In the summer of 2007, the Celtics acquired the league's top shooter Ray Allen and top power forward Kevin Garnett through trades during the draft, and formed a luxurious"Big Three" lineup with the team's original star player, all-around small forward Paul Pierce.

They rose from the worst in the league to the best in the league in the 2007-08 season, with a record of 66 wins and 16 losses. In the end, the Celtics defeated the Lakers 4-2 and won the 17th NBA championship in the history of the Celtics.

In the 2008-09 season, Garnett missed many games due to injury in the late regular season, but still achieved a record of 62 wins and 20 losses. In the subsequent playoffs, they defeated the Bulls in the seventh game, but in the second round, they met the Magic team with"Magic Beast" Howard and were eliminated 3-4.

The Celtics won three"firsts" this season.

First in record, first in defense, and first in the difference in wins between two seasons!

Of course, Li Zhen also remembered the ending of the Celtics in this season in his previous life.

This season, the severely aging Celtics played very well in the playoffs even though all experts thought they could not do it. In the end, they defeated Howard's Orlando Magic in the Eastern Conference Finals and became the Eastern Conference champions.

However, they lost 3-4 to the Lakers in 7 games in the finals and missed the championship.

Judging from their experience in recent seasons, the Celtics are the top powerhouse in the East!

Their strength also forced Carlisle to back off.

The Mavericks who chose to rest were considered by the media to have given up the game.

Although the Mavericks have won more games than the Celtics this season, without Kidd, Terry, Nowitzki, and Butler, the media did not think that Li Zhen alone could lead the Mavericks to conquer the TD Garden.

Pre-match press conference.

Carlisle, who was attacked by the outside world, became the target of reporters' siege.

"I didn't mean to rest the players in this game. Our veterans' physical fitness has reached a bottleneck. Dirk's injury reminded me that I care more about the playoffs in a month than the regular season!" Carlisle said.

Carlisle's words were very straightforward. Resting players was to retain strength for the playoffs.

The reporters did not intend to let Carlisle go, but Carlisle stopped accepting interviews.

The off-court fishing reels of this game made him anxious.

In the locker room.

The Mavericks players were all preparing for what they should do.

Teams with many veterans are like this, very mature. No player thinks there is anything wrong with the healthy Kidd and Terry resting. Everyone understands the decision made by Coach Carlisle.

What's more, if the main players are not rested, how can their substitutes have a chance to play?

Stevenson, Najera, Marion, Li Zhen, Barea, Haywood, Dampier, and Beaubois.

These are the eight rotation players for the Mavericks tonight, and they are all fully prepared.

"Coach, we are ready, let's teach them a lesson. Li Zhen said excitedly as he walked up to Carlisle.

Looking at the positive Li Zhen, Carlisle nodded. It is a good thing for young people to be motivated.

"Well, this game will be centered around you. What do you think?"Tell me about it," Carlisle asked.

Since we don't care about winning or losing, let's train new players. Carlisle is ready to give Li Zhen more opportunities.

Carlisle is not an old stubborn man. He likes to listen to the players' ideas.

"Coach, if possible, I hope everyone can open up space from the beginning, give me a single, they have the opportunity to cut inside, or wait for me to pass the ball after being double-teamed...."Li Zhen said timidly

"OK, you can play singles at the beginning of the game, but what about later?" Carlisle continued to ask.

Li Zhen's singles strength was there, and Carlisle didn't think there was anything wrong with it.

"Coach, I mean, I played one-on-one for the whole game." Li Zhen swallowed his saliva and said.

That's right, Li Zhen wanted to try to play one-on-one for the whole game like Harden.

He played one-on-one for the whole game and used his one-on-one to win the game.

Harden played like this when he played against the Warriors.

The Rockets can't match the Warriors in terms of the number of superstars, but Harden forced himself to play one-on-one with their superstars and led the Rockets to beat the Warriors more than once in the regular season....

If Harden's willpower wasn't weak in the playoffs, he probably would have had a chance to beat them.

This tactic would be fine for Li Zhen. Li Zhen's trump card can at least reach Harden's peak level in two quarters. In the other two quarters, it doesn't matter if Li Zhen is a little bit weaker. With the ball in hand, it's also good for Li Zhen to get a triple-double.

Hearing Li Zhen's words, Carlisle glanced at Li Zhen.

His teammates stopped putting on their shoes or changing clothes after hearing what Li Zhen said.

This rookie is a bit arrogant.....

Is he going to beat the Celtics by himself?

Are you kidding me?

The opponent is a championship team!!

Carlisle didn't agree to go straight to Li Zhen. It was a bit too much to play one-on-one all the time. Carlisle couldn't come up with such a tactic.

However, in Carlisle's cognition, Li Zhen's one-on-one ability is at the All-Star level. Carlisle has planned to increase the number of times Li Zhen holds the ball at key moments in the future, instead of giving it all to Nowitzki.

Carlisle believes that Li Zhen has the league's top step-back three-point shooting rate!

This makes defenders dare not stay too far away from Li Zhen.

But Li Zhen also has an extremely fast first step. As long as the space is compressed to the extreme, Li Zhen can make a breakthrough route, which makes it a dilemma for the Celtics to defend Li Zhen.

Then, Li Zhen is still a first-class old hand. In fact, using one-on-one defense to limit Li Zhen is equivalent to putting a few bottles of poison in front of Rivers - step-back, breakthrough, foul... you choose one...

With this analysis, it seems that Li Zhen's one-on-one is theoretically possible.

Carlyle considered���He said:"In this way, you try to play one-on-one in the first quarter, and everyone will create opportunities for you. We will see the effect later."

Carlisle did not discourage Li Zhen's initiative. If Li Zhen is so effective in the first quarter, then he can play like this in the second quarter, the third quarter, and the whole court. This is actually the same.

If you can't play in the first quarter, stop the loss in time....

"OK!!"Li Zhen nodded excitedly. He also planned to use a big move in the first quarter.

On the other side. In the home locker room.

The Celtics were all screaming, and everyone was murderous.

The Celtics had won seven consecutive games in the previous games. In this wave of winning streak, they gained huge self-confidence.

Garnett, Pierce, and Ray Allen had forgotten the taste of losing!

"On the offensive end, pass the ball more and attack their inside line. On the defensive end, just block the rookie No. 6 on the outside line. Just do what you did in the first seven games and you can easily win the game."Rivers waved the tactical pen and shouted in a duck voice.

Although it is rumored that in 2008, even if there was a dog tied to the coaching bench, they could win the championship, but Rivers' coaching ability cannot be easily denied.

Rivers is still very good at motivating morale.

For a team like the Celtics, the most important thing is not tactics, but to coordinate the relationship between big-name players. There are too many people who can play in the Celtics, and Rivers is not needed to command them in many cases.

"OK!!!"The Celtics also shouted in unison with Rivers.

This game was not stressful for the Celtics.

Without Kidd, Terry, and Nowitzki, the Celtics did not think the Mavericks could pose a threat to them in their home court.

Garnett was very calm. Without Nowitzki today, no player could put more pressure on him.

Tonight should be another easy win!!

The atmosphere of arrogance was flowing through the Celtics!!

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