Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1016: The attack begins

  Chapter 1016 Attack begins

  Ryuzhi and Xiangren’s troops advanced at the same time, reaching their chosen battlefields almost at the same time.

  It’s just that Ryuzhi chose it by himself. It’s different from the leader of the man. He chose it passively.

  The position where the Light Legion of the Arena fought with the elephant troops was stuck somewhere between the corpses of Inturn and the elephants.

Elephant people were originally here to make trouble. After seeing the bodies of their compatriots, they were immediately angry. Except for leaving the two elephant people elders who didn’t know what to do there, the other elephant people turned towards Ingut. Squeeze away.

  Let Duck take the initiative to lead them over.

  At the same time, Liu Zhi also appeared over the ancestral city of Elephant Man with two sun boats.

  Yagiji came over this time, except for Alex, there were no other heroes with him, and he planned to strike a wave directly in the air.

  If it is possible, Ryuzhi does not intend to go directly to the battle, he intends to strike from a distance to attract the enemy's attention to the air, and then he arranges for the spider artillery that sneaks to be able to strike from a nearby mountain.

  This should be able to blow up the ancestral city.

  I believe that the leader of the elephant people will receive news from the ancestral city. If they do not plan to abandon the ancestral city, they will definitely put down the battle in front of them and head towards the ancestral city.

After   , Dak can keep chasing the enemy, devouring the enemy's troops little by little.

  When the elephant leader and his troops rushed to the ancestral city, Ryuzhi's spider artillery just had enough rest, and then gave the elephant leader a wave of plasma cannon to wash the ground.

After   , there is nothing like human beings.

  Of course these are the most suitable arrangements.

  Yagiji cannot guarantee that like people will act as they want.

  For this reason, he still needs to leave a part of the heroes as a backup force to deal with various possible situations.

And Liu Zhi will not forget why he came to this snowy field. He also needs to guard against enemies in the diamond area. He has been staring at the golden area where the elephants are for some time. They may be Attacked at this time.

  There are many players on this planet, and the relationship between players is not so good.

  Liu Zhi didn’t know if any players were staring at him, and he didn’t know if any players would suddenly come out at his most critical moment.

  So Ryuzhi must have a reserve force of his own.

  Like the dead bone army arranged in their own territory, this is the case, and the same is true for the heroic troops that have not yet been arranged.

  Liu Zhi’s efforts over the past ten years have not been in vain, and he can now arrange some things clearly.

  As the signs on the map in front of him kept moving, his face became serious.

  The sign representing the leader of the elephants has already had the first round of contact with the Light Legion of the Arena on Dak’s side. Although the result of the contact there is not known, the time has come.

  Yiu Zhi had a judgment in his heart.

   "Start attacking!"

   Following the order from Ryuji, on the two solar boats, all the spider artillery unfolded their bodies.

  This solar ship is not long, but each solar ship is equipped with three hundred spider artillery.

  Some of them lay on the deck of the sun boat, and some hung directly on the bottom of the sun boat.

The sun fire on the   Skyfire was used up, Liu Zhi glanced over there, and it would take at least one to two months to recharge.

  But the sun fire on the light signal of the underworld is still there, and now Liu Zhi has prepared the sun fire in order to target the strong enemy that is likely to appear.

  Under the order of Ryuzhi, all the spider artillery turned their heads to the position of the ancestral city.

  At this moment, Ryuzhi did not hesitate anymore. He did not plan to wait five minutes to see the final improvement brought by the map.

  He now focuses all his attention on the battlefield in front of him.

  At the order of Liu Zhi, six rows of plasma cannons descended from the sky, covering the entire city of Xiangren's ancestral city.

  As the ancestral land of the elephant man, that place was naturally affected by the elephant man. The plasma cannon shells flew to a position about three hundred meters above the city, and the shell covering the plasma liquid became useless.

  The faint blue plasma liquid inside fell like rain to the various buildings in the ancestral city.

  Without the impact of the package, the power of the plasma liquid is also weakened a lot.

  But when it fell about 150 meters, the plasma liquid still exploded in a series.

  In the shock wave brought by the explosion, a large number of buildings were blown up or blown down.

The old elephants inside    protected the young elephants and rushed out. More than fifty adult elephants raised their arms and shouted into the sky.

   "Not enough. Hit all."

  Yiuzhi saw the situation here at a glance. It was impossible to destroy the ancestral city with the power of the plasma cannon, and Liuzhi immediately issued a new order.

  Under his command, all the spider artillery shots with full force, the plasma cannon fired three volleys, and 1,800 blue rays of light flew towards the ancestral city from all directions.

  Under the faint blue light, no one noticed that Liu Zhi also dropped some automatic missiles from goblins at the ancestral city.

This is the key to Liu Zhi’s action. When he knows that elephants have magic resistance, Liu Zhi does not point to magic to work. Taking bows and arrows is not Liu Zhi’s routine, so the final direction is the goblin technology. on.

  As an investor in Goblin Technology, Liu Zhi has acquired many weapons and equipment made by Goblin Technology in the past ten years.

  The chariots in the Legion of Light in the Arena are one of them.

  The V-type goblin automatic missile currently in Yanji's hand is another type.

  Compared with a generation of Goblin automatic missiles, this Goblin automatic missile does not need to put a lot of materials into it.

  As long as there is dirt, stones, etc., you can directly make new ammunition.

   is considered the greatest cost-saving help for commercial goblins.

  Of course, in order to make these things explode, the engineering goblin added something to it. After listening to it for more than a year, Liu Zhi didn't know what it was. He only knew that the thing was very useful, and it would explode with just one click.

  Of course it may be placed there, if you don’t press him, he will also explode.

  It is precisely for this reason that when Liu Zhi came, he did not bring the manufactured goblin automatic missiles, but brought the machine that produced the goblin automatic missiles.

  This time he pushed all those missiles out of the sun ship.

  Those flying in the air unexpectedly locked the target automatically and flew towards the ancestral city of the elephant.

  Under the faint blue light of the plasma cannon, people like people did not notice the existence of these goblin automatic missiles. When the missiles flew in front of them, everything was too late.

  (End of this chapter)

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