Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1020: The death of the elephant leader

  Chapter 1020 The Death of the Elephant Leader

  When Liu Zhi broke through the space wall between the real world and the underworld, the battle with the leader of the elephant had just begun not long.

  On the battlefield here, the leader of the elephants confronted the frontmost unit from the light legion of the Arena from the very beginning.

In fact, in the arena, in addition to some troops with special abilities or special abilities, those who can survive are either strong defensive powers and eventually consume the enemy to death, or they are the troops that directly hammer the enemy to death. .

  The light of the arena. Among the seventy troops of ten heroes, these two types of arms account for forty.

  This time Dak directly arranged two heroes here, with 14 main combat troops to fight.

Of these two heroes, one is a powerful zombie. His arm was directly replaced with a battle axe. For this reason, the troops that use battle axes under his hand will be blessed to a certain extent. In addition, he also has a battle axe. The characteristic, that is, no matter what type of unit is under his hand, he can automatically master the skill of Whirlwind Slash.

  If it can whirlwind, its power will increase a lot.

  The other is an elven sword dancer who has become the strongest hero in the arena with his agile swordsmanship.

  It can be said that his swordsmanship level is just below Vidnina.

  However, his troops will not get the improvement in swordsmanship. Instead, they will have a good dodge improvement. The dodge rate can be increased to more than 50%, that is, the enemy's attack may be dodged by half.

  This is a good blessing for the main attacking troops with heavy armor.

  Because these main attack troops themselves are not strong in evasion, the 50% increase in evasion probability is equivalent to adding several lives to them.

  As soon as the two heroes took action, Xiangren was directly beaten by the storm-like attack.

  The troops with the tomahawk rushed into the team of the elephants, and a group of people were whirlwind there.

  The weapons in their hands are either enchanted or the best stainless steel weapons. When they turn, they are like a meat grinder, spinning around Xiangren.

  Every time they take away a piece of flesh and blood like people.

  Ordinary elephant troops, although they have good defensive power, they have also begun to have various problems under such slashing back and forth.

  First, some elephants who were too tall had their legs cut off, and then the troops behind them separated their teams and dealt with them. Often as long as one elephant stood alone, four or five soldiers would immediately rush over.

  The strength of these soldiers is not as strong as that of the elephant people, but they are not afraid of death, and their attack power also makes the elephant people feel uneasy.

  The elephant man was able to organize a counterattack at first, but as these troops moved faster and faster, slowly even the elephant man leader had to join the melee while facing four or five enemies.

  In this case, the leader of the elephant cannot see where he is, and he has been calculated by others.

  Different from ordinary elephants, the chief of elephants is no longer wearing armor, and he has tattoos with almost invisible skin color.

  At the same time, he held a scimitar that looked like bone in his hand.

  There are several huge skulls inlaid on this scimitar, all of which are the trophies of the leader of the elephant.

  Holding this scimitar, the leader of the Elephant Man took a shot against the soldiers of the Light Legion of the Arena, and that was simply one sword at a time.

  It can be seen that this is a level and experience suppression.

  If there is no controllable means, just let the elephant leader kill all the way, he may be able to kill all the people in front of him.

  Seeing such a situation, Dak immediately arranged for follow-up troops to connect.

  Because of the strength of the elephant leader, the troops coming from behind are defensive troops.

  Different from normal defense, the defensive forces of the Arena of Light, in addition to good defensive power, also have the ability to rebound.

  Whether they have abilities such as thorns halo, or relying on shields for shielding, they can rebound part of the attack on them back to the enemy anyway.

  There are as many as ten troops like this.

   Usually under the name of two heroes, these two heroes will also bring two other troops, sometimes with archers, sometimes with recovery or supply troops.

  In this way, the defense forces under these two heroes can have stronger combat capabilities.

   But just when these two heroes rushed out from behind, and even the author didn't have the urgency to introduce the abilities of these two heroes, there was a thud from Xiangren's Ancestral City.

  That was the moment when Liu Zhi plunged the soul totem pole into the space wall between the real world and the underworld.

  As soon as he saw something happening in the ancestral city, the leader of the elephant who was slaughtering him was stunned on the spot, and he was slashed for four or five times without responding.

  Then the leader of the elephant roared, and a sweeping swept away the troops surrounding him, turning his head and rushing towards the ancestral city.

  The besieged elephant men also followed the leader of the elephant men. It can be seen that they no longer have the Light of the Arena in their eyes.

  At least, they are now reluctant to consider the existence of the light of the arena. Using the idea of ​​the leader of the elephant, the ancestral grave is gone, and what else are they thinking about.

  When the elephant team rushed back to the ancestral city, the troops of the Arena of Light Legion chased them behind.

  Several elephants were killed.

But at this moment, the passage of the underworld was opened by Liu Zhi, and a large amount of yin qi gushed out from it. Because the yin qi was three to five times the normal yin qi, it was obviously condensed into an entity, like in the underworld. Perhaps nothing can be seen in the gloomy environment.

  But in the real world, especially on this ice sheet, it looks like layers of black fog push around.

  The elephants in the ancestral city of elephants were actually swallowed up by the black hole in the first place, so they were not affected by these yin auras.

  On the contrary, the leader of the elephant and his troops who were rushing towards the ancestral city of the elephant, were affected by these yin qi, and their bodies began to shrink for the first time.

  But these elephants seem to have not discovered all this, they are still running forward.

  It wasn't until they rushed out nearly a hundred steps that they realized that their pace seemed to slow down, the chasing soldiers behind them were gone, and their bodies had dried up like a corpse.

  In the end, the elephant-man leader looked at the direction of the ancestor city a little unwillingly, and stretched out his hand, as if he wanted to grab something.

  But at this time, he has no strength and can only hear one voice.

   "Ghost Domain!"

  (End of this chapter)

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