1: Carlisle's defensive system has something.

2: The Big Three haven’t gotten along well yet, playing too many isolation games, and James is not the James who has improved his shooting yet. But looking at James’ training yesterday, it seems that his shooting should be transformed this season, so there is a transformed James in his previous life. Successfully won two consecutive championships.

Then Jiang Hao personally feels that Barea is better defensively than Kidd. His physical fitness, skills, awareness and experience all make him an excellent defensive player.

If you look closely at Barea, you can see that he has a strong body and excellent strength, which allows him to better withstand the opponent's offense when facing James. He can give James enough resistance during post-up situations and reduce the opponent's scoring opportunities.

No matter who the opponent is in the Big Three, as long as Barea can stay focused and work hard, he can play an excellent defensive performance.

And because he can hear the sound, Jiang Hao feels that psychological quality is also Barea's advantage. Facing top stars like James, Barea needs to remain confident and focused.

He needs to trust his defensive abilities and not be intimidated by James' reputation and ability.

Barea showed strong psychological quality in his confrontation with James. He was able to stay calm and make correct defensive decisions.

You must know that this year's rookie Kawhi took three years of training to be able to do this without fearing James.

"Learn slowly, at least now I'm not afraid."

After a brief analysis, Jiang Hao took a ball from the sidelines, turned on the lights in half of the court and practiced shooting.

He didn't even take a shot in the whole day of training yesterday, so he took advantage of the fact that no one was around to take a few shots and feel great.

Jiang Hao looked at the computer screen in a daze that night. If he hadn't been wearing a crimson Heat training uniform, he would have thought that he and the guys in white jerseys that kept appearing on the computer were teammates.

It was as if he was learning the defense of his teammates Kidd and Barea to inherit the Mavericks' defense.

It's much better to think about it from another angle.

Lao Zhan is just an offensive partner to train my Mavericks players’ defensive abilities!

Thinking of this, after Jiang Hao scored 30 three-pointers in a row, he imitated Kidd and Barea's defensive moves in his mind and started doing it on the spot.

I have to say that the 19-year-old is in excellent physical condition. After staying up all night, his brain memory is still clear. Now he is thinking about how to guard against James during today's sparring session.

He has to grasp the speed carefully. At the beginning, he cannot make small moves like Kidd and Barea did in the video. He must first defend normally and cleanly, and then attack harshly. Otherwise, what will he do if James stops playing with him?

LeBron James will be his defensive partner from now on! !

Please accompany me to level up this season!

At 8:30 a.m., the team's training camp began as usual on the second day.

No one noticed, or it can be said that no one paid attention to what time Jiang Hao worked overtime. The Heat only paid attention to whether everyone's training was up to standard.

Sure enough, Jiang Hao still had no opportunity for training matches or fitness time, so he still asked him to watch the video. Little did he know that he had already watched it once, and today was the "refinement" stage.

He slowly watched the video while formulating a defensive plan on how to defend the Big Three in the past few days.

However, James "returned to normal" in the next few days, practicing his offensive skills normally, and most of them used back-up jumpers. Sometimes he would practice back-up fade-away jumpers for half an hour, regardless of his shooting percentage.

This makes it very difficult for Jiang Hao. Is this the adjustment ability of a "super giant"? He can adjust to that perfect training expert, a little emperor who has no emotional fluctuations at all except for playing official games.

It was impossible to tell what he was thinking, and his attitude towards himself became what everyone imagined James should have towards rookies: using the attitude of a senior to communicate with the team's minor players in a normal and emotionless manner.

During the sparring session, I followed Zhu Wan's instructions exactly and left when the time came.

In training and daily life, he is an impeccable ideal basketball superstar in the eyes of fans.

Not once did he break his guard like he did on the first day, nor did he deliberately do any tricks.

And it seems that he has been training in the past few days.

Jiang Hao really only has the function of simulating his opponent.

He appears to be a Heat player, but is actually a Mavericks player.

"It's so special that I trained him to shoot."

Jiang Hao was shocked by such a commercialized Emperor Zhan. He really didn't reveal his true nature at all. He was so strong!

Free training day a week later

Jiang Hao and Bo Yang, two rookies in the same class, made a simple appointment for a meal at a fast food restaurant and complained to each other about their unhappiness this week.

"I am the opponent who can never become a teammate. Isn't it miserable?"

"JIANG, it's good for you. You can spar with James. I have been sparring with Mario and James Jones. Especially this Mario has a very bad temper. I don't dare to score consecutive goals in front of him."

"Let me correct you, you are the sparring partner and I am the sparring partner, okay?"

"Well, it seems like you're still more miserable."

"Yes, I heard in your practice that there are many people who catch the ball and shoot three-pointers directly. There is a chance to play."

Jiang Hao analyzed Boyang, his little psychological brother.

Again, the Heat's current lineup doesn't need perimeter players who can defend at all.

He needs a 3-point anti-aircraft gun like Bo Yang, because Bo Yang's 3-point data during the trial training was so good, and he also has the ability to combine the ball and hold the ball for three-pointers, so he directly got a 4-year rookie contract.

Boyang comforted Jiang Hao and said:

"Harm, think on the bright side, you are very happy to play against players like James and Wade every day, okay?

If you can really defend LeBron James, every team needs you! As long as he doesn't retire, you won't have to worry about your job. "

"Haha, then you have to secretly record it for me, and I may find a job with this video in a year. "

"Hahaha, hit me, I wish you can defend LeBron to death soon! "

"Okay, defend him to death and increase your playing time. "

The two young men boasted and drank the orange juice in the cup.

Why did Bojan know that Jiang Hao was even more marginal than himself in the Heat, and he never wished Jiang Hao to get a chance to play in the preseason and regular season during the meal?

Because everyone found out on the first day, and found out during the game.

Generally, teams either select rookies to play directly or train them with the team. The home team sends someone to train and polish them. After the rookies are polished from a rough piece to a fine product, they can try to play.

But Jiang Hao obviously did not follow this process.

What was Jiang Hao doing when the rookies were training these two days? ? ? ?

Watching videos in the video room?

Is this a job that a player has to do during working hours? ? ?

Forget it.

The most outrageous thing is that

Any NBA player, even if he started out as a pure defender, As a defensive vanguard, there must be free throw training, shooting training, confrontation and breakthrough training and other offensive training every day.

The Heat did not arrange these trainings for Jiang Hao.

Except for his own free training time when he could touch the ball and layup, he spent the rest of his time accompanying the prince to study.

If it weren't for Jiang Hao's cheerful personality, Bojan would have wanted to cry, and he felt sorry for his brother. This was too pitiful.

In comparison, although he didn't have the opportunity to play in the training game, he participated in the team's offensive training, 4V4 full-court running training, and practiced tactics with the main players.

Bojan became more and more angry. As an international player, he didn't expect the NBA to be so pitiful. It was completely different from his ideal. He cursed directly:

"The Miami Heat is a machine without emotions, a demon that destroys the confidence of newcomers!!!!"

Jiang Hao, who seemed to have shed all his anger this week, smiled and patted Bojan's shoulder:

"Why are you so excited? Don't be sad for me. Just watch. As long as I step into the regular season, I can make the Heat regret it and shock the whole league! !"

"Dude, are you crazy? ? ? Do you want me to call an ambulance?"

"No, don't worry."

Because, just now, the system seemed to be unable to bear it and gave him a major reward!

With this reward, Jiang Hao is even more confident!

A golden scale is not a pond thing, it will turn into a dragon when it encounters wind and clouds! ! ! !

Please read it. Two chapters will be updated tomorrow morning. Everyone must remember to read it tomorrow. The new book recommendation depends on tomorrow. Thank you all! ! ! ! ! !

Chapter 43: James plus, use your tricks to beat you!!!

Chapter 43 43: James plus, use your tricks to beat you!!!

Just now, when Jiang Hao and the others were talking about why they only gave Jiang Hao a one-year contract, they came to a conclusion: Maybe it was signed for revenge against the Mavericks this season.

And Bojan was really sincere, saying that he heard Juwan Howard say to Bosh during training:

"Think of JIANG as Kidd and Barea, and feel his intensity more. That's about it. ”

As a result, Bosh said that Jiang Hao’s defensive strength was stronger than that of another rookie, which made Bojan Bogdanovic very angry.

So he always suggested that Jiang Hao should take the initiative and apply to the coaching staff to play in training games or something. He knew that Jiang Hao’s ability was more than that.

“Serve as a pure defensive sparring partner, I know, no wonder they signed me for one year, I’m fine, they didn’t want to train me at all!”

Without Bojan saying it, Jiang Hao realized that the Heat needed a player like him who had the same physical fitness as the Mavericks’ international players to be a meat shield, just like Battelle was signed by the Spurs as O’Neal.

But the Spurs coaching staff directly told Battelle that you are “O’Neal”, just to be a meat shield for Duncan in the training game, and finally terminated the contract normally after successfully defeating the Lakers, and everything was made clear.

But the Heat coach likes PUA, and told Jiang Hao to train according to 3D early, and then never spoke to me again.

It made me happy for a while at the beginning.

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