Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1019: breakdown

  Chapter 1019 Breakdown

   Under such a collision, the position previously located by the two solar ships was knocked away by the soul totem pole.

  This is the idea of ​​Ryuuji 4.

  The natural ability of the sun boat can freely enter and exit the real world and the underworld.

  The reason why Ryuzhi would let the feather snake move death and the power of the sun was because he wanted to use such a method.

  The soul totem pole looks big, but for the entire planet, it is equivalent to a balloon aimed at one balloon.

  The needle plunged into the space wall between the real world and the underworld, and burst the balloon at once.

  If it is normal, Ryuzhi may not be able to do this easily.

  But this time, Liu Zhi has several opportunities to cooperate.

  On the one hand, this planet has just encountered a major change once in five hundred years. At this time, the real world and the underworld are reversing, and the space wall between the two worlds is the thinnest time.

  On the other hand, the souls of the elephants also helped a lot at this time. If they didn't hit them with all their strength, Ryuzhi might have to spend more time.

  At the same time, these elephants themselves are also a reason. They are naturally restrained from magic, so they have no way to go to the underworld, and the soul totem poles gathered by their souls are equivalent to the effect of the underworld for the elephants.

  It’s like touching a match with an incense stick with sparks. Although there is not much connection between the two, you can light the match.

After   , there are other reasons such as the node pair that Liu Zhi shot, and the positioning of the solar ship.

  Anyway, there are a lot of seven or eight reasons added together, and the success rate has risen to the current level.

   With this blow, the soul totem pole successfully penetrated the space wall between the real world and the underworld, drawing out the breath in the underworld.

  The concentration of Yin Qi in the underworld on this planet is three to five times that of the normal underworld.

  Ordinary undead will not be able to stand the concentration of Yin Qi when they enter there.

  Not to mention the real world in front of me.

  Liu Zhi rushed down with the soul totem pole, and he felt the yin qi pour into his body along the soul totem pole.

  While he wraps himself with death divinity and absorbs the yin qi pouring into his body, he uses sun divinity to protect his soul from the influence of yin qi.

After   , he gritted his teeth and forced the soul totem pole against the soul totem pole to prevent the soul totem pole from being rushed out by this yin. He knew that it was not the limit of five hundred years, and this mouth was not too wide.

  If this hole is not stabilized, it will be closed soon.

  At that time, Ryuzhi's previous efforts were in vain.

  At this time, Liu Zhi focused all his attention on the soul totem pole.

  He didn't notice that when he plunged the soul totem pole into the space wall between the real world and the underworld, the nearby spider artillery rushed over.

  They are the only troops that can rush to this side under such a situation of gloomy air.

  Ryuzhi’s other troops have no way to do this.

  The spider artillery was led by the Fangming Spider Woman. She glanced at the situation below and quickly said: "Tongue, what should I do now, do you think these little guys are really useful?"

   "It's really useful, then okay, I see, all the little guys, you jump down and fix this channel with your own body. Really, I knew it would give you the ability to weave a net."

  Amidst the chattering of Fangming Spider Girl, all the spider artillery jumped in one after another.

  Although the spider artillery was born and raised in the underworld, it can also receive the breath of the underworld.

  But now they are at the junction of the underworld and the real world.

  Yagiji is destroying everything here, and it has become quite unstable.

  When they jumped down, it directly attracted the squeeze of the nearby space.

  After a series of explosions, the originally shattered space has become more fragmented.

  And these spider artillery don't care about this, they just jump like this, and every time they jump, it will cause a big explosion.

  Because of the spider cannon jumping off, Ryuji became a lot easier there.

  He can even control the downward movement of the soul totem pole.

  Under the Yin Qi whose concentration exceeded the normal level, the elephant soul on the soul totem pole was slowly ground into powder.

   Only one pillar was left that looked like stone but not stone, wood but not wood.

  This column has a diameter of one thousand meters and a length of approximately 20,000 meters. Liu Zhi is resting on one end of the column, as if an ant is holding a ballpoint pen.

It is precisely for this reason that the pillar Liu Zhi could not control it. Under the blow of the Yin Qi, the pillar was slowly inserted from the vertical to become horizontally stuck between the underworld and the real world. position.

  At first, Ryuzhi wanted to push this thing down.

  But as soon as this column was crossed, the resistance of Yin Qi became much greater, and Liu Zhi could no longer push this thing.

  At this time, Liu Zhi was a little frustrated. He didn't expect to get stuck at this step in the end.

  This is a failure.

  But the next moment, Liu Zhi felt an accident.

  The spider artillery jumped down one after another. They successfully exploded the surrounding space debris, making this space slowly expand a lot.

  In addition, after the column crossed over, it happened to be stuck here, supporting the entire space passage.

  At this time, in the original location of the ancestral city of Xiangren, a huge hole with a diameter of about 20,000 meters appeared.

  The hollow is like a black hole, but it doesn’t **** in anything down there, instead, there is a large stock of Yin Qi coming up.

  At first, the cavity showed signs of shrinking inward, but when the horizontal pillars got stuck on both sides of the cavity, the signs of shrinkage disappeared.

  When the void stabilized, Liu Zhi also realized it, and in the end it was the abilities of the elephant that helped him.

  Although the elephant man did not have magic resistance ability from the beginning, the soul totem pole for so many years has turned magic resistance into instinct.

  Hole shrinkage is a kind of magical effect. The column is stuck at this point, which stabilizes the passage to the underworld.

  After the cavity stabilized, Liu Zhi was still a little worried. He flew up and down the cavity two times, and after confirming that the cavity would no longer shrink back, he breathed a sigh of relief.

  At the same time, he plunged into the hollow, from here into the underworld.

  Liu Zhi didn't know that when he entered the underworld like this, the outside was chaotic.

  The Yin Qi gushing out of this cavity quickly spread towards this area. It took less than two hours before this golden area began to become underworld.

  (End of this chapter)

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