Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1005: Elephant civilization

  Chapter 1005 Xiangren Civilization

   "The situation is not right, we are being watched."

  Walking to the golden halfway, Liu Zhi also felt that the situation was not right. He found that the nearby ice and snow seemed to be slowly weakening, and something seemed to be controlling the nearby wind and snow.

  This feeling made Ryuzhi quite uncomfortable.

  At the same time, Yanagi also felt that the magical elements around him had become a little rigid and less active.

  If this feeling weren't because of his own divinity, he wouldn't feel it at all.

  In order to test whether he was really being spotted, Liu Zhi even stretched out his hand and gathered a thunder and lightning in his hand.

  Just as he had guessed, the lightning only appeared and disappeared for an instant.

  It can be seen from this point that the nearby magic is suppressed.

  Ryuzhi's subordinates naturally noticed it, and Vidnina stood directly beside him.

  And Alex looked at Ryuji, "Should we let the carriage out? If there is a carriage, we can get out of here quickly."

  "Come in no hurry, let's beat them."

  Yagiji pointed in one direction.

  There just stood out three teams of weird elephants.

  These elephants are about three meters tall and wear thick clothes. Judging from the exposed skin of the clothes, their skin is blue-gray with many lines on them.

  Those lines have all colors, some of them are purple and green, and a small part of them are red.

  It can be seen that these lines are used to restrain magic.

  Yagiji's eyes are good, and even these elephants have such lines in their eyes.

  They carried a shield like a light shield in their hands, and a battle axe made of ice in each hand.

  They have about ten to fifteen people in each team. After the three teams appeared, they surrounded Liu Zhi from three directions.

Faced with this situation, Ryuzhi's expression also became solemn, "Release the troops and prepare to attack from a distance, Vidnina, you deal with the ones on the left, and I'll deal with the ones on the front, the ones on the right of Alex give it to you."

  Alex heard it, and quickly released the troop and the two co-heroes.

  As soon as the two sub-heroes appeared, they also felt that the situation was not right here. One of them said to Alex: "It seems that the Sheep Art can no longer be used, and all magic cannot be used."

"It should be that the opponent has the ability to restrain magic, coupled with their size and armor, it can be seen that they are the kind of all-defense enemy. We have no way to trap the other party. If we want to defeat them, we can only They split up and deal with it."

  The other co-hero didn't speak, he just commanded the three troops under his control and stood at the forefront of the team.

  His ability is to act as a guard of honor. Among his three troops, there is a convoy of horse-drawn carriages, and there are also two troops used to protect the horse-drawn carriages.

  Whether it is acting as a meat shield or trapping the enemy, he has nothing to do.

  And the situation in front of him also understood that he was useless in the frontal battlefield, so when Alex and another hero were discussing how to attract the enemy, the hero jumped into the carriage.

  At the same time, his two troops also stood on the carriage separately.

  These carriages charged up on the ice field and rushed towards the elephant.

  As the convoy of carriages rushed forward, Ryuuji and Vidnina also shot at the same time.

  They all drew their long swords, but Liu Zhi only has one of Thor’s Destroying Fangs, and there are eight long and short swords in Vednina’s hand.

   When rushing to the elephants, both Ryuzhi and Vednina made the same movement, making a heavy stroke of their arms.

  Then Fengjian was released by them.

This wind blade comes from the power of Indigo Wind Chasing Swordsmanship. It belongs to the scope of martial arts. It is not a magic. On the contrary, it is a wind blade that is carried at a super fast speed. As long as the sword in hand is still there, Ryuuji and Widney Na can put as many wind blades as she wants.

  The elephants faced by Ryuuji and Vidnina did not expect to encounter such a situation.

  The situation they usually encounter is either a group of wizards who can't use magic, and they are beaten into rookies by them, or it is a melee unit that does not use magic, but their attacks cannot break the defense.

  It can be said that they have never seen it before, which is similar to a magical attack, or think that this kind of magic hits them without any response.

  But these wind blades are not magic, but their power is not weaker than magic.

Especially on the side of Vidnina, her wind blade merged with the aura of a blizzard and a sea storm. When the wind blade hits out, it looks like nothing, but when it flies out for a certain distance, she carries it like this. The momentum even brought a little bit of chill.

  This is the power with attributes. Those elephants have not encountered such a situation for a long time.

  When the wind blade with the blizzard momentum fell on them, their movement speed stopped for a while, and they were the kind of existence that could ignore the magic blizzard before.

  At first, they thought that even if they rushed forward, it would be fine.

  As a result, they were all recruited, and the wind blade cut their bodies open, and the cold froze them.

  They were all rushing forward, but the few in the front row were frozen, and the back ones crashed into it, just like bowling, all of them fell to the ground.

  Such a good opportunity, Vidnina would naturally not miss it. She rushed forward and rushed in front of the elephants, and the long sword in her hand was cut at the two elephants at the same time.

  The defensive power of those elephants is very strong, but it depends on who is compared.

  Vednina's swordsmanship can't even catch up with Ryuzhi. In the past ten years, Vindnina has been practicing swords there as soon as she is idle. Her swordsmanship has exceeded the limit of her level.

   Now encountered a siege, and it happened to be where Vidnina's advantage lay. After a few swords, a few elephants were killed in this way.

  The remaining elephants were also surprised by the situation here. They ignored the others and surrounded Vidnina one after another.

  Instead, at this time, these elephants just revealed an elephant holding a staff behind them.

Liu Zhi didn’t know about the Elephant Man. They didn’t know that the Elephant Man was to break the law, so there was no wizard in the Elephant Man. The Elephant Man with the staff was actually the strongest in their clan. The big warrior is also the most special profession in their ethnic group.

  The person who sealed the law.

  This class is different from other elephants. His wand has a stronger magic-breaking effect.

  The most important thing is that in this profession, as long as the staff is inserted on the ground and within a certain range nearby, all the magic can not be used.

  (End of this chapter)

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