
  Chapter 141 Map

After the senior undead mage on Dia's side was evacuated, the remaining undead mage did not Can produce any resistance, either be killed, or can only choose to escape.

The battle is over as the last undead creature in the camp dies.

After capturing the camp, Eli creatures had no plans to evacuate, but wanted to occupy the location of the camp and build fortifications to deal with the next counterattack of the undead mage.

During this time, all Eri creatures around the camp will gather towards the camp.

At this time, in the camp, the Eri creatures are cleaning the battlefield and cleaning up all the debris around.

Eri creatures pile up the corpses generated in the battle, no matter whether the corpse is an undead creature or a member of its own party, but at this point, after losing life, they no longer make any difference.

The flames rose, burning these corpses to the ground, and the surrounding Airy creatures turned their heads and stopped watching this scene.

In addition to the corpses, the items used by the undead mage, including the living tents and the straw mats used to keep out the cold, were also burned in the camp.

A large amount of smoke rose up until it was disappeared in the sky.

Because of the war and destruction brought about by the undead mage, Eri creatures hate all the actions of the undead mage, and also the items used by these undead mage.

In the eyes of Eri creatures, undead mage is equivalent to filth, and will never be seen by other races.

Just when the Eri creatures were busy, the palace mage Ed, but left alone.

Ed knew that because of the battle just now, the other creatures in the camp needed more at this time, not to chase the enemy with him, but to rest inside the camp.

For the Eri creatures in the camp, they will soon experience the next round of battle, and the undead mage will definitely not give up. At this time, every one minute of rest time is extremely precious to Eli Bio.

Through the observation of the treasure several times, Ed knew that the undead mage who escaped was equivalent to the formal undead mage in terms of strength, and needed to be dealt with seriously. Instead, it is the undead creature he controls.

Ed knows that as long as he can successfully catch up with the undead mage, he can kill it with his own strength.

Therefore, Ed simply said a word to the elf with the highest status in the team, and immediately rode away.

The eyeball pendant hanging in front of Ed was fully opened at this time, showing Ed where Rhodes was and what he was doing.

Even Edd saw the process of Rhodes killing Cyr clearly.

With the emergence of a Formation force fluctuation, the speed of the horse under Eddard increased significantly. Even in the jungle, the speed of the horse was not affected at all, as if the surrounding obstacles did not exist at all. .


At this time, Rhodes felt a sense of being watched.

Rhodes recalled that this feeling had arisen in Rhodes' mind during the previous escape from the dwarven village and during the battle on the battlefield.

Rhodes looked in the direction the sensation came from, but found nothing unusual.

Starting from dealing with Cyr's space ring, plus the High Level waiting for the Bonevine Guardian to recover from his injuries, Rhodes has spent a lot of time, and because of this, the rest of the undead mage have fled far away.

Rhodes knew that although he had temporarily escaped from the battlefield, and the situation at this time seemed extremely safe, these were just appearances. His figure had been completely locked by a powerful enemy.

At this point, the Bonevine Guardian has recovered, and the vampire has devoured most of Syr's flesh and blood.

The Bonevine Guard extends the cane inside his body, and Rhodes uses this to come to the Bonevine Guard's shoulder. At this point, at Rhodes' cue, vampire turned into a bat and returned to Rhodes' shoulders.

Rhodes commanded the Bonevine Guard and ran quickly to the side.

In the process of running, each step of the Bonevine Guardian made a loud noise, but Rhodes didn't care at all, but let the Bonevine Guardian continue to maintain this speed.

As the Bonevine Guards went away, the feeling of being watched in Rhodes' heart was not eliminated, but intensified.

Reminiscent of the news he had received in the dwarven village, and Rhodes' own inference, Rhodes realized that the source of this peeping might have come from the previous court mage, but Rhodes did not. Dare to be sure.

After the undead mage's camp was captured, Rhodes lost his most important source of intelligence. According to Rhodes' original idea, his next plan is to find the centaur leader in Eli, and under his leadership, investigate the information of the Elf Fountain in Eli.

If it goes well, Rhodes will be able to rely on the Elf Fountain to greatly increase his HP attribute through his actions this time.

But under the current circumstances, Rhodes can only temporarily change his plans.

At this point, a map appeared in Rhodes' hands.

The most valuable thing Rhodes gained during his days as Dark Raven's courier was not the treasures in the tent, but a map of the border.

In the first two days, Rhodes has completed the tracing of the map. At this time, it is such a hand-painted map that appears in Rhodes' hands.

All the map can provide is a complete terrain display and the locations of the remaining camps. There is no record on the map for the specific distribution of biological species at each location.

Even the dwarven village that Rhodes visited before was not marked on the map, only a simple terrain existed.

Rhodes knew that for the map at the border of Eri, it should be made through spell [perspective of the earth], coupled with the innate talent of cartography, even so, this map still has a very high value.

Rhodes quickly checked the map in his hand, trying to find a spot that might help him out of his predicament.

Rhodes first thought of other camps that belonged to the Dark Raven undead spell Academy, but had to give up the idea in the end.

At the border, in order to ensure the completion of the mission, each camp is responsible for a very wide range. Even if Rhodes makes the bone vine guards run at full speed, it will take almost half a day to reach the next one. Given the intensity of the perception, Rhodes was clearly unable to do so, given the location of the camp.

Therefore, Rhodes can only choose another bearing.

Rhodes found a special location in the process of checking the map. According to the original drawing on the map, this location was just a cliff. When tracing the map, Rhodes didn't think too much about this terrain.

Up until this point, Rhodes remembered the possible anomaly of this cliff.

As he looked at the map, Rhodes had a growing sense of being watched. Rhodes immediately let the bone vine guard under him rush towards the cliff.

At the same time, Rhodes ordered the centaur leader through spiritual imprint to immediately head to the direction of the cliff to join himself.

Rhodes didn't have time to confirm whether the cliff's situation was the same as he thought, but at this time, facing a powerful enemy, Rhodes couldn't care so much.

(end of this chapter)

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