Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1017: Careless

   Chapter 1017

  The automatic goblin missile exploded in the plasma liquid explosion of the plasma cannon.

  The soil and stones used to make missiles have changed their shape and become something similar to glass.

  The thing whirled quickly under the explosive air current, and cut open the human body.

  At the same time, because the goblin automatic missile exploded closer, some buildings in this city were almost blown up.

  With Liu Zhi’s eyesight, one can see from a distance that there are a large number of elephant bones piled together in the underground of the ancestral city.

  These bones have been completely white bones, they seem to be piled up in one direction, and all the skulls are going in one direction.

   And that direction is not the center of the ancestral city, but a corner to the southeast.

  This surprised Liu Zhi. He found that when he was calculating everything, he had not calculated the status of Xiangren’s civilization.

  He did not know the civilization of the elephants, did not know what they worshiped, did not know what they believed, only knew that they had magic resistance ability and came over.

  He still doesn't do well in this regard.

  Wake up secretly in his heart, don't make such a mistake next time, Liu Zhi issued a new order.

   "The spider artillery troops on the ground are dispatched to attack all positions in the southeast of the ancestral city."

Under the order of Ryuzhi, a large number of spider artillery appeared on the nearby hills. All of these were new guys trained by the Orangming Spider Girl. They were brought out from the underworld by the Orangming Spider Girl and sneaked into the vicinity of the Ancestral City. I went to Yanagiji a lot of hard work.

  Originally, they were going to deal with and rescue the elephants in the ancestral city.

  But now, Liu Zhi has discovered that there may be a problem with Zucheng, and he can't let his plan have any changes.

  So the spider artillery appeared in advance. They were larger than the spider artillery on the solar boat, and their body color was close to gray-black. This was the result of absorbing too much yin.

  These spider artillery opened their mouths, and sprayed their plasma cannons in the direction designated by Yanagi.

  Under the attack of these spider artillery, the ground at the location they targeted was exploded.

  Liu Zhi saw that there was a deep pit in the ground.

  The diameter of the deep pit is at least about three kilometers, and when viewed from above, it is layered layer after layer of white bones.

  The white bones look like totem altars, and they seem to be showing something to the outside world.

  When the pit was exploded, Liu Zhi didn't pay attention to this. What he saw in front of him was different from what others saw.

  Over the deep pit, Liu Zhi could feel the fluctuation of his soul.

  He closed his eyes and looked at it from the perspective of soul extraction. He found that there was a huge plume of smoke with a diameter of 3,000 meters and a height of tens of thousands of meters.

  All elephant people’s souls are on the pipe of smoke. It can be seen that all the dead elephant people have been integrated into this pipe of smoke.

   "Damn it."

  Liu Zhi couldn't help but said, he didn't expect that because of the natural magic resistance, the souls of people like people also have the effect of magic resistance.

  Their souls gather to form the totem pole of this soul state. After all elephants die, their souls will return to the totem pole and will not enter the underworld.

  And this kind of integration is carried out voluntarily by Xiangren. With their own wishes, coupled with their ability to resist magic, Liu Zhi's soul extraction seems to have no effect on him.

  It's just that Liu Zhi can't tell for the time being, whether he can't draw the other's soul, or the other's soul is too much, he doesn't know which one to draw.

  In the face of the existence of such a soul, Liu Zhi knew that it was useless to rely on his own hands.

   Although the spider artillery is strong, it is of no use if it cannot hit the opponent.

  Thinking about it, Liu Zhi already had a judgment in his mind.

  "Underworld lamp, get ready for the sun fire attack."

   At the order of Ryuzhi, the sun fire on the underworld lamp solar boat was ready. The energy-filled gems were taken out and placed in front of many bronze mirrors.

After   , a white light shot from the bow of the Underworld Lantern, and it hit the soul-shaped totem pole that appeared only in the eyes of Liu Zhi.

  Different from the sky fire, the sun fire of the underworld lamp uses light from the underworld.

  So this thing will bring some harm to the soul.

  Ryuzhi was very fortunate that he did not consume the sun fire at the beginning.

  Otherwise, this time I really don’t know what to use to test the enemy’s level.

  A white light went down, and the huge soul totem was beaten.

  Next, Liu Zhi heard countless weird screams, which should be like human voices, but now they sounded like the sound of wind blowing over the skull.

  Hearing this voice, Yanagi felt that he almost forgot the magic.

  And the weaker existences around him turned into blood mist and exploded.

  Even the two solar boats lost control and wanted to land on the ground.

  Yagiji himself felt wrong, he took a picture of his body, and a golden feather snake appeared behind him.

  The feather snake brought heavy rain and strong wind, and blew the sun boat into the air again.

  At the same time, Ryuzhi also stood in the sky, as if the power of magic had returned to him.

   Then Liu Zhi noticed a situation, and he said fiercely: "I'm so stupid. I haven't seen such obvious things. It's okay to challenge such a high-level thing to do."

  It turned out that after Liu Zhi released the divinity of the feather snake god, he noticed that there was a totem exactly like the soul totem under the huge pit.

  It’s just that the totem is not so big, it is only 30 meters in diameter and more than a thousand meters in height.

  From top to bottom, normal people should be able to see the existence of this totem.

  But Liu Zhi could see the soul accidentally, so he saw the real version.

  It was precisely for this reason that Liu Zhi ignored the little totem below and went straight up.

  So Ryuzhi had to face a stronger opponent.

  Of course, if Liu Zhi does this, he will get more benefits later, but there is a prerequisite here. Liu Zhi can survive the subsequent attacks.

  Thinking of this, Liu Zhi stretched out his hands, and his arm began to be electrically charged, and then it turned into a black current state.

  At the same time, his clothes became a three-piece suit of the druid and the necromancer, and even the death staff that had been placed on Sandru’s side appeared in Yuji's hands.

  As for the weapons such as the Devouring Eye Staff and Thor's Destruction Fang that Liu Zhi had been holding all this time, they were all thrown aside.

  Holding the death rod, Liu Zhi took a step forward.

  His body turned into a stream of light, injected into the body of the golden feather snake behind him.

  The feathered snake leaped forward and rushed to the soul totem.

  (End of this chapter)

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