The circle of sports brands is so big.

Except for some small brands and new leaders, almost everyone present knew each other.

Especially as the New York regional head of Nike, the largest sports brand, Oliver.

There was no one present who did not know him.

Usually, you can’t look at small brands.

However, they don’t know what happened between Oliver and Yang Xu.

If anyone can successfully sign Yang Xu this time, it will definitely be a great achievement in their respective companies.

So everyone is doing everything they can and vows to succeed.

Their biggest common enemy at the moment is Oliver.

After all, Nike is the biggest sponsor of the NBA, and most of the NBA’s players are NBA signings.

Its influence naturally goes without saying.

Seeing Yang Xu take the initiative to greet Oliver, the heads of other brands suddenly felt bottomless.

No, Nike has already taken a head start!

“Mr. Oliver, are you here for something this time?” Yang Xu asked with a smile.

Hearing Yang Xu’s initiative to say hello, Oliver was even more bottomless.

It’s over, Yang Xu must be trying to trouble me.

“I… I want to come to you to talk about signing a cooperation. Oliver replied in his unconfident tone.

“Since we are also here to talk about cooperation, let’s go together! It just so happens that I don’t understand very well, let’s talk about it together! ”

Let’s talk about it?

Cooperation is one-on-one, how to talk together.

Yang Xu’s operation, everyone is blinded.

However, everyone still cooperated with Yang Xu and took the initiative to sit in a circle on the court.

This is the first time they have encountered such a situation in their work.

More than a dozen sports brands, sitting in a circle, sit on the basketball court and compete for a spokesperson.

“In fact, everyone has only just arrived, just now you all said together, I didn’t hear a word, then now we come one by one, each of you says their contract price, I will record it here and compare it.”

“After that, I will carefully consider it and give you an answer in a few days!” You see, how’s it going? ”

After Yang Xu waited for everyone to sit down, he put forward his own idea.

Everyone looks at each other, and no one has ever done that.

Doing so is also not in line with the rules of this circle.

Who quotes their own price in front of other brands.

In this way, it was too passive, and he was completely led by Yang Xu’s nose.

The consequence of doing this is that all brands will bring the price to the table to compare, which means that the higher price wins.

Then the first one to say is the most passive.

Seeing that everyone was not the first to speak, Yang Xu glanced around with a smile.

“Nobody wants to say it first? The first thing to say first is that I will have a little impression plus points! ”

Finally someone couldn’t help it.

A middle-aged little bald head raised his hand, “Since no one starts first, then I’ll come first!” ”

“I’m the head of Reebok Sports in New York, and my name is Harry!”

Reebok is one of these brands with a relatively low market share in the basketball field.

Their main focus is on fitness series.

However, in recent years, Reebok has also signed some famous NBA players, such as “Answer” Iverson, and Dayao.

Reebok, which was not dominant in the basketball field, is the least stressful one among these brands.

Since the opportunity is already small, it is better to rush.

In case of success, sign Yang Xu.

Maybe in this basketball field, Reebok can get a place.

With such a calculation, Harry was the first to stand up.

“We Reebok can be described as full of sincerity, and the endorsement fee we offer is 100 million yuan for 10 years!”

Harry said the number and looked confidently at the others.

This price is the first rookie contract in history, and he believes that no one can offer such conditions.

Sure enough, when others heard the figure of 100 million.

are all gasping, how bold Reebok is, how dare to offer such a price.

God knows what kind of results Yang Xu can play.

And the physique of the Xia people is very short, and it is still a problem whether they can fight for ten years.

Oliver was below, shaking his head repeatedly.

“It’s crazy!” I can’t help but sigh like this.

“More than that!” While everyone was still marveling at the high price of Reebok, Harry spoke again.

“We’ll also have a brand collection just for you!”

A dedicated brand collection?

Reebok must be crazy!

To date, the most successful brand collection is Nike’s Jordan series.

Nike has also achieved today’s supremacy because of this series.

It can be said that Jordan and Nike are mutual achievements.

However, launching a branded collection is a risky option.

If the spokesperson doesn’t have super popularity, then the brand may cause a big loss.

It’s definitely a big adventure.

Reebok actually did such a bold thing in order to sign Yang Xu.


Oliver took out a tissue and shook his head as he wiped the sweat from his forehead.

Reebok, this is the rhythm that is going to kill other people.

Do you want anyone to live?

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