Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1015: Draw the enemy out of the city

  Chapter 1015 Leading the enemy out of the city

  The chariot is considered to be another new unit since the return of Amanite.

  As Amanite’s idea, of course she wanted to replace all the cavalry with chariots.

   But that is unlikely. With the help of Amanite, two such chariot soldiers were finally trained.

  One is an ancient Egyptian-style chariot. On the chariot is a mummy wearing a beast-shaped helmet, and what pulls the chariot is a scarab-shaped undead carcass.

  This is a special unit that came out of the Burial Desert.

The two combinations of   , plus the chariot that was transformed into a skeleton transporter, form the current style.

  This tank runs with its own yellow sand effect, and the effect is similar to the previous death knight with its own black fog.

  The mummy standing on the chariot uses the effects of curses, spear throwing, and spear charging. After losing speed, the mummy can also use battle axes or long swords to fight, which can be regarded as a full-scale combat style.

  Of course, the yellow sand that ran up disappeared after it rushed into the control area of ​​the elephant.

  And the curse hasn't been released yet, it has no effect.

  But their impact was still there. As soon as the mummies rushed over, they directly hit the last batch of elephants.

  Unlike other cavalry, this mummified chariot can run on the wall.

After    collided, the chariot drove directly toward the elephant's face.

  When rushing upward, the mummy’s spear pierced the elephant’s face.

  When the elephant’s weapon hits the chariot, the chariot will turn into a large number of broken bones, yellow sand and beetles, but in the next moment, the chariot will recombine and change back to its original appearance.

  This is the biggest feature of this mummy chariot.

  The last tank that arrived was a high-tech tank. It only appeared once in more than ten years of arena battles, but it became famous because of that battle and swept the entire arena.

  In the end, they were defeated by the archer's bow and arrow, becoming the second place that year.

  They are different from mummified chariots. Their chariots are covered with heavy iron plates, and even the horses pulling the chariot in front are covered with a thick shell.

  If it weren’t for the war horse to be undead, you might only have to run for ten steps and then stop and rest.

  These thirty carriages look like heavy tanks. In order to make them run, the makers of the chariots can be said to have added a lot of technology that is not available.

   Even so, this tank unit is also the slowest of the seven units.

  When they rushed here, the battle here was about to end.

  When seeing these iron-shelled chariots rushing over, everyone including the mummified chariots that had just arrived quickly left, leaving a way for these chariots to charge.

  The elephants who survived finally didn't understand what was going on. They looked at everything in front of them with some doubts, why the enemies ran away all at once.

  At this time, a lot of blades popped out from the wheels of the steel tank.

  The wheel is like a meat grinder, constantly turning, driving the chariot faster and faster.

At the same time, there appeared a thing on the tank like the special collision angle on the battleship, except that the collision angle of the bow of the battleship was made of wood, and it was made of metal, and it was still flashing. Cold light.

Thirty tanks rushed into the battlefield. The corpses of the elephants on the ground had no way to stop their charging speed. Instead, under the influence of the blade, they were twisted into pieces, slicing blood paths. .

  Under the blood and flesh, the chariot crashed into the elephant.

  The collision angle pierced directly into the body of the elephant, and even the strong defensive power of the elephant could not withstand these.

  When the chariot stopped, other cavalry units gathered from all sides and began to deal with the last few elephants.

It didn’t take long for all the elephant men to die in the hands of the cavalry. More than two hundred elephant men were killed before even the troops of the Light of the Arena Legion hadn’t seen them. On the spot.

  After killing the elephants, the Legion of Light of the Arena had no idea to clean up the battlefield.

  After they killed the enemy, they immediately began to organize their equipment.

  This is the habit of gladiators. For them, the enemy's corpse is not important, but their own equipment is important.

  Only when their own equipment is well protected can they survive the next battle.

  So after killing the enemy, they immediately organized their equipment.

  In fact, even the skeleton shooters who retreated to the back were the same. After they retreated to a safe place, they immediately began to assemble the arrows they had shot before.

  After their arrows were shot out, there was no way to take them back and use them again, so they had to be reassembled.

The same is true for other people, like the blade on the side of the tank. Don’t look at the grinded meat after it pops out. In fact, the blade wear is quite serious. Now these blades must be polished one by one and then pushed back. It will be useful not to point at this blade next time.

  There are the spears of the swan cavalry and the teeth of the werewolves. Everything must be sorted out.

  Where will they have time to deal with the corpses of these elephants.

  And the other heroes under Liu Zhi, who are leading the army to besiege the hundreds of elephants in another place, have no time to come and deal with them.

  So these elephant corpses were thrown on the spot, and no one handled them.

  After the Retreat of the Light of the Arena, the elephant man's body was soon discovered by the elephant man.

  This time, two hundred of the main battle elephants were lost, and there was also a chaos in the main city of Xiangren.

   These are two hundred elephants, and they are still the main battle type, which is more than half of the main city's defensive power.

  It didn't take long before they went out, and they all died in the battle.

  Even they don’t even know who killed these elephants.

   only saw a pile of corpses on the ground.

  The elephant leader in the main city was directly angry.

   Originally, he didn't want to play.

  Because he can live safely in the main city.

  But now he won’t be able to play.

   So less than an hour after receiving the news, the 10th-level elephant leader clicked on the last two hundred elephant troops defended in the main city and prepared to set off.

  In the high places above the three cities of the elephant people, there are Yanagi's eyes in the sky staring at them.

  The change in the main city was uploaded to Liu Zhi.

As soon as Liu Zhi saw this information, he couldn't help but said, "What's the matter? Did you win the jackpot? We haven't taken the shot yet. They will attack with the whole army and inform Dak of the news so that he can kill the enemy. If it doesn’t work, drag me the enemy, and the sun boat marches towards the Elephant Man’s ancestral city. Let’s fight there first."

  (End of this chapter)

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