In addition, the Chinese team had a super sieve on the defensive end. Wang Zhizhi was one step past the outside line and one shot away from the inside line. The US team played very smoothly after the attack!

As for Jiang Hao, he was directly double-teamed or even triple-teamed as long as there was a sign of attack!

Lao K and D'Antoni were completely sure that Jiang Hao was the only one who could do it on the Chinese team. If Jiang Hao wanted to play on the outside line, three people would surround his position directly, and one inside player would guard the basket and grab rebounds.

If the inside line was played, it would be completely shrunk. If other players on the Chinese team made a shot, they would give it to them, but they would never let Jiang Hao, who was extremely efficient, find his touch!

Gong Luming and Yao Ming, who was sitting next to him, had sweat on their foreheads. To be honest, this was the first time they saw the US team play so seriously in terms of tactics.

You know, the US team used to play casually in the first quarter, and sometimes they would deliberately play against the opponent's strongest point. They were so excited to see other NBA international players.

Just like when they met Russia in the quarter-finals and played AK47, they didn't bother to attack other points, but Kirilenko and Mozkov.

Today, Kobe had 0 points, 0 shots and 4 assists in the first half of the quarter.

His main role was to pull Jiang Hao away!

Everything was very clear.

This made Jiang Hao feel helpless and uncomfortable on the defensive end.

So much so that his brain was working fast during the timeout.

They were 20 points behind.

We must not let the US team play so comfortably!

Or should we defend the ball holder without thinking?

It's unlikely, people can pass directly, which would be too physically demanding and would mess up the Chinese team's own defensive position.

Or should we not switch defenses endlessly and play zone defense?

In this way, we can shrink decisively, and at most let Kobe shoot a few shots? ? ? Anyway, it's all a gamble. If Kobe is in the blacksmith mode today, he can rest assured to help defend the inside line.

But this is likely to allow the US team to fully operate the ball. Now at least they can score singles, but if they can only score in open positions, they may jump to the bottom.

His idea was actually used by the Nigerian team in the group stage. Because Nigeria was worried about the US team's many breakthrough players, they decisively chose to shrink everyone inside and use 2-3 defense.

As a result, they were blown up by Anthony and Durant's three-pointers and surrendered in one quarter.

But now the Chinese team is similar. After all, it is impossible for Jiang Hao to shoot in front of 2 or 3 people every time. It's only the first quarter now. If he plays like this in the first quarter, what will happen in the fourth quarter?

So he is always looking for open teammates, but the US team will always have a rim guard in the inside, and he can't make a three-pointer from the outside! ! !

They are all too nervous!

So after the timeout, Du Feng replaced Wang Shipeng and Li Gen, two accurate ones.

The result is the same. Love, who came off the bench for the US team, continued to stare at Wang Zhizhi and made three points from the outside.

Although Wang Zhizhi is taller than Love, Love can hold his ground, has a very stable lower body and fast footwork.

If it weren't for Jiang Hao and Wang Shipeng's 3 points in a row, the Chinese team would have fallen behind by 30 points in the first quarter.

The two Wangs are obviously easier to play on the outside, and the single towers of the US team are too agile and strong.

James played the whole first quarter, and he also attacked Wang Zhizhi's layup and scored 6 points, so he shouted directly to Jiang Hao:

"Catch up? Can you catch up?"

Jiang Hao also shouted with red eyes that should have been the catchphrase of coach Du Feng:

"20 points are nothing!!! I can catch up in minutes!"

20 points are nothing!!! !!! !!!

This sentence made the Chinese players who walked to the bench feel like they had an epiphany, damn!!!


20 points are nothing!!!

Du Feng also patted Li Gen on the back and yelled:

"Stand up straight!! Fight the United States!!!!"


Jiang Hao snorted at the United States team, but then he did not slow down and hurried to the bench to discuss tactics.

Because there was a big problem with their tactics in the first quarter.

At this time, Gong Luming, the acting director of the Chinese Blue Shoes, ignored the staff's obstruction and took the opportunity to rush up and shouted:

"Replace Wang Zhizhi! Hurry up, now is not the time for social etiquette!"

This shout was completely disrespectful to Dazhi.

However, Dazhi himself knew what mistake he made in the first quarter, and laughed at himself:

"I was going to say it myself, replace me, replace me, I am not suitable to play against the United States."

Du Feng still gave Wang Zhizhi face in this gold medal game, but it was also a major mistake in his coaching in this Olympics.

Hesitation leads to defeat. This is a common problem for new coaches. Although they think it may be wrong, they dare not make a decision easily because they are new. Especially, which coach dares to make such a decision directly to dnp Wang Zhizhi, a veteran player? ?

And after watching for a while, it almost called GG.

Before the game, I guessed that the US team would play against this weak point in defense, but I didn't expect the US to play like this.

So I must not play in the second quarter.

Du Feng also knows that there can be no weak link in the defense against the US team. It is natural to be weak and have a short arm span.

But the footsteps must be kept up, that is, there must be someone in front of the US players, so that they can switch defense infinitely.

Like other players of the Chinese team, although they will be knocked away, they can rely on speed and mobility to get up again.

The US team has to rely on height and wingspan to play against Ding Yanyuhang and Li Gen.

But Wang Zhizhi is easily passed by, which is an absolute loophole.

Then this loophole cannot appear on the court.

Not to mention that he didn't play much on the offensive end.

The defenders are either Durant or James, both of whom are NBA first-team defensive players. It's really difficult.

So Zhou Qi was directly put on the court at the beginning of the second quarter.

In other words, it is likely that Zhou Qi and Abu, two fast-footed players, rotated the power forward position until the end.

And Yi Jianlian must have played the full 40 minutes.

In this gold medal match, Jiang Hao and Alian, the two core inside and outside players, must have been on the court all the time. They can hold on with their faith in the country and their absolute spiritual strength.

It depends on whether the players in the other three positions can hold on.

Old K saw that Wang Zhizhi was not there at the beginning of the second quarter, and said to Durant:

"Keep going!"

Xinxiang Durant VS the real Durant of the United States!

Jiaozuo LeBron vs. American LeBron!

Facing the 2.17-meter Zhou Qi, Durant pinched his waist directly on the defensive end, but Zhou Qi used his arm span to grab Li Gen's three-point rebound, but was cut off by Durant in seconds when he was about to attack the basket directly!

"NBA super giant defense!"

"Pass it, brother!"

Zhang Jike in the front row was speechless. What was he thinking about grabbing the rebound but not giving it to Jiang Hao? It's not like there is no defender in front of you!

Deron Williams was quick to grab the cut ball and push the fast break directly. It must be said that the young Zhou Qi switched defense very quickly and his enthusiasm was absolutely good.

When Deron was making a layup, he quickly caught up and directly touched the ball at the highest point.

Blocked successfully!!!


China has Qi!!!!!!

"You should use young people!! Young people are much more powerful!"

"Yeah, Zhou Qi is awesome!"

Then Jiang Hao followed up and jumped high to grab the blocked shot before Kobe, and then he carried Kobe's body to the front court with a back dribble.

One step with his left arm, one step back, and a pull-up mid-range shot.


"It's so hard!"

This shot made Kobe couldn't help but give him a thumbs up. He broke through the whole court and was able to directly stabilize the rhythm and make a pull-up jump shot after the confrontation. This is too awesome!

However, Zhou Qi was only praised for one round.

Durant and Kobe initiated a pick-and-roll here. After Durant quickly bounced out, Jiang Hao chose to switch to Durant. He couldn't let this guy shoot in an open position.

But this also exposed Zhou Qi to Kobe's eyes.

Facing Zhou Qi, who looked skinny, Kobe was like a wolf seeing a sheep. He turned half a turn and released the ball and went straight to the basket. With a shoulder shake, he pushed Zhou Qi half a meter away.

Then he scored 2 points with his signature beautiful sideways jump shot!!!

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