Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1003: Gemini clone

  Chapter 1003 Gemini clone

  After using a trick for eternal tranquility on the silver murloc, Thor’s Destruction Fang opened a hole in the silver murloc’s eyebrows.

  However, when pulling out Thor’s Destruction Tooth, Liu Zhi noticed that the corpse of the silver murloc slowly turned into a statue made of silver.

  It’s just that the statue in front of me was the size of the silver murloc when he was finally rage, and it was 15 meters tall. Even if it fell to the ground, it was quite tall.

  The head of the statue is still the head of the murloc, but a hole is punched out at the center of the eyebrow.

   Standing near the statue, Yanagi felt that the statue looked like it was melting.

  Some silver liquid dripped from the surface of the statue and penetrated into the ground.

  This is not a manifestation of the survival of the silverized murloc, but a manifestation of the instinct of the silverized flesh and blood.

  Ryuzhi knew that this was an opportunity. If he missed this opportunity, next time he wanted to kill a level 10 silver creature, he didn't know when he had to wait.

  He stretched out his hand and took the [Divine Eye] from his left eye socket.

  The divine eye was transformed by Liu Zhi with the divine nature of the feather snake god, and the power in it has been completely integrated with Liu Zhi.

  Yagiji put this [God Eye] in the hole where the murloc’s eyebrows were pierced.

  At the moment when the divine eye was put in, the body of the silver murloc turned into a pool of silver liquid in a blink of an eye.

  Yiuzhi was standing on the corpse of the silver murloc. Without checking, he fell directly into the silver liquid.

  When he stood up, his body was already stained with silver body fluid.

  At the same time, Liu Zhi felt that this silver liquid was squeezing into his body, as if he wanted to transform his body into silver material.

  Liu Zhi snorted, the phantom of the feather snake appeared behind him, and then all the silver liquid concentrated towards one position, that position was where the [Eye of God] was.

  Slowly the silver liquid formed a feather snake in front of Liu Zhi, which was a little different from the feather snake phantom behind Liu Zhi.

This feather snake does not have so many power expressions. The feather snake phantom behind Liu Zhi has oceans, seaweeds, sea storms, heavy rain, thunder and lightning behind the dark clouds, skulls, ghosts and wandering lives. It can be said that Liu Zhi is here. The development of divine nature is not small.

  The silver feathered snake in front of him is different. On his body there are only skulls and ears of wheat full of vitality.

  Of course these are just decorations. What really represents the power of the feather snake is the scales and feathers on his body and body.

  On the scales of the snake, you can clearly see that it is the pattern of the skeleton, and on the feathers of the feathered snake’s wings, it is the pattern like the ears of wheat.

  It can be seen that this feathered snake represents a pair of death and harvest in Liuzhi's mastery of the divine power.

  After all the silver liquid turned into the feather snake, the feather snake's eyes opened.

   However, what surprised Liu Zhi was that the eyes of this feathered snake were also silver.


  Ryuzhi took a step back. He was a little worried about the failure of this transformation. If the feather snake in front of him turned into a silver creature, it would be difficult for him to defeat the enemy.

  Fortunately, at this moment, Feather Snake suddenly opened another eye at the center of his eyebrows. That eye was the [Divine Eye] that Liu Zhi put in.

  When these eyes opened, the feathered snake's eyes also changed, from the original silver to a black and green vertical pupil.

  Liu Zhi understands that black eyes represent death, and green eyes represent a good harvest.

  This shows that the transformation of this incarnation of Ryuzhi has been successful.

  Seeing this, Liu Zhi also showed a slight smile on his face.

  Then he was about to give the clone a nicer name, but he didn't expect the feathered snake to twist by itself and split into two groups on the spot.

  What is the situation?

Before Liu Zhi could react, two men who looked the same as him appeared in front of him. Both of them had silver skin. They looked very similar to Liu Zhi's, and they were made of feathers. The colors of clothes and clothes are black and green respectively.

  The black front flap is concealed to the left, which means that he is dead, while the green front flap is concealed to the right, which means the rebirth of life.

  The details on their clothes also represent their identity, one is the embodiment of the death divinity of the feathered snake, and the other is the embodiment of the divine harvest of the feathered snake.

   "I made two clones at once?"

  The black-clothed man stretched his hand forward, and a gem appeared in his hand.

  Ryuzhi saw that it was the [Divine Eye], an existence that could be used to contact this clone.

"My two are one." The green one said, "It's just that after we start, we will be separated, one in the world and one in the underworld, just like two people in the mirror, cooperating with each other but not seeing each other. "


  Liu Zhi was stunned for a moment, how could this happen.

   "That's it. In the real world, I am responsible for dialogue and communication with you, he is responsible for fighting for you, in the underworld, he is responsible for dialogue and communication with you, and I am responsible for fighting."

   "Then your ability?"

   "I will do everything you know, but in some magic, we will produce some abnormal changes, such as undead magic, when used in my hand, it will be like life or nature magic."

  The green one spoke, and stretched out his hand. In his hand, a spear formed from a branch appeared.

   But Liu Zhi can clearly feel it, this is a bone spear.

Liu Zhi looked at the black one, he also nodded, stretched out his hand, pointed at the ground, a large number of arms appeared on the ground, it looked like he wanted to drag people into the ground, but Liu Zhi understood this. It is the magical harvest blood of natural blood.

After understanding this, Liu Zhi took the [Divine Eye] and put it in his eye socket.

  As the divine eye was put in, Liu Zhi poured a lot of information into his mind, and at the same time, he found that he could communicate with the two people in front of him.

  And the information of these two naturally appeared in Liu Zhi's attribute column.

  【The second clone attribute: Yit and Leila】

  [Occupations: Necromancer and Druid]

  【Level: Level 4 (can only be upgraded after the deity is upgraded)】

  【Magic: 1286/1286】

  [Attributes: Strength 13.0, Agility 15, Constitution 18, Spirit 27]

  [Meditation: Life and Death Balance Pluto Thought Level 6]

[Professional Skills: Level 6 of Spiritualism, Level 4 of Vampiric Touch, Level 6 of Gathering Thaumatology, Level 3 of Life and Death, Level 5 of Quicksand Trap, Level of Reverse Storm 7, Level 6 of Bone Spear, Level 4 of Dark Sky , Soul Extraction Level 11, Mark of the Wild·Attack Level 4, Mark of the Wild·Defense Level 4, Wild Spirit Level 5, Thunder Wing Shield Level 7, Death Thunder Level 6, Harvest Blood Level 3, Death Ripple Level 4, Female Demon Embrace Level 4, Undead Army Level 4, Rite of Autumn 3 Level, Corpse Blast Level 7, Ocean Breath Level 3, Ghost Surround Level 3, Ocean Book Level 2, Banshee Wailing Level 3, Banshee Breath Level 3 , The Walking Dead Level 2, Plague Walk Level 3, Vampire Transformation Level 1, Undead Ice Level 2]

  (End of this chapter)

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