
  Chapter 140 Searle

Rhodes did this to kill those fleeing Undead mage to get EXP.

After losing the undead creatures around, even the official undead mage will drop several levels in strength, so Rhodes can easily kill these undead mage.

The target Rhodes had chosen was Searle who had signaled to him earlier. The reason for choosing Searle as the target is that Searle is an official undead mage who can provide more EXP, and more importantly, Searle is also a Dark Raven messenger in the camp.

Even before the battle, Rhodes put all the gold coins in the Dark Raven messenger camp into the space ring for the convenience of giving out rewards. Therefore, after the camp is destroyed, these gold coins are completely counted as gold coins. Rhodes' own.

Rhodes believes that in addition to himself, the rest of the Dark Raven couriers have the same behavior, and there must be a lot of wealth in the space ring of these Dark Raven couriers.

Therefore, Rhodes first chose Searle as his primary target.

At this point, in the case of the bone vine guards rushing with all their strength, the speed far surpasses the horses riding in front of Cyr. There was not much left between Searle and Rhodes' pursuit, and it only happened within seconds.

Searle knew that Rhodes was chasing after him, and he must be harboring malicious intentions.

In the previous battle, Searle also took the rest of the undead mage as his target, so Searle also observed Rhodes' battle method.

After comparing with his own strength, Searle resolutely gave up on dealing with Rhodes on the battlefield, and finally gestured to Rhodes, also in order to let the more powerful Rhodes attract the attention of the senior undead mage, and even let him Veteran undead mage targets Rhodes, making it easier to escape the battlefield.

If it weren't for Rhodes, according to Searle's grasp of the situation, he would obviously have left the previous battlefield and successfully survived the previous battle.

However, in the current situation, Searle has to face a new threat.

Even though he knew that Rhodes was not good, Searle was not ready to fight Rhodes, but planned to cast spell to get himself a chance to escape.

Facing the Bonevine Guardian behind, Sear raised his hand, and a Slow Spell fell on the Bonevine Guardian. But Rhodes immediately unleashed his attack speed, which not only neutralized the Slow Spell, but made the Bonevine Guard run faster.

In the process of running at a high speed, the Bonevine Guard has come to the rear of the horse that Cyr is riding.

Seeing that the Bonevine Guardian was getting closer and closer to him, Sear didn't care to keep his mana, raised his hand, and released multiple spells.

A large number of Fireballs moved towards the Bonevine Guard, and Rhodes just had time to cast Firebane on the Bonevine Guard when the Bonevine Guard was hit by the Fireball.

The Fireball exploded in front of the Bone Vine Guardian, and the impact caused the Bone Vine Guardian to stagnate. Apart from this, Fireball failed to generate due to the resistance of the Fire Fighting Magic. how much effect. But the hand that the bone vine guard reached out in time, directly grabbed Sear on the horse.

The Bonevine Guard lifted Ciel, then waved his hand violently, smashing Ciel to the ground.

Searle's head hit the ground first under the action of the Bonevine Guard. With a muffled sound, Searle died in a twisted posture.

After confirming the newly obtained 700 EXP points in the system log, Rhodes got down from the body of the Bonevine Guardian under the pull of the cane.

Rhodes came to Cyr's body and started searching for items on him.

The head of Cyr's corpse is almost completely shattered, unable to generate Soul Fire, and Rhodes cannot be made into an undead creature even with the Legendary Grade Soul Evocation Technique.

On one of Searle's fingers, Rhodes removed Searle's space ring. With the infusion of mana, Rhodes is also connected to this space ring.

At this point, Rhodes begins to look inside the space ring.

The space contained in this space ring is much larger than what Rhodes had obtained before. Rhodes estimates that the size of the space inside the ring is about five to six cubic meters. Although a lot of items have been stacked inside the space ring, they only occupy less than half of them.

The value of a space ring is determined by the size of the space in it. The price of a single space ring will increase geometrically as the capacity of the space ring increases.

Rhodes found that Sear did not store much treasure inside the space ring. On the contrary, inside the space ring, there were a lot of gold coins, apart from this, and a lot of sundries, in addition to clothing and Along with normal food, Rhodes also found a complete set of bedding.

Rhodes continued to investigate, and finally found a magic book in the space ring.

Rhodes took out the magic book, but did not read it immediately, but re-boarded the Bonevine Guardian with the help of the cane.

Although he was far from the battlefield, Rhodes still had a bad feeling in his heart. Rhodes didn't know where this feeling came from, but this was clearly not the time to stop here.

Under Rhodes' signal, the Bonevine Guardian started to move, but this time, the Bonevine Guardian did not run as before, but walked slowly.

During the original running process, due to the deadwood guard's body not being able to run like this, and the weight of the bone guard's body, there were a lot of cracks in the bones of the bone guard's legs. As the running process progressed, the number of cracks increased.

Although a large number of ash-gray bone structures are produced inside the ancient vine, if you want to repair these cracks, you need to stop.

Recognizing this, Rhodes had to stop the Bonevine Guard while he worked on the crack in his leg so that the Bonevine Guard could continue to function.

At this time, the Bonevine Guard broke the trunk of a surrounding tree, and then tore the pieces of wood he needed.

The rattan sticks out and sends the wood chips to the crack in the leg of the bone vine guard. There are many small white rattans in the cracks, and the white rattan sticks to the wood chips, and then the It was pulled over the original crack.

apart from this, it is another bone-like structure that wraps the original cracks. Although the cracks in the body cannot be recovered, in this way, the Bonevine Guard has enabled himself to act again.

In addition to repairing the cracks in the legs, the parts of the Bonevine Guard that were corroded by the cloud of death have also been restored at this time.

During this time, the surrounding undead mage had fled far away, and Rhodes had no way to gain more experience.

The Bonevine Guardian started to move again, but Rhodes, who was on the Bonevine Guardian, seemed to have found something, and looked towards the back.

(end of this chapter)

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