Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1018: Feathered

   Chapter 1018

After Liu Zhi turned into a feather snake, it can be said that the whole person was integrated into the divinity of the feather snake. His three-piece druid suit and the three-piece necromancer became part of the feather snake's body.

  The crystal skull and the dark blue sky became the eyes of a feather snake, making one eye as transparent as crystal and the other as deep blue as the sky.

The death rod turned into a dark blue earth. One was integrated into the feathered snake's body, giving the golden feathered snake's body more white lines, and the other was integrated into the feathered snake's wings so that the feathered snake's wings were worn The effect of lightning.

  Finally, the altar of the Hades and the deep blue snow peak blend into the background of the feathered serpent's divine nature.

  When the feather snake is flying, every time there will be a ghost of the ghost palace, and every time it will bring changes in the weather, from sunny to storm, and from storm to sunny.

  In addition, Liu Zhi felt that he had completely transformed into a living feather snake, and he directly rushed to the soul totem pole.

As he rushed forward, the scene he saw in the southern swamp plane suddenly flashed in Liu Zhi's mind. He understood why the existence of the big dog and baboon skin did not do it, but let the big dog. The dog attacks the city.

  It turns out that at the level of gods, every move, every word and deed will cause the corresponding divinity of one's own divinity and nearby power.

  If the control is not good, nearby powers related to divinity will overflow.

  If it is your own world, the balance of the world will be destroyed, and the whole world may be destroyed in the end.

  So the ordinary gods in their own plane or in the world, they are all pressed and beaten.

  Sometimes they are aloft, do not enter their own plane or world, or just put a clone into their own plane or world, where the main body sleeps.

  And Ryuzhi doesn't care about those now. He is in the game now, even if he uses the power of the gods.

  More than one in this world has reached the level of a god.

  In the diamond area not far away, the Silver Dragon King also has such strength.

  So don’t be afraid, just take out the power of the gods and go up.

  After the feathered snake turned, Liu Zhi directly rushed to the soul totem pole.

  At this time, the space around Liu Zhi was distorted. After all, the divinity of Feathered Snake was too weird. It was completely opposed to two pairs of different attributes.

  While the storm is shining, the sun is shining, and while death is coming.

  If you change to an ordinary person, you will definitely say something directly when you see such a situation.

"are you crazy!"

  But the feathered snake has unified these four different divinities, and has developed different effects.

When Liu Zhi flew to the soul totem pole, lightning and thunder appeared beside him, and countless lightning effects that could not be triggered all fell on the soul totem pole.

  Under the stimulation of this thunder and lightning, a large number of plants grew near the soul totem pole, and those plants quickly entangled towards the entity totem pole below.

  At this time, the elephant souls in the soul totem pole also roared at the figure of Liu Zhi flying over.

  If they hadn't merged with the totem pole, some souls might have rushed to bite Liu Zhi.

  Yagiji was not satisfied with the two attacks he had just made.

After    became a feather snake, his perspective has also changed to some extent.

  At this time, Liu Zhi had a new idea.

  He yelled, and the two sun boats also rushed towards this side.

   The speed of these two sun ships was getting faster and faster, and finally they rushed to the front of the feather snake and crashed into the soul totem pole.

  The soul totem pole did not expect that the two sun boats would collide in advance, and their attention has been on the feather snake.

When    was hit like this, the soul totem pole obviously fluctuated.

   "It's now, jump into the underworld."

  Under the order of Liu Zhi, the sky fire and the light of the underworld jumped into the underworld at the same time.

  They did not run away, but pointed out a node location for Liu Zhi to enter the underworld.

  Liu Zhi rushed into the soul totem pole, his body kept hovering on the soul totem pole, ignoring the elephant souls that began to bite his body.

Every time   Yagiji circulates, it will bring a certain blow to the soul totem pole.

  Either a black lightning flashes down the totem pole of the soul, or a ray of sunlight melts the souls of some elephants.

  Anyway, if the souls of the elephants were scattered, there would be no way to cause any trouble to Liu Zhi.

   Instead, Liu Zhi took this opportunity to squeeze his body into the soul totem pole.

  Every time he moves, his body will sink into the soul totem pole more.

   Soon Liu Zhi felt that the time was about to come, and the power on his body began to transform. The effect of the storm with lightning and storm was gone, and what was left was the power of the sun from direct sunlight.

   will cause the nearby plants to grow wildly and the harvest effect will be gone, and the rest is a thick death.

  The power of death and the sun rose rapidly in Liu Zhi. These two powers are not hostile, but can coexist.

  This can also be regarded as the characteristic of the feathered snake. The four divinities of the feathered snake cannot be shared in pairs, but the divinities that are not opposed can be shared.

  And now it looks like the effect is still very good.

   With the power of sunlight and death, Liu Zhi flew up, and the soul totem pole was actually pulled up.

  This shocked all the elephant souls in the entire soul totem pole.

  They never thought that the soul totem pole could be pulled up.

  At this moment, the elephant soul in the soul totem pole dragged the soul totem pole down with all its strength. It can be seen that they are planning to tug of war with Liu Zhi.

  But is this what Ryuuji wants?

  No, what Liu Zhi wants to do is far from what a human soul can imagine.

  When calling out the sun boat, Liu Zhi had already considered some things, otherwise he would not let the sun boat help him orient himself.

  Previously, Liu Zhi didn't know what to do with some of his tasks. Now seeing the scene before him, Liu Zhi has a plan instead.

  As the elephant souls dragged the soul totem pole down and squeezed down, Liu Zhi suddenly loosened his control on the soul totem pole.

   Driven by the soul of the elephant, the totem pole of the soul burrowed into the ground quickly.

At this time, the souls of the elephants also felt that something was wrong, but Liu Zhi did not give them a chance to react. Liu Zhi instantly rushed to the soul totem pole to withstand it, and slammed down with a powerful force to knock the soul totem pole. Squeeze underground.

  When the elephants fought against Liu Zhi before, it took a lot of effort to get all the elephants’ souls to work together.

  It is too late to change direction now.

  Liu Zhi hit this way, and the soul totem pole instantly hit the position determined by Liu Zhi.

  (End of this chapter)

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