The referee pointed to Wade without hesitation, indicating that player No. 3 had committed a foul, and Li Zhen took two free throws.

After the car accident, Li Zhen, who had fallen to the ground, was pulled up by his teammates.

""Fuck, rookie, you're asking for a fight!!!"

Wade is a good-tempered player.

He never thought that there would be a day when he would want to take the initiative to fight on the court.

This rookie is too mean, he must be warned.

Wade wanted to come over to warn Li Zhen, but he was hugged by his teammates.

His aggressive look scared his teammates a little. If there is a fight, Wade will have to be suspended. Now is the critical period, the Heat can't afford the loss....

Nowitzki and Dampier stood between Li Zhen and Wade.

Nowitzki said he was very comfortable with Li Zhen's behavior of annoying Wade.

This rookie is a little cute.

Regarding Wade's outburst, Li Zhen spread his hands and looked innocent.

This ball was clearly a foul.

It was not a foul that pulled you over, you rushed over by yourself

"Hahaha, look, Dwayne is angry"

"It's impossible not to be angry. Dwayne has 5 fouls. Less than three minutes into the third quarter, he has 3 consecutive fouls. Adding the 2 in the first half, he should go down for a rest."

"This rookie would have been beaten to death in our era."

Barkley and Smith both laughed.

It was indeed Li Zhen who was fouled, but Li Zhen made Wade three times in a row, and even clay people would be angry......

But this is the Airline Center, not Miami's home court.

Seeing Wade trying to cause trouble for Li Zhen, the fans shouted and booed.

"That’s so great, wow, you still want to take action?"

"Dwayne, if you have the guts, go and commit a foul!"

"Well done, rookie, I like you!!"

"Boo, boo, referee, give him a T and eject him from the game!"

Wade was hated by the fans in Dallas, and Li Zhen's foul made the fans feel it was appropriate.

Wade, you can do the same thing, playing basketball is one thing, but what's the point of wanting to fight?

The boos and scolding from the fans gave Li Zhen a lot of confidence.

Playing at home is indeed an advantage in the NBA.

Wade was replaced by Spoelstra.

But Wade didn't vent his anger.

As soon as he got off the court, he smashed the water bottle to the ground.

What a coincidence, he smashed it towards the feet of the referee!!


Water splashed everywhere.

The referee felt that his dignity was seriously challenged.

So what if he was a superstar?

He can't be spoiled!!!

""Beep, beep, beep!"

The referee made an expulsion gesture to Wade!

Spoelstra and the Heat players attacked the referee again. They all looked at Wade and thought it was not intentional.

But the referee ignored them and refused to change the decision.

Wade was too lazy to argue. He stood up with a towel on and walked towards the locker room.



"Go back to Miami!"

"Haha, he was kicked out."

The fans at the scene booed again for the expulsion of Wade!!!!

The fans kept cheering and applauding, not caring about the trouble.

The game was suspended for three or four minutes because of this farce.

Li Zhen was just watching the show, he didn't care about it.

Li Zhen stood on the free throw line and easily made two free throws.

50 to 60.

The time after the start of the third quarter was Li Zhen's performance time. His personal wave of 10 to 0, 8 of which were free throws.

After Li Zhen's free throws, Carlisle also replaced Li Zhen and prepared to let him rest for two minutes.

Li Zhen must be protected to avoid being beaten by the angry Heat players.

Originally, Coach Carlisle sent Li Zhen just to hone him, but Coach Carlisle never thought that Li Zhen's appearance would play a role in determining the outcome of the game. He committed three consecutive fouls and beat the opponent's Wade to 5 fouls before being replaced. Then Wade was expelled because of his anger......

It was a bit inexplicable that he wanted to win a victory.

Coach Carlisle really felt a little drunk.

Kidd replaced Li Zhen.

Without Wade, the Heat was no match for the Mavericks.

The morale of the Mavericks was completely lifted.

Nowitzki said that he had never experienced such a comfortable night.

The Heat's offense became fragmented, and the Mavericks' offense became smoother and smoother.

Li Zhen came on the court again after a two-minute break. He did not insist on individual singles, but played pick-and-roll with Nowitzki and sent assists to King Nowitzki one after another.

In the third quarter, Li Zhen scored 15 points and 5 assists. In this quarter, the Mavericks also beat the Heat by 22 points.

Li Zhen played well in the third quarter and was reused by Carlisle in the fourth quarter.

Li Zhen led the Mavericks' second lineup to finish the last quarter.

In the end, the game ended.

The score was 89 to 119.

The Mavericks won a big victory over the Heat at home.

Li Zhen played for 22 minutes and scored a total of 25 points and 8 assists.

Nowitzki 34 points and 8 rebounds, Marion 12 points and 7 rebounds, Kidd 8 points and 8 assists, Barea 4 points and 3 assists..........

"Congratulations to Li Zhen for winning the game"

"Firecrackers were set off to celebrate, and Li Zhen successfully won the first victory of his career"

"He played 0 games in the first half, and when he played in the second half, Wade was sacrificed!!"

"Awesome undrafted player"

"The Mavericks have found a treasure."

Fans in China and the United States who were watching the live broadcast were typing comments.

Li Zhen became another hotly discussed and concerned player among the fans.

In the locker room after the game,

Kidd and Nowitzki both high-fived Li Zhen and bumped their chests to celebrate.

Nightclub expert Marion also sincerely invited Li Zhen to go to the nightclub together.

Li Zhen naturally agreed. He wanted to see how nightclubs in Dallas were played.

However, when Kidd and Terry learned that Li Zhen was only 20 years old, they said that he was too young and couldn't let Marion lead him astray.

Besides, Dallas also has a rule that people over 21 can't go to nightclubs.

Li Zhen could only go home alone.

The core players of the Mavericks are all very old, generally over 30 years old.

Many of them have���Treat like a child...

Li Zhen had only known them for a short time, and had not yet changed their minds and perceptions.

To be honest, Li Zhen really wanted to see the foreign girls.

They said that white girls have good figures and black girls have good athletic ability......

Alas, what a pity.

Li Zhen is not yet qualified to enjoy decadent sports.

Back at the villa, Li Zhen entered the system to count today's gains.

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