
On the 2.2-meter Simmons bed,

Li Zhen enjoyed it in a very comfortable position. He just felt a little lonely without a female companion.

However, Li Zhen didn't have time to think about those things for the time being. He lay down and entered the system.

Looking at the rewards in the system, Li Zhen felt that it was worth it to be beaten tonight.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for winning the first victory in his career, and 5 attribute points will be awarded."

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting 20+ in two consecutive games, and reward 3 attribute points"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting the [Lucky Gift Pack]."

This game gave him 8 attribute points, plus the 1 he got from the previous gift pack and the 1 he got from training, so Li Zhen now has 10 more points.

Li Zhen knew very well that because this was his first victory, the reward for attribute points was only so many, and there would probably not be so many in the future. There was still a long way to go to become a superstar.

Without any hesitation, Li Zhen added all his attribute points to"Long Shot".

"Ding ding ding ding!!"

After four consecutive hits, Li Zhen couldn't add any more points.

At this time, the long throw had reached 91.

Seeing that he couldn't add any more points, Li Zhen already knew how many attribute points he had to add to get +1 after 90 points.

From 90 to 91, a total of 4 attribute points were consumed.....

The higher the points, the harder it is to add, but long-range shooting is enough for now. 91 points is definitely a top shooter.

In his previous life, Deng was not a top shooter in his prime. His three-point shooting percentage in the Rockets' highest season was only 36.8%.

It's just that he almost always shoots head-on, and his anti-interference ability is extremely strong, which makes his three-point shooting look so good.

Shooters refer to the likes of Thompson and Curry.

Li Zhen can already imagine himself maintaining a shooter-level shooting percentage after a step-back jump shot.

Maybe not as good as Curry, but the gap shouldn't be too far.

The next time you add points to attributes, you can add other attributes.

After Li Zhen added points, he focused on the gift package.

"Open the gift bag!"

"Ding, get the [Lightning Breakthrough] skill"

"【Lightning Breakthrough]: Not upgradeable, speed attribute increases by 20% when breaking through.

Li Zhen's eyes lit up when he saw this skill.

Wade's explosive breakthrough was a show during the game.

Li Zhen's breakthrough required various ways to shake off the defense, but Wade's breakthrough was very violent, and he directly changed direction and accelerated in one step.

There is no doubt that this is the power of lightning breakthrough.


Li Zhen likes this skill very much.

In the future, he can easily break into the inside line.

"System, why can't some skills be upgraded while others can?"

"Skills that do not match the host's characteristics cannot be upgraded, and can only temporarily improve some attributes; skills that match the host's characteristics can be upgraded"

"OK, that means all skills you learn on your own can be upgraded."

"You can understand it this way."

Li Zhen is getting more and more familiar with the system, and he also knows that there are many ways he can become stronger.

Harden's future path is just one of them, and he will soon be stronger than Harden at his peak.

After getting the extra points and the gift pack, Li Zhen turned his attention to the task module.

The task module was updated again.

Not only the triple-double task, but also a double-double task was added.

"Challenge to get a double-double in the next game. Success will reward 30 attribute points. Failure will complete the"Big Adventure Challenge"""

Seeing the 30 attribute points, Li Zhen was really excited.

He scored 25 points and 8 assists tonight.

From this feeling, it is not too difficult for him to get a double-double. If he can brush it, it will definitely be possible.

"System, is the content of this adventure challenge the same as the previous one?"

"Different, this time I drink the bath water of"reba""

"Damn it, system, are you obsessed with bath water?"

"No, adventure challenges are set according to the host's innermost preferences. Deep down in people's hearts, there are usually things they want to do but are too embarrassed to say."

"Your heart drinks the bath water"......

Hearing that he was still drinking bath water, Li Zhen felt speechless, but he could try his luck, Reba? Not many people know it now, right?

"System, then take on two pairs of tasks!"

"Are you sure?"


After accepting the task, Li Zhen checked his personal attributes.

Name: Li Zhen

Gender: Male

Age: 20 years old

Occupation: NBA player (Dallas Mavericks)

Salary: 3 million US dollars/year

Position: PG/SG

Physical test data -

Height: 196CM

Wingspan: 211CM

Standing reach: 2.63 meters

Standing jump reach: 3.43 meters.

Maximum reach: 3.57 meters.

Standing jump: 80CM.

Maximum jump: 94CM.

Weight: 100 kilograms.

Speed: 3.13 seconds 3/4 court sprint

Basketball specific attributes -

Close shot: 82, +

Mid-range shot: 80, +

Long shot: 91, +

Ball control: 82, +

Breakthrough: 80, +

Dunk: 70, +

Pass: 76, +

Defense: 40, +

Speed: 78, +

Strength: 80, +

Bounce: 72, +

Rebound: 60, +

Steal: 46, +

Block: 22, +

Will: 90, +

Skills: [Step back jump shot (intermediate)】、【King of Touching Porcelain (Advanced)】、【God Cutting Hand (Advanced)】、【Lightning Breakthrough]

Overall strength rating: A+

Remaining attribute points: 0 points.

Li Zhen was very excited to see the final strength rating rise from A to A+.

This was unexpected but reasonable.

Li Zhen's long-range shots have been increasing, his attacking ability has been increasing, and then he has added two more skills. It would be unreasonable not to improve his rating.

From this point of view, the strength is improving very quickly.

If he is promoted to one level in two games, then S-level is just around the corner.

Although Li Zhen also knows that the upgrade will become more and more difficult as time goes by, he can't help but imagine the scene of SSS level.

Surpassing Jordan is not a dream.

Li Zhen was happy for a while, then opened his mobile phone and started to check the news.

《Li Zhen committed three fouls in a row, the Flash is just that good!》

《You led the team to victory easily. King Nowitzki, can you give me your position as the boss?》

《25+8 in the second game, Coach Ka, did you see that? This is me!!》

《With a slight smile on his face after playing for 22 minutes, Li Zhen has gained the trust of the team!》....

The news headlines on various forums and websites are all weird.

Maybe Li Zhen's chubby image is a bit funny, so fans and reporters like to come up with some funny headlines.

After watching for a while, Li Zhen continued to open MSN and chatted with several beautiful female classmates.

Since Li Zhen decided to stay in the Mavericks and got a guaranteed contract, more and more female classmates took the initiative to contact Li Zhen, and Li Zhen was a little overwhelmed.

Li Zhen plans to sign up for a time management course to learn time management well.

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