For any team, there wouldn't be so many chances in the first game.

Jiang Hao also learned from the Cavaliers staff after the game that this was Irving's first technical foul in his career. They were all surprised that Irving would get a technical foul on such a role player, and asked him what he said at the time that made Irving explode all of a sudden.

"I didn't say any swear words, there was no way, I was always against him."

Jiang Hao smiled and explained to the staff, and gave him his wristband.

"Good defense, kill James for us in the next game, please!"

The Cavaliers staff came up and high-fived Jiang Hao. It is impossible to expect the current Cavaliers to kill the Heat, but the Spurs can still be counted on. The enemy of my enemy is my friend!

In this game, Irving played 41 minutes, 12 of 29 shots, scored 31 points, 4 assists, 2 steals, 10 turnovers, 4 fouls *including one technical foul.

Compared with the first technical foul in his career, the first double-digit turnovers in a single game in his career is the most eye-catching.

10 turnovers. After the game, experts said that 6 of them were made under Jiang Hao's defense. Regardless of whether they were regular or oppressive, there were 10 turnovers, and there was a clear video to prove it.

Compared to Jiang Hao, who scored 18 points in just 11 minutes, fans who follow the rookies of this year can't help but wonder:

"Who is the real No. 1 pick? If Jiang Hao has so many shots, can he also get 30+?"

"The No. 1 pick with the first T in his career and 10 turnovers in a single game, Gou Ba?"

Pistons fans: "Not as good as Braden Knight."

Hornets fans: "Friendly report: Kemba Walker led the team to win with 37 points today, are we still enemies for life?"

Anyway, Jiang Hao's fans stood up completely after the game and went directly to the Heat area to provoke a fight:

"In the next revenge game, watch Jiang defend James to death!"

"James, get out of the line!!"

Chapter 85: Reward Irving with bonus! Different paths, no plan

Chapter 85 84: Reward Irving with bonus! Different paths lead to different plans

"I don't know, I don't know how he defended me, I only know that I dribbled poorly today, and made consecutive mistakes at the critical moment of chasing points. This is my problem, and I will be responsible for this loss."

After the game, Irving said "I don't know" twice when he was asked about the defensive quality of Spurs substitute forward Jiang Hao at the press conference.

The actual situation is that he is still sweating on his back.

In the fourth quarter, the pressure from Jiang Hao's defense was greater than that from Spurs starters Parker + Danny Green. As for Leonard, he even forgot that the Spurs had this player defending him.

However, the Cavaliers coaching staff comforted Irving in this way. They said that this game was Jiang Hao's first show after joining the Spurs. He was eager to prove himself, so his enthusiasm on the court was unmatched by all the Spurs players.

So it is normal to play so well, and people should seize this only opportunity.

But even so, Irving did not think that this person could put so much pressure on him. It was because he had been facing Jiang Hao on the court, so he was deeply touched.

Before, there were undrafted second-round picks like Jiang Hao who defended him, but no matter how hard he tried and how focused he was, it was still a matter of one foot on the gas pedal.

He had never played in the playoffs, but in his opinion, Jiang Hao's defense today was at the playoff level, not counting his offense.

In Irving's opinion, offense was just his hotheadedness to defend the forwards. No matter how bad Jiang Hao's offense was, he was a forward, so it was normal for him to break through his defense. In his opinion, Jiang Hao's offensive moves were just brute force, without much technical content.

Little did he know that in the eyes of the outside world, Irving's top defense has always been good, and Jiang Hao's skin color made all fans underestimate his strength. From a God's perspective, pushing Irving to the basket from the three-point line was still very shocking, and Jiang Hao's assist was also rated as one of the top five shots of the game.

Acting assistant coach Malone:

"The Spurs beat us hard. They played excellent team basketball. Their rookie scored 18 points. I think their defense is better than at the beginning of the season. I wish them to go further in the West."

As an old employee of the Spurs, Malone gave more blessings. He actually completed David Griffin's task, which was to not win the game and to defend the last place in the league.

TT Thompson was the most confident:

"We should have won the game! The rhythm was wrong since I missed the dunk. I will practice hard. I feel that we are just a little bit away from winning!"


"What are you talking about.bro?"

"No. 4 pick, go home and look in the mirror."

The media and netizens at the scene laughed when they heard this.

No. 4 pick Tristan Thompson was the most disappointing to the Cavaliers fans in this game.

Irving at least had the right to shoot and could score and dare to fight, but Thompson, as a power forward, really felt that he didn't even play well as a pure blue-collar player.

His template is Grizzlies' Randolph.

But today he was not like the black bear who made a comeback in the Spurs' interior:

8 points, 8 rebounds, 3 blocks, 2 steals, 4 turnovers, not as good as veteran Varejao who scored 16 points, and was even tricked into an offensive foul by the opponent's undrafted player. Thompson looked like a fool in that ball. He deserved it for using such a big move in the face of close defense and being called for a flop.

"I envy the Spurs! They found another treasure." David Griffin tweeted self-deprecatingly after the game.

Now, whenever a team's rookie performs well, he will be beaten. The fans' disappointment after the Cavaliers let James go and the Cavaliers' record suddenly slumped in the East was all borne by him as the general manager.

This wave of self-deprecating comments by the general manager was finally not invaded by the fans of James in Cleveland:

"The Spurs are really good. They signed a defensive forward with a minimum salary. On the other hand, the Cavaliers can't see the future."

"To be honest, the fourth pick is not as good as signing this JIANG. Haha, just kidding."

"The above, you really don't have to joke. The Spurs are already using JIANG instead of the 15th pick Kawhi Leonard. He is really good!"

"This is against a weak team. Let's see what happens when we play against a strong team!"

Although Jiang Hao did not attend the visiting team's press conference, there were also questions about him.

When asked why Jiang Hao was used in the second half, Messina smiled and said:

"No one could defend Irving at that time, so I sent him to try. He was good at defense, so he stayed on the court."

"Will he have rotation time in the future?"

"It depends on the on-the-spot state. We won't fix it." Messina is also deeply influenced by Popovich and is an old hand at interviewing.

Sitting next to him is the all-around old Deng who scored 17 points, 12 rebounds, 4 blocks and 6 assists.

Cleveland Honest:

"There were rumors that Jiang Hao was cut by the Heat because he was a thorn in the side. Today, he had a conflict with his opponent on the court. Do you think he will be a hidden danger in the harmonious Spurs team?"

"Let me add: This is the first time that there has been a live conflict in the Spurs game this season, haha." A Miami reporter next to him laughed.

This is the question that many Spurs fans want to ask. There are too many rumors about Jiang Hao before. Are the Spurs sure to take in players that the Heat can't control? ?

But only the players who have been with him in the locker room have the right to speak.

Duncan had a calm expression:

"Why don't you count how long it has been since the Spurs had a gliding axe dunk?"

The reporter was embarrassed by Duncan's look.

Indeed, the Spurs rarely have dunks in every game, let alone violent dunks. Last season, Jefferson would have given fans some expectations, but this season is completely floor flow. According to fans, the old men are saving their jumping for the playoffs.

And today, Jiang Hao's gliding axe at the end of the third quarter is not only rare in the Spurs, but the Cavaliers don't have such a jumping man, so the Cavaliers fans want Jiang Hao and Irving to partner up, so that even if they lose, it will be very good and exciting.

But Duncan still answered this question. Not answering it is to admit Jiang Hao's personality problem. He will naturally defend this little brother who suffered an unwarranted disaster on the Internet:

"It's just a small friction. You said that the Spurs haven't had this kind of friction for a long time, which just proves that the Spurs lack this kind of young blood. The martial arts saint is not very good, and can only move the lips."


Duncan's humorous answer directly filled the press conference with laughter, and also cleverly responded to this question.

Martial Saint Jackson, who saw this in the locker room, said: "Meow meow meow?"


"So, next you will meet the Heat, the second strongest team in the East, and LeBron James, the current No. 1 player in the league. Are you ready for the home game?"

Duncan said concisely:

"Believe in JIANG."

This sentence expressed a lot of information, whether Jiang Hao's grievances with the Heat would make him explode again, whether Jiang Hao's understanding of the Heat's tactics would be fully revealed to the Spurs, and whether the rumors of Jiang Hao's dispute with LeBron would include Jiang Hao defending LeBron. 】

When he wanted to ask again, Duncan and Messina stood up tacitly.

Reporters could only wait for the next game to start with expectation.

Half an hour later.

Jiang Hao, who was the most talked about after the game, had already opened the post-game rewards on the plane to San Antonio.

But it was limited to this game, limited to Spurs fans and a small number of Cavaliers fans in the post-LeBron era.

The Spurs didn't give Jiang Hao any rewards, at most they gave him some words of encouragement.

After the game, they did what they should do normally. Winning a team at the bottom of the Eastern Conference was not a sample at all, and they were all accumulating strength for the next game.

Jiang Hao also found that the Spurs were very vindictive. The last time he was in the Heat, the Spurs lost badly on the road. This time they must regain their ground at home. From now on, we can see some clues. Hank already has a scout report with the Heat logo in his hand. The coaching staff didn't rest on the plane and made tactical preparations non-stop.

You should know that the coaching staff was sleeping soundly on the plane before the game against the Cavaliers.

The preparations and sense of urgency for playing against strong teams are indeed different. This is similar to the Spurs that Jiang Hao knew in his previous life. This team likes to give warmth to weak teams and increase strength to strong teams in the regular season, and only play high-end games.

Then he must also improve himself to the best state.

So he used the time on the plane to quickly collect the rewards after today's game, and play against his predecessors in the strongest state!

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