Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1002: Kill

  Chapter 1002 Kill

   blocked Vidnina's blow, and the silver murloc did not escape the final fate. When he thought that Alex was the last ambush, Vidnina appeared.

  When he thought Vidnina was the last resort, Ryuuji fell from the sky.

This time, Liu Zhi’s attack really fell from the sky, and Liu Zhi did not leave any surplus. He knew the level gap between himself and the silver murloc. He also knew that he had missed this opportunity, and he wanted to find another opportunity like this. How difficult.

  So Ryuzhi directly used his strongest means.

In the sky, he prepared the bone spear, and it was not a bone spear, but ten bone spears of the same size. In addition to the penetration effect of the first wave, Liu Zhi blessed various bone spears. Effect.

  After these bone spears were thrown from the sky, they headed towards the silver murloc below, and then Liu Zhi placed a wave of thunder and lightning below.

  This wave of thunder and lightning was struck down in the form of death thunder.

  Although he was a bit behind the bone spear, he hit the silver murloc with the bone spear.

  And just now, the silver murloc used his flesh and blood to defend against the attack of Vidnina behind him, and he regained a little strength and became seriously injured.

  All the ten bone spears were pierced on his body, and after being hit by the Thunder of Death, the life of the silver murloc was finally about to bottom out.

  At this time, the silver murloc also began to violent.

  He yelled again, as if he was transformed, his body enlarged again, his head grew to about fifteen meters, and at the same time a big bag bulged on his left arm, and a new arm grew like this.

After   , the silver murloc jumped up, trying to rush out of Yanagi's attack.

  But his jump was too big, and his reaction was too slow, so the third wave of Yanagiji's attack fell.

  This time the attack came from Yanagi's left eye.

This is a silver light from the left eye. When this light fell on the silver murloc body, the body of the silver murloc that had grown larger actually shrank down, and the silver part of his body seemed to be constantly being lost. The ground melted and squeezed away in one direction.

   "Really effective?"

  Yagiji did not expect that the [Divine Eye] in his left eye was so effective, it seemed that it was really an attack against silver creatures.

  The least silvered part was reorganized, and the guy in front of him slowly changed back to the original flesh and blood murloc.

  Silver murloc looks powerful, but ordinary murlocs are not so scary for Yanagi.

Liu Zhi hasn’t been a murloc for more than ten years. He doesn’t know how many murlocs have been killed. Every time he sees a murloc, he will complain about why he meets a murloc again, but every time, he will find a way. Kill those murlocs.

  He doesn’t know how many ways to deal with Murloc.

   Seeing that the silver part of the silver murloc's body began to disappear, Liu Zhi moved his hand, and the strong wind blew through, and a large amount of yellow sand enveloped the murloc's body.

  The reverse storm this time was adjusted by Liu Zhi. The storm is still an ordinary storm, but the yellow sand blowing inside has all turned into quicklime.

  This can be regarded as one of his small innovations over the years.

  After all, Liu Zhi will encounter a large number of murlocs every time. Use big moves to deal with these murlocs. It's too wasteful. You don't need big moves. It's too slow to fight a little bit.

  So Liu Zhi simply studied such a big move for murlocs.

  Although this kind of targeted attack is most convenient for murlocs in the sea, it is not very effective for freshwater murlocs, but it is more or less effective.

  Moreover, those murlocs with relatively weak strength tend to deal with the graystone once, and they will not be dragged behind at all.

As for the existence of the silver murloc, Liu Zhi did not use this method at first, because the silver murloc looked like a murloc, but he was already a silver creature, and he was not like a murloc. There is a slime that can cause lime to produce an effect.

   Liu Zhi used this trick, and the effect on the silver murloc was not obvious.

But after the [Eyes of Divinity] works, Ryuzhi can naturally use this trick. The silver effect on the silver murloc has disappeared, and he has temporarily changed back to the murloc. Then the means to deal with the murloc can naturally be used. Use it.

  Sure enough, under the white quicklime storm, the silvery murloc’s skin seemed to be soaked in strong acid and rotted rapidly.

  At this moment, Liu Zhi also happened to fall from the sky and fell in front of the silver murloc.

  Yagiji didn't stay any longer, Thor's Destruction Fang pierced forward in his hand.

  Under this thorn, a black electric current came from Liu Zhi's hand and passed into the body of the silver murloc.

  The last time the silver murloc was strengthened, it can be said that it has fully stimulated his potential.

  His strength has returned to the highest level of the silver murloc.

  But after a series of blows from Ryuzhi, the power of the [Divine Eye] directly dropped his strength to about level 5, and the quicklime thing burned his entire skin.

  If it weren’t for him to stimulate his potential and replenish his life, maybe the quicklime attacks would be enough to kill him.

  The loss of the skin reduces the defensive power of the silver murloc.

  He might be able to withstand an attack like this.

  But now he can't stand it anymore.

  The sword of Liu Zhi pierced into the body of the silver murloc. Years of experience in killing murlocs made Liu Zhi aware of the weakness of the murloc.

  Yagiji didn't cut the tentacles on the silvery murloc's face, but pierced the silvery murloc's chest.

  There is the location of the Murloc’s heart.

   Normally, the attack would be bounced off by the fish scales, but now there are no fish scales on the silver murloc's body, and Liu Zhi's sword stabbed it directly open the silver murloc's body, piercing his heart.

  A trace of anger flashed in the eyes of the silver murloc, and his hands smashed at Liu Zhi from top to bottom.

  But at this time, Liu Zhi stepped back, and Thor's Destruction Tooth was pulled out of the silver murloc.

After   , a smile appeared on Liu Zhi's face, and a small Z was drawn on the teeth of Thor's destruction.

  When the silvery murloc’s blow was about to end, Thor’s Destruction Fang moved forward again, and it happened to be in the middle of the Z.

  At the same time, the tip of the thin stabbing sword gathered all the power and moved towards the center of the silver murloc’s eyebrows.

  In the next instant, the silver murloc felt that time seemed to stop, everything around it seemed to have no sound, everything turned black and white, and the only thing that could move was the thin thorn sword that was getting closer and closer to him.

  When Thor’s Destruction Fang pierced his body again, he heard the last voice in his life.

   "Eternal peace."

  (End of this chapter)

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