But after hearing the commentator talk about Kidd's contribution, he changed his mind:

To do a good job in team defense, defending the opponent's superstar is the top priority.

These two guys are really important! !

Defense wins the championship!

Last season, Kidd defended the superstar from the first round of the Yellow Mamba Roy to the real Mamba Kobe in the semifinals and then to Durant in the Western Conference Finals!

The 38-year-old Kidd was the main defender of Kobe. Except for the first game, Kobe scored a normal score of 36 points. In the other three games, the Black Mamba only scored 23 points, 17 points, and 17 points to help the Mavericks sweep the Lakers.

From Kobe's free throws in the four games, we can also see how good Kidd's defense is. In the first game, he made 4 of 5 free throws, in the second game, he made 4 of 5 free throws, in the third game, he made 1 of 1 free throws, and in the fourth game, he made 3 of 4 free throws.

No one believes that Kobe, who scored 81 points in a single game and had an average of more than 8 free throws per game, did not have more than 5 free throws in 4 games.

When facing the youngest scoring leader in history, Durant, the 1.93-meter-tall Kidd chose to stick to him and not let him jump, resulting in Durant's shooting percentage of only 43% in the series and a three-point shooting percentage of only 23%.

You can imagine how good Kidd's defense is! !

So it seems reasonable that he defended James to 8 points in a single game in the finals! !

"Okay, from now on, I will change my mindset and think of myself as a Mavericks rookie, so I won't feel awkward."

"Or you can think of it this way: LeBron James is my defensive sparring partner."

Chapter 41: A Mountain in Puerto Rico

Chapter 41: A Mountain in Puerto Rico

Because the 38-year-old Kidd was so dazzling last season, Jiang Hao watched his slow-motion video very carefully.

Kidd is not actually the main defender of James, but mainly Marion, but Spo used Mario to screen and roll for James many times last season, resulting in Kidd switching to defend Mousse many times.

In addition, Kidd's defensive strategy for James is to defend him alone without any double-teaming, so it is easier for fans to remember visually.

Kidd adopted a strategy of letting James shoot but not break through, using his experience to limit James' breakthrough route, forcing James to do what he is least good at now: reluctantly shooting.

Jiang Hao, who traveled through time, also knows something. In the 2010-11 season, James's ability to back up and fade away jump shot was limited, and what he liked to do most was to abuse the basket quickly, just like playing him today. If he could play a bulldozer one-on-one, he would never shoot.

The defensive old demons led by Kidd did not give him many such opportunities in the finals, blocking his offensive route, creating offensive fouls or cutting off his fast-down route.

Jiang Hao later saw this scene on the Heat. In the 23rd season, the Heat led by Butler also defended against Antetokounmpo in this way, and the effect was really good. Spoelstra learned from Kidd.

Since he was the only one in the video room, Jiang Hao stood up and learned Kidd's defensive moves frame by frame:

Back-to-back, waist-to-hip, sudden step back to tempt James to shoot when defending against transition, squatting down to lower the center of gravity and use the strength of the lower limbs to block breakthroughs.

Don't think that defense is just a matter of a moment, Kidd has so many movements that he has experienced in this moment.

So the movements that look easy are very ugly when they are really done, which is the meaning of Juwan asking him to watch the video tape while practicing with his partner.

It was already 2 a.m. when Jiang Hao finally finished watching Kidd's defensive video.

"My head hurts."

Jiang Hao thought that there were only 6 playoff games, and he wondered how many there could be.

As a result, the editor also included the regular season matches between the Heat and the Mavericks in recent years. Was he afraid of missing any of Carlisle's tactics to defend the Big Three?

Then there were many overlapping scenes of the Big Three, with multiple replays, and Kidd defending Wade and James in the same clip, but they were enlarged into two sections for Jiang Hao to watch twice.

What kind of craftsmanship is this from the Heat? Jiang Hao knows that if this is the case, the videographer is the most tired. It seems that working in the Heat is not only tiring for him as a player, but also for the staff.

Psychological balance is much better!

The reason for the headache is that Jiang Hao feels a little awkward because he keeps staring at the Mavericks players!

He wears the Heat jersey every day, but now he is forcing himself to keep looking at the white and blue jerseys, making himself study so seriously as if he is their future successor

It feels like an "inside response".

You are learning in the Heat, and after you learn, we in Dallas will welcome the return of the new king?

Even Kidd's little action: licking his tongue with the hand that touched the shoe was caught by Jiang Hao, and he is learning from Nash, his lifelong enemy.

"How about a break?"

Looking at the time, Jiang Hao subconsciously felt that he should not work so hard, and his head was a little confused. After watching for a long time, he really thought he was a Maverick, but he felt that he still had to watch the training content tomorrow, so he might as well stay up late tonight to finish the first time!

Looking at Juwan Howard's appearance, he will have to be a sparring partner for the Big Three tomorrow!

In this case, he must watch all the videos first! ! Give his brain an impression of fighting against the Big Three!


Must watch it all! !

Damn, I will beat James tomorrow.

Puerto Rico's mountain of defense is a must-see, even more important than Kidd! !

Thinking of this, Jiang Hao continued to insert a video tape of Barea and watched it.

Why can Barea, a 1.8-meter-tall point guard, defend James frequently? This is even more outrageous than Kidd defending James.

Especially when he defended James' back attack, Jiang Hao, who had experienced it personally, was very puzzled as to why a person of Barea's stature could defend against such a classic gif.

Isn't James comparable to Jordan Kobe in post-up play?

Barea is an excellent defensive player, and his point guard defensive statistics are among the top 50 in the league. From the video, it can be seen at once that Barea has excellent physical fitness and defensive skills.

He has good explosive power and quick movement ability, and can quickly keep up with James' pace and limit his breakthroughs. Kidd is more willing to shoot and not sudden, but when he comes to Barea, he suddenly changes his approach.

Directly defend the entire process!

This defensive method seems to be uncomfortable not only for James, but also for the Big Three, because it is too fast and hard, and it is difficult for you to hit it. The speed is not as fast as his, and he is blocked all of a sudden.

In Jiang Hao's opinion, this is a bit like Beverley's sticky candy defense, even a little tougher than Beverley.

And Jiang Hao also discovered that Barea knew how to use his physical advantages and good positional sense to interfere with James' shooting and passing routes.

He is good at using his arms and body to interfere with his opponent's movements, making it difficult for James to get the ideal shot opportunity.

Secondly, Barea has excellent awareness and experience on the defensive end.

He has a clear understanding of his opponent's habitual movements and tactical methods. He can predict James' movements in advance and make corresponding defensive adjustments. He uses defensive positions and angles to limit James' offensive space, making it difficult for him to find scoring opportunities.

That is to say, he knows the defensive methods of Nowitzki, Kidd, and Marion, and his transitions are very smooth.

For example, when looking at Wade's dribbling frequency on this ball, it seemed like he was going to break through, so he took a step forward. On the next ball, when he thought Wade was going to shoot, he was guarding the shooter, and Wade couldn't stop him in an instant.

Basketball is a psychological game!

Barea plays an important role in the entire Mavericks team defense, that is, so smart! !

He never stopped talking in the video, and the Heat were so awesome that they even obtained the on-court audio. Jiang Hao could clearly hear what Barea was shouting on the court.

"Hey, Tyson, help me defend!"

"I strangled LeBron, don't bring anyone here!"

"Rookie, look at people, mother-fXXK keep up with Mario!!"

"Watch the back!! Go and steal!!"

"GOGOGO, fight back!"

On the court, he can work closely with his teammates to form an effective defensive system, jointly limiting James' performance and relying on their verbal communication.

Barea's crazy shouts also allow him to communicate and collaborate effectively with his teammates and put defensive strategies into practice.

"This voice is really not afraid of damage. Maybe you can only shout like this in the finals."

Jiang Hao was still very envious when he heard these exciting defensive words. This kind of pure command and pure swearing, the atmosphere was great.

Too confident!

This Juan Barria is indeed a huge mountain in Puerto Rico! !

Defeat Zhan with all his strength in the finals!

Chapter 42: Miserable? Are golden scales just a thing in the pond? When encountering the storm,

Chapter 42 42: Miserable? Are the golden scales just a thing in the pond? They turn into dragons when the storm strikes! !

"Look at these pseudo-strong team players, we are the champions!!"

By the time Jiang Hao finished watching the last videotape, it was already getting slightly brighter. This last videotape should be what the coaching staff wants to show to all the Heat players.

The last sentence was also Barea's loud mockery of the Heat in the last round of G6. The excitement of the upcoming championship could be felt across the screen.

As a newcomer, Jiang Hao didn't feel much when he heard these words. He had only joined for more than two months, and he still didn't have such a great sense of belonging.

But I guess those who have experienced last season will be filled with impassioned indignation when they see this scene and hear these voices.

This feeling of losing before winning the championship is like a nightmare. If you show them the replay, the dead memories will haunt them.

Because of this, Riley will definitely play it repeatedly for the players to remember the feeling of defeat, and then turn it into motivation to work hard next season!

Jiang Hao calmly pulled out the videotape. He just felt that he couldn't talk nonsense on the court in the future because it could be recorded so clearly.

After finishing the video recording, Jiang Hao stretched out, walked out of the video room and lay down on the sweltering training hall floor, summarizing tonight's results:

Why did the Heat lose to the Mavericks, who looked old, weak, and sick?

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