Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1006: Death comes from the sky

  Chapter 1006 Death falls from the sky

  For Vednina’s attack, Xiangren felt that it was still magic for the first time, but it was magic that they had not encountered before and could not be restrained.

  So the elephant man with the staff used his strongest ability, and he was going to turn the land in front of him into a forbidden area.

  After the elephant man elder's staff was inserted into the ground, Liu Zhi felt the most obvious change here.

  He couldn't even feel his connection with the underworld, as if all the connections with the outside world had been severed.

  For this situation, Ryuzhi couldn't do anything to influence him. After all, Ryuzhi's own ability was not only magic, but also good swordsmanship.

  It's just that he is quite disgusted with the situation in front of him, he can see the abilities of these elephants.

  These guys are the nemesis of magic, and I don’t know what will happen to them with remote magic.

  While thinking, Liu Zhi fought with the elephant man. Because of magic restraint, Thor’s Destruction Fang was also affected to a certain extent. The electric current on it disappeared, and it could only be used as an ordinary thin thorn sword.

  The elephant's skin is thick, the wind blade can break open, and the thin stabbing sword can pierce the opponent's body with a little force, but the harm to these elephants is not great.

  Videnina can easily kill seven or eight elephants, and Ryuzhi is still fighting with one elephant.

But this is still relatively good. Liu Zhi killed at least one elephant man on his side. Alex clearly had so many troops on his side, but he could only fight with the elephant men there, but there was no way to kill these elephant men. .

  Every time you see these elephants being killed, there are always other elephants rushing over.

  The cooperation between them is good, their level is not low, and they actually played well with the troops under Alex.

  The most important thing is that they also have a way to replenish blood. It is not magic, but something that looks like a blood bottle. As long as you drink it, serious injuries will immediately become minor injuries.

  And ordinary minor injuries are of no use to these elephants.

  For a time, Liu Zhi and Xiangren entangled here.

  Liu Zhi understands that if he drags it down now, maybe the elephants nearby will find out about the situation here, and it won’t be so simple for him to leave at that time.

   So Liu Zhi sent a signal, ready to let his subordinates come and help him.

  The subordinates close to Liu Zhi are naturally the Skyfire that participated in the ambush of the Silver Murloc.

  The sky fire has not yet flown back to the plague camp, and it is loaded with the spider artillery that Liu Zhi is going to use to ambush the silver murloc.

  At this time, the spider artillery has not rested, and may only be able to carry out another shelling.

   But for Ryuuji, perhaps this shelling was enough.

  Plasma guns are not magic, but the problem is that Liu Zhi has modified some magic here. The plasma liquid inside will absorb the magic power from the outside. Liu Zhi does not know what these things will do to the elephant.

  But no matter what, he always has to try it. At least he has to make sure that the plasma cannon can be used against these elephants. If it can’t be used, then think of another way.

  After all, there is already a war here, so he must kill the human civilization in the next step, otherwise he would be beaten but not fight back, that would not be Liu Zhi's style.

  He knows his strengths and weaknesses, so he must fight constantly and arrange the enemy clearly.

  Of course, when the Skyfire flew to the sky, Ryuzhi's hand movement did not stop.

  At this time, the neighborhood has become a forbidden domain. Liu Zhi himself can't fly even if he wants to fly. He dodges the attacks of the elephants on his own footsteps, and at the same time checks the surrounding situation.

  He has already seen that these elephants have thick anti-height skin and are quite difficult to fight, and they also know their weaknesses, and they always protect the heart and eyes well.

  So it is very difficult to make a move from this aspect.

  Yagiji’s current thinking is to see if the boulder falling from the sky is considered a physical attack or a magical attack, and whether they can prevent these things.

  If they can't prevent them, then Liu Zhi has a way to deal with them.

  At this moment, the spider artillery attack on the Skyfire arrived.

   This time, three hundred plasma cannons fell from the sky and landed relatively far away from the battlefield.

  The elephant man elder at that position is guarding there with the elephant man's reserve force.

When the plasma cannons descended from the sky, the elephants didn’t pay attention at first. Those plasma cannon attacks looked like arcane missiles. Such attacks were never taken seriously by the elephants, even the young elephants were not afraid of it. Attack it.

But this is not the case with the plasma cannon. After flying into the forbidden area, the magic absorbed by the plasma cannon's periphery is dispersed. When this disperses, the plasma cannon explodes, but the plasma liquid inside is not affected. The impact was directly splashed on the elephants.

  The plasma gun can destroy the defensive cover of the spacecraft, and it can kill the spacecraft in space, isn’t it relying on these plasma liquids?

  It is a kind of high-frequency current compression.

  That kind of thing looks like water, but in fact, if you really think of it as water, you would be wrong.

Most people don’t dare to mess around here, even the spider artillery, although it can generate electric current cannons, but they definitely don’t dare to expose this thing to the air. Instead, it strengthens their body structure and prevents the air from contacting them for storage. The internal organs of the plasma liquid.

  Because the plasma liquid will explode as soon as it contacts the air.

  And this is not the power of magic, but the power of biochemistry and technology.

   Even the elephant can't prevent this.

  So the plasma cannon exploded directly above the elephant's head.

Originally, Liu Zhi and the others were also within the scope of the explosion, but the problem is that Liu Zhi and the others are shorter than the elephant man, not a little bit shorter than the elephant man. Compared with the one meter tall Yanagi who is more than three meters tall, it seems like Like the building, it helped Liu Zhi and the others block the biggest impact of the explosion.

  After the explosion of the plasma liquid, a large number of elephants were shaken to the ground.

  Why would Liu Zhi miss such a good opportunity, Liu Zhi jumped directly on the elephant's body. Although Thor's Destruction Tooth had no lightning effect, its sharpness was still there.

  Those who were bombed by the elephant, Liu Zhi was not polite, and directly pierced into the elephant’s eyes.

  When the elephants did not get up from the ground, Liu Zhi killed six or seven elephants.

  On the side of Vidnina, it was even faster. After the elephant was blown up, Vidnina shot all the elephants in front of her and killed all the elephants in front of her.

  (End of this chapter)

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