Ou Shenxian is soaked!

Although the Cavaliers have been losing, they rarely encounter backcourt players who make them uncomfortable in both offense and defense, let alone rookies, so he must do his best to get back on the court in the next offense!

After scoring, Jiang Hao, who quickly defended Irving, gave a thumbs up to Duncan, the boss who assisted him at the far end. He had to be so steady in his few playing time.

At present, I don’t have any skills in back-to-back play, just hold the ball and push it in! Try to get as close to the basket as possible before shooting!

Back-to-back fadeaways and pull-up jump shots are cool, but the hit rate is not guaranteed. Your ID is not Kobe, who has so many opportunities for you to try and make mistakes?

Just fight the big and the small!

Duncan also retreated and applauded his little brother at the far end.

Although he seems to be fanning the flames, he is actually smart. He knows what level Jiang Hao’s confrontation is, and there is no problem in carrying Irving.

Irving was tricked into defending Jiang Hao, which was a trick of the Stone Buddha. It not only consumed the opponent's main force, but also trained the offense of the Spurs' newcomers in the official game.

"Come on!"

Irving was indeed driven crazy by the Spurs. After seeing Duncan's applause, he instantly got excited and accelerated directly from Jiang Hao's side to the front court without slowing down.

His sudden full-speed acceleration made Jiang Hao chase behind him by one body length. It was still a long way to catch up with the speed of the little point guard.

Irving took a step outside the three-point line and directly chose to pull up for a jump shot.

With a quick move, the basketball was stuck on the basket's neck and didn't go in!


"Today, the Cavaliers' basket blocked their own players!!"

Jiang Hao, who would have been blocked if he jumped a second slower from behind, flew over and said with a smile:

"Your strength must also coexist with luck, and you are unlucky."

This scene has the shadow of CBA young player Yu Dehao, who likes to block the basket's neck when shooting 3 points, but this is Irving's own fault. He used too much force to pull up and jump. If it wasn't too much force, it would not be so good. He was so anxious!

Then he will continue in the next round!

"Come again if you have the ability!"

Irving doesn't believe that this undrafted player is so stable? There must be a reason why undrafted players become undrafted players. It is impossible for every ball to be so awesome.

After seeing Irving continue to defend himself, Jiang Hao continued to run to the right strong side hand position.

This time he took the initiative to reach out for the ball, and asked for the ball from outside the three-point line!

"Keep on hitting him!"

The Spurs starter, who already had no desire for data, was naturally willing to do this. Parker saw Jiang Hao raise his hand to ask for the ball, and he dribbled and trotted to find a good angle and passed it to Jiang Hao comfortably.

Jiang Hao held the ball and faced Irving, who was a head shorter than him. He refused any fancy tricks. After a three-threat, he found that there was no shooting space and directly passed the ball with his left shoulder as a barrier, squeezing Irving and rushing to the inside.

He crushed Irving all the way to the basket. At the moment when Valanciunas couldn't stand it anymore and came to defend, he stopped the ball and made a fake layup, which immediately sent Irving and Valer flying. He had to jump. If he didn't jump, Jiang Hao would have scored with his hand raised. But one of them would have been enough.

If both jumped, the Cavaliers' inside line would have been lost. At the moment when the two were about to hang on him, Jiang Hao did not commit a foul, but gave a training-style back pass to Duncan who followed up.

Duncan easily dunked with one hand in front of the empty basket!

"Jiang Hao can assist, break through and pass the ball?"

"Yeah, dribbling and breaking through and passing the ball? Oh my god? This superstar style is here."

Now it's the turn of the Spurs' tactical coaching staff to be excited. Jiang Hao actually attracted two Cavaliers defenders and tore the Cavaliers' defense line? ? ?

Break through and pass the ball, the simplest offensive tactic on the basketball court!

This is a pure superstar style, single-handedly destroying the opponent's one point and forcing the opponent's defense to change!

In the end, Jiang Hao was conscious of passing this ball, which shows that he didn't get carried away and didn't say that he must shoot this ball himself. Generally, players who have reached this point would have rewarded themselves with a strong one, and it would be more satisfying to score in front of two people.

It's just that it's easier to pass to an open position!

"Brother, what's the use of fancy tricks?? The body, the body is the hard truth!"

After scoring the goal, Jiang Hao was indeed excited, but his excitement was reflected in his excitement after playing in a game for a long time. He has been eager for playing time and games for too long! !

How many times have I imagined how I would play and how awesome I would be in the regular season, and now I finally get it! !

Directly put the palm of his right hand on the ground to make a gesture of Irving's low level!

Wenzi exploded instantly after seeing it. They are all young people. He couldn't help but push Jiang Hao and cursed:

"Get away! FXXK you bastard, get out!"

If Kobe made a mocking gesture in front of him, he wouldn't say a word and would even smile, but where did this guy come from? Who is he!

"Give-and-go!! (You played too badly, go home!)"

Jiang Hao, who was pushed, did not fall to the ground, but directly tensed his nerves and cursed Irving with his chest against his chest.

But the next second he was pulled away by Duncan's big hand.

On the contrary, the martial arts saint on the other side rushed over quickly and pushed Irving away with his hands with his eyes wide open:

"Little guy, what do you want to do? Stay away from my brother!"

Irving was so scared that he didn't dare to say a word, and was pulled to the bench by Malone and the assistant coach.

Are you kidding? This is the notorious martial arts saint, a man who really knows how to fight!

He doesn't want to turn Cleveland into the Palace of Auburn Hills because of him.

The referee stopped the game and watched the replay, while Jiang Hao was listening to the tactics and was encouraged by his teammates:

"Well done, you did the right thing!"

"I hope you can make James so angry next time, then the game will be half won!"

Wu Sheng now really likes this kid with such passion on the court. It seems that his legacy has a successor? ? ?

But half of the people on the Internet were criticizing Jiang Hao for being a troublemaker. Irving has many fans, and Jiang Hao's performance in recent times has made Heat fans very jealous, so there are a lot of comments:

"A troublemaker is a troublemaker. He makes trouble everywhere. This kind of player is really disgusting!"

"He is definitely a cancer. Is he going to play a truck explosion with the opponent's top player?"

"Yes, too arrogant. The top pick didn't say anything, but he was talking a lot of trash."

"You are bullying the Spurs and Miami without anyone else, right? Just tell me who started it first!"

"You didn't defend yourself, but you didn't allow the opponent to celebrate? Did the referee not allow Jiang Hao to make a taunting gesture? You are too nosy."

"By the way, I think Jiang Hao's two minutes seem to be more important than Irving. If the Spurs want to explode, they won't be willing to use Jiang Hao to do it, right?"

After the results came out, a lot of trolls shut up.

Irving received a first-level technical foul for swearing and pushing. Jiang Hao was not penalized, but the referee also warned Jiang Hao not to talk trash to Irving again to avoid escalating the conflict.

The referee whispered in Jiang Hao's ear: "The No. 1 pick has to save face, that's enough, you've already beaten him on the court, give us some face."

"Okay" Jiang Hao sighed, the NBA is getting softer and softer, what did he say now.

"It's a small matter, it's normal for the NBA to quarrel."

Duncan patted Jiang Hao on the shoulder, signaling him not to be affected.

"I know."

Jiang Hao's calmness was beyond Duncan's expectations. When he was 20 years old, he was not so easy to talk to. He would definitely go up and scold the referee for not sending Irving off.

The game continued.

After this small conflict, the Cavaliers' state plummeted, and the players no longer had the ambition to catch up. Malone also switched back to normal defense, not allowing Irving to defend Jiang Hao again, but Jiang Hao still defended Irving, but Irving obviously lost his offensive confidence, and Jamison solved the battle most of the time.

As Tony Parker made consecutive mid-range shots around the pick-and-roll, Duncan made a back-to-back mid-range shot, and Wusheng Jackson attacked the weak inside line of the Cavaliers and hit it. Jiang Hao also accurately hit an open three-pointer in the bottom corner.

The Spurs instantly opened the score to 20 points, and both sides called off the game early.

The result of this game was known before the game.

The Spurs won and chased the top five in the West. The Cavaliers lost and continued to dive towards this year's No. 1 pick.

Jiang Hao didn't play in garbage time, but became the last one. Leonard replaced him to practice in garbage time.


The Spurs easily defeated the Cavaliers, the last team in the Eastern Conference.

"Congratulations, my first win in my Spurs career."

Scout Hank shook hands and hugged Jiang Hao in the player tunnel.

"Thank you, it's wonderful."

It was completely different from the feeling of winning with the Heat before. This time he actually rotated to participate in offense and defense, and was given a tactical position. How could he not be happy!

It was a simple win for the Spurs, but it was the game in which Jiang Hao played the most minutes and scored the most points in his career.

He only played in the second half of this game and played for 11 minutes, but he got 18 points, 1 rebound, 4 steals and 2 assists, with the highest plus-minus value in the team, which fully met the Spurs' defensive requirements for themselves.

In other words, dribbling, slamming, dunking, and dunking on the neck are not considered steals, otherwise he would have doubled his steals.

The Spurs' team basketball is still powerful. With 104 points, 7 players scored in double digits, and everyone shot about 10 times.

This shows that they really didn't take care of Jiang Hao, a rookie, on purpose. Passing when there is an open position and playing when there is a mismatch is their daily tactical quality.

Unless they are really defended by the opponent and have no chance, their superstars will shoot 1V1 and start an indiscriminate singles. This is also the conclusion Jiang Hao came to when reviewing the game after the game, which also shows how correct his decision to choose the Spurs was.

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