong as last year this year, and you didn't win the championship!"

"I understand, this year Wade gave up his power with 16 points?? Haha"

After the old fans explained, the passers-by fans or the fans who just watched the NBA this year also saw the ugly face of James, and no longer believed the nonsense that James said that he tried his best and his teammates were not strong.

"This guy is essentially a businessman. Not to mention Jordan, he is far worse than Kobe."

"He is far worse than Arenas."

"Hahaha, General: Meow meow meow?"

"He is not strong even if he gets the absolute leadership, and the real strong will not complain about the environment."

"Jiang Hao is great. If it weren't for Jiang Hao, everyone would have forgotten last year."

"James was like this last year, and he is like this again this year. It's disgusting!"

"No wonder the Heat felt disintegrated and inconsistent in the end. How can the boss win with so many thoughts!"

Jiang Hao also sneered at James.

You know, in the future, when he got the absolute leadership and led the Heat to win two championships, he returned to the Cavaliers directly after losing the 14th finals and Wade and Bosh were injured and their status declined. That's another story.

I have to say that the interview after winning the championship was really long.

Manu was responding to the Spurs playing music that humiliated the Heat during the halftime break, but this question should actually be asked to Jiang Hao.

Because it's a Chinese song.

"Just now, the league announced a $25,000 fine for the Spurs' home court."

Jiang Hao interrupted:

"What's the reason?"


"The reason is that the Spurs' home court played music that insulted the opponent's star."

A reporter said that the Spurs' practice was still effective after being reported by Heat fans.

After hearing this, Jiang Hao laughed directly, cool.

This is the coolest.

Originally, it was not worthwhile to buy a taunt for $25,000, or a taunt that LeBron couldn't understand, but only when the fine was added with such a reason, the taunt was truly successful, because then LeBron must know about it.

At this moment, it has become art!

The Spurs are worthy of being performance artists! David Stern is here to cooperate?

The fine was so fast, and the signing process was completed in 1 hour?

James, who was just about to board the plane to go directly to Hawaii for vacation, was furious. He had arranged the reasons for his failure.

The Spurs' press conference was completely ruined.

And they played music to mock themselves in the middle of the game?

"Rich Paul, show me the lyrics of this song later. How dare they play music to mock me!"

Rich Paul looked at the English translation of "Son, son, I am your father" and fell into deep thought.

The Spurs press conference ended. There were a lot of questions at the end, but time was limited, and Jiang Hao and Manu also said that they would speak at the championship parade, signaling reporters not to rush.

Jiang Hao also personally gave each reporter who had been waiting until now a bottle of Harbin Beer: "This is our beer brewed in China, everyone try it."

Then the reporters around him turned into complainers, toasting and chatting:

"Do you think LeBron is decent? He didn't even shake hands!"

"No, can this be called a single defense against the opponent's superstar? Whoever he defends will play a superstar performance!!"

There were also reporters from various countries who showed Jiang Hao the comments from their own forums.

"JIANG, take a look!"

"James, damn it!" Heat fans were all smeared with honey after hearing the post-match press conference report.

"Wade is qualified to say that!"

"This guy has been in the Heat for two years and has made the Heat a mess."

"Miami does not welcome LeBron James!"

"Buy out LeBron James!"

"The Heat were the champions before you came. We don't need you. Go back to Cleveland!"

"Cleveland: I don't want you either. We have Irving!"

"Go away, gorilla. Stop pretending to be King Kong."

"In front of him, Jiang Hao is King Ghidorah! Invincible!"

"Ghidorah is a villain. Super Godzilla!"

Musk: "Everyone likes Godzilla, right? I made a car called Tesla two years ago. You can take a look."

Jiang Hao did not say anything after seeing these comments. Of course, he knew what the reporters meant by doing this.

Don't they just want me to torture LeBron?

They toasted and pretended to discuss James loudly. They wanted to bring Jiang Hao into the pit. Every word of the number one James hater offline is traffic.

But in fact, after defeating the Heat, Jiang Hao felt that it was meaningless to talk about James anymore.

It's better to talk about the whole series, the whole season of the Spurs.

Because the finals is just a microcosm of the Spurs' entire season. We can't forget the Spurs' previous opponents and how the Spurs won the finals step by step just because the opponents in the finals have a lot of traffic.

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