
On the court.

The camera was recording the warm-up of the two teams.

Coach Zhang was looking for Li Zhen. The official media had arranged for a commentator to come to Boston to comment on the game a week ago. Before the game, the Mavericks rested their main players, and Li Zhen was bound to be the absolute core, which made Coach Zhang very excited when he came to the scene

"Coach Zhang, don't worry, the entrance ceremony hasn't started yet."Yu Jia said with a smile.

Coach Zhang looked at his watch while holding the microphone. Indeed, the entrance ceremony hasn't started yet.

Although the Mavericks rested their main players in this game, Li Zhen didn't rest. Li Zhen will have more opportunities.

It happened to be the weekend, so more fans in China were paying attention to this game than ever before.

After watching a few games on TV, Coach Zhang now regards the Mavericks as his home team, just like many domestic fans.

"The Mavericks rested too many players today, so it will be difficult to play against the Celtics."Coach Zhang sighed.

"Hey, I think this can stimulate Li Zhen to exert his full strength. Didn't you always say that Li Zhen didn't seem to try his best in the previous games?"Yu Jia said

"Yes, in general, Li Zhen's playing time is still too short. Although he seems to be fighting hard, I feel that he still has more strength to play. Usually the Mavericks have too many shooting options."Coach Zhang said

"Yes, I think so too. I hope to see Li Zhen's full effort today."Yu Jia said.

After Coach Zhang and Yu Jia waited for a while,


The photographer's camera reminded them that the players were coming out.

Li Zhen was the first to come out for warm-up. He needed to fully stretch his body first to ensure that he could be in the best physical condition in the first quarter.

Then, seeing that Li Zhen was almost done with warm-up,

Coach Zhang also came over with a microphone to interview Li Zhen.......

In the dormitory of the drama academy.

Although it is still winter, it is not too cold in the dormitory.

Reba put her hands into the gap of the hot water bag to keep warm. Reba turned on the computer and clicked on Zhalang's live broadcast.

This is the second time Reba has watched Li Zhen's game. Li Zhen repeatedly emphasized that Reba must watch this game.

As a friend, Reba feels that she should support Li Zhen.

Reba also specially forwarded the link of this game on Weibo.

Although her influence is small, she has done her part for Li Zhen.

"Reba, are you watching Li Zhen's game again?"A roommate passed by and asked

"Yes, NBA is also very interesting."Reba replied.

She didn't want her roommates to know that she knew Li Zhen.

The screen played back Li Zhen's personal highlights again and again.

23 points in a single quarter in his debut, a buzzer beater, and his first time as a leader!

"Li Zhen is improving in almost every game, and I am looking forward to how he will perform today."On the screen, Ke Fan of Zhalang Sports said

"Li Zhen's average score has risen to 29 points. He is now ranked second in the rookie rankings, second only to Tyreke Evans. Facing the Celtics, it will be a huge challenge for Li Zhen. Don't expect too much about the outcome of the game. Just look at Li Zhen's personal performance. I hope Li Zhen can set a new personal high today."Ma Jian said.

Reba was listening to the commentator very carefully.

With the communication over the past few days, she has learned more and more about Li Zhen.

The more she knows about Li Zhen, the more she thinks Li Zhen is amazing.

Li Zhen has a wide range of knowledge, active thinking, and mature personality. Compared with many of her immature ideas, he is more like a mature uncle.....

In a basketball court dominated by blacks and whites, Li Zhen has gained a place, and it is not easy for him.

Reba now admires Li Zhen a little.

Reba is not a future big star yet.

She is just a female college student who has just entered the entertainment industry........

As time went by, after the entrance ceremony.

The starting lineups of both sides also appeared on the court.

Mavericks starting lineup: Barea, Li Zhen, Stevenson, Marion, Haywood.

This is definitely the second lineup.

Celtics: Rondo, Ray Allen, Pierce, Garnett, Davis.

Except for Davis, the other four are the strongest players of the Celtics.

On the bench, the Celtics also have Tony Allen, Rasheed Wallace and other tough guys!

Rivers was laughing happily on the sidelines.

There is no suspense at all about such a lineup.

Coach Zhang said:"The Mavericks used a small lineup, which is somewhat different from our pre-match estimates. It seems that Coach Carlisle is ready to let the Mavericks increase the rhythm."

Yu Jia said:"This is not the Mavericks' regular tactic, but it seems right to play like this, because if they play positional offense, the Mavericks' lineup will be at a disadvantage." On the court, Li Zhen was very excited and rubbing his hands. Seeing Ray Allen, Pierce, and Garnett, he felt that his chance to become a god in one battle had come.

"System, use [Peak State (Basic Version)】!!"

"Ding, use successful!!!"

Soon, Li Zhen felt a great power bursting out from his body.

This was similar to Harden's peak state!!

With that kind of lazy breath, Li Zhen could feel Harden's attitude that he didn't care who his opponent was!

This was not the first time Li Zhen had experienced this feeling. Now his strength was much stronger than when he just crossed over, but the more he understood, the more Li Zhen felt that there was a gap in strength between him and SS-level Harden.

A+His strength is pretty good, but he hasn't reached the point where he can destroy anyone he meets.

Now Li Zhen seems to be invincible because his opponents in the league don't understand him.

It's not like Harden, where opponents have studied Harden thoroughly but just can't do anything to him!

Li Zhen is enjoying this state, he is experiencing this feeling, Li Zhen is eager for this kind of strength, he really wants to improve to this level!!

Finally, when the referee threw the ball high into the sky.

The game officially started.

Haywood lost the jump ball to Big Baby.

The North Shore Gardens were full of momentum.

Li Zhen felt at the beginning of the game that this devil's home court was not in vain. In the first round, Rondo passed the ball to Ray Allen, who ran out of space with the help of Garnett's screen.

Li Zhen's speed around the screen was a little slower.

Ray Allen used this short space to complete the shot!!

Ray Allen's three-point shooting speed is maintained quickly, his posture is also very standard, and his sense of rhythm is also top-notch.


The top scorer in the NBA is not just a bluff, he has a strong ability to grasp the ball.

0 to 3

"In front of Ray Allen, the Mavericks' defense is very fragile, and Li Zhen needs to bear a lot of pressure on the defensive end."Coach Zhang said.

Although he failed to defend in the first round, Carlisle did not shout, because he knew what would happen in such a game.

The Celtics are still too strong.

The Mavericks attack.

Barea advances with the ball.

As soon as Barea passed half court, he passed the ball to Li Zhen on one side, and then quickly pulled away.

As time went on, Li Zhen played better and better. Barea no longer preached to Li Zhen, because he knew he could not teach Li Zhen more.

Barea was very pleased to see Li Zhen's growth with his own eyes.

The right side was 45 degrees diagonal, two steps away from the three-point line.

Li Zhen leaned over to hold the ball, playing tactics with his left hand, and the Mavericks players pulled away!

Most of the Celtics players were against There is not much research on Li Zhen. They are very arrogant and do not think that a rookie like Li Zhen can cause them much trouble, so they did not double-team him.

Ray Allen stood outside the three-point line and put his hands slightly back. Allen was still very clear about Li Zhen's fouls, and he was defending Li Zhen's fouls.

Seeing that Ray Allen did not force his defense, Li Zhen raised his hand and shot directly from two steps away from the three-point line!

Li Zhen's long three-pointer was very determined.

Ray Allen did not rush over at the first time, and Li Zhen completed the shot!!

The fans at the North Shore Garden Arena were a little surprised.

Aren't the Mavericks very team-oriented? Today, this rookie's style of play was a bit unique. He shot from a long distance after receiving the ball?

In the confusion of the fans, the basketball also went into the basket!!


3 to 3.

Li Zhen raised three fingers, shaking and backing away to celebrate the goal!


"Ray Allen never thought that Li Zhen would throw it directly"

"It feels great to compete against the top scorer!"

"Li Zhen just wants to get it back in front of Ray Allen"

"No need for screens, no need for dribbling, just long shots!!"

Domestic fans were excited when they saw Li Zhen respond to Ray Allen immediately!!

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