Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1065: Meditation upgrade

  Chapter 1065 Meditation Thoughts Upgrade

  Facts have proved that sometimes Ryuzhi's imagination is still weaker.

  Although he thought that the Ark Proverbs he made had no soul, when the Ark Proverbs really fell into the hands of those lightning masters, the situation was different.

  Their own routes are different, which also affects the appearance of the Ark's Proverbs.

  Before, the blue-skinned person had reached Level 12 in Chain Lightning, so the thunder and lightning in the dark cloud of his Ark Proverbs kept beating.

  The remaining few are different.

  After Liu Zhi built the Five Ark Proverbs, four more got on the boat behind.

  A large number of tornadoes appeared in the dark cloud of the Ark that seemed to be controlled by the thunder element, and the dark cloud under the golden-haired man's Ark immediately disappeared.

   Of the three people who came from behind, the two in the red tights and the wings with their backs got the chance to board the ship.

  The Ark in the red tights became super fast, and the one with wings on his back had many more phantoms in the dark clouds with wings on his back.

The vision of    let Liu Zhi also know that his thoughts were not so right. He planned to see such things again in the future, so he should read more and not just say something at once.

  After building the Ark's Proverbs, Liu Zhi was temporarily idle.

  After all, the people who came to help Liu Zhi improve his fish knowledge have not yet come, and the materials that can be used to build the Ark Proverbs on this continent have also been used up, and it is impossible to build one or two spare ships.

  So Ryuzhi can only be idle.

  Fortunately, the city lord also knew about Liu Zhi's situation. He had promised Liu Zhi's matter before and helped Liu Zhi's two meditation thoughts to be raised to level 12.

  I was waiting anyway, so let’s just help Liu Zhi improve his mind.

  Ryuzhi now shares three different meditation thoughts, the earliest Laxia Eye Meditation thought is level 11, and the Breath of Nature Meditation thought level 11 learned later.

  Finally, the life-and-death balance meditation I got in that distorted world only reached level 6 because I learned it relatively late.

  Now what Ryuzhi wants to improve is the idea of ​​Laxia’s Eye Meditation and the Meditation of Nature’s Breath.

   One of these two meditations is aimed at the profession of Necromancer, and the other is aimed at the profession of Druid.

  At the same time, these two meditation thoughts are in line with the characteristics of Liu Zhi. In addition to the power of the undead, the power of the sun is also contained in the eyes of Rasha, while the breath of nature meditation is more inclined to that part of the underworld ecosystem.

  Yagiji, these two meditation thoughts have been stuck at level 11 for some time.

  After all, the final upgrade requirements of the two meditation thoughts are more troublesome.

  The requirement of Rasha’s Eye Meditation to be upgraded to myth level is to be transformed into the sun and truly shine on the real world and underworld of a world once.

  And when you are incarnation of the sun, if you suddenly interrupted, then sorry, please try again.

  The other plane is not counted, it can only be the world.

  Otherwise, there is an Ide plane under Liu Zhi, and this promotion task would have been completed long ago.

  Nature’s Breath Meditation is the same. It needs to absorb the power of a world’s plants for a whole day, starting in the early morning and until late at night. It also requires a world, not a plane.

  All these two tasks are stuck in the choice of the world.

  In this game, the world and the plane are different.

  The Logan'a plane in front of him is also a plane, but the twisted plane that caused the black glove to disappear last time is about to become a world.

  When Liu Zhi was free, City Lord Fireblade found Liu Zhi.

   "It will take about ten days for the master to arrive. If you don't mind, let's get your meditation ideas done first."

   "City Lord, my meditative idea is to go to the world to complete, not the plane."

  "You can rest assured, but the world also has a big world and a small world. There are some relatively special worlds, which are not much larger than the normal planes, but these worlds are in the hands of some experts, and they are not usually taken out.

This time we invited an expert, he has 24 worlds, we have already agreed with him, ask him to give you temporary control of a world, you only have two days, one day to complete a meditation idea Promotion. "

   "Two days?"

   "Yes, because the world will change hands if you don't care about it for three days, so it is impossible for you to enter that world for three days.

   And this time we can invite one world even if we are lucky, and another world is almost impossible.

  So you only have two days. "

  Hearing this, Liu Zhi's expression became serious.

  If there are only two days, then the situation is quite tense.

  Ryuzhi can't make mistakes anywhere, as long as he makes a mistake, the chance for Ming thought to be promoted is gone.

  He waited for this opportunity for a long time. The concept of the world will appear next time, and I don’t know when to wait.

  So no matter what, Ryuzhi must take this opportunity down, otherwise, if he missed this opportunity, I don’t know when to wait next time.

  So Ryuzhi quickly agreed to the decision.

  As soon as the city lord saw Liu Zhi like this, he immediately took Liu Zhi and left the shipyard.

  Because it's definitely impossible for the big guy to run here specially, that's disrespect for the big guy.

  The city lord took Liu Zhi into an inconspicuous passage, which was just below Fireblade City.

  The dark passage looks like an underground pipe, but Liu Zhi can clearly feel it. Almost every time he takes a dozen steps, the nearby breath will change. This is the result of changes in space.

  It can be seen that the passage that the city lord took Liu Zhi through is a passage on the bright side. In fact, what really works is the teleportation array hidden in the passage.

  After passing more than ten teleportation arrays, they went upwards.

  Yagiji slowly saw the light coming in from top to bottom, and at the same time the passage that looked like a dirt road turned into a stone road.

  A variety of murals are put together with colored glass around the passage.

  Liu Zhi looked over carefully and found that these murals were painted with small stories about religion.

  It’s just that the protagonist in the mural does not seem to be a human being, but a creature with a purple body with golden lines.

  This creature looks very similar to a normal person, except that there are a pair of pale golden horns on the top of the head, and their feet are double-jointed.

  It can be seen from their situation that they should be the same as the green skins of Burning Blade City. They were all affected by something different, and slowly changed from a human appearance to this way.

  (End of this chapter)

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