Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1066: world

  Chapter 1066 World

After    stepped out of the passage, Liu Zhi saw that he seemed to appear at the underpass in another city.

  The style is different from Burning Blade City. This city is full of high-tech and magical styles. Outside this passage, a weird person like the mural is waiting.

The lord of Burning Blade City introduced to Liu Zhi, "This is the lord of Exodar City. The boss we are looking for is the strong man behind Exodar. After meeting, you can call him Mr. Shengguang. ."

  Holy light?

  Ryuzhi thought for a while and agreed.

  It can be seen from this title that this big man should have taken the step of mythology, but he does not know which level he is now.

  Although Liu Zhi did not agree with the existence of the myth level, he was still willing to deal with it carefully.

  Led by the city lord of Exodar, Liu Zhi quickly walked into a seemingly ordinary room.

  All the mirrors in that room are polished with crystals of various colors.

Liu Zhi took a closer look. He found that some of these mirrors had human figures and some were empty. The figures looked different. Although they all looked like purple horns, they looked There are men and women of all ages.

  If it hadn’t been for Liu Zhi to find that their eyes were exactly the same, maybe he would think that the mirror was used for communication.

  It may not be the case now.

  In the mirror in front of you, there should be the clone of the holy light master.

  Maybe he saw Liu Zhi's thoughts, maybe he wanted to blow his own boss, said the Lord Exodar who led Liu Zhi in.

"This is the meditation place of Mr. Shengguang of our family. All of these mirrors are the clones of Mr. Shengguang of our family. Of course, these clones are also strong and weak, far and near. These two are the master clones of Mr. Shengguang. , Have been following Mr. Shengguang for a long time. When Mr. Shengguang is away, they can call the shots."

  City Lord Exodar pointed to the two mirrors and said, one of the two mirrors occupies one wall of the entire room, and the other is the most gorgeous mirror.

The two purple-skinned weirdos inside    seem to be very strong. The one who occupies the entire wall is heavily armored and has a two-handed sword in his hand. When Liu Zhi looked over, he nodded.

  The one with the most magnificent mirror is wearing a white velvet robe. The robe is bordered by gold silk and is inlaid with a lot of gems. It can be seen that he is a professional of the legal system.

   "Dual career?"

   Liu Zhi secretly said in his heart.

  But he also understands that this is not something he can ask, unless he can see what occupation it is at a glance, don’t guess other people’s occupations.

  After the Lord Exodar entered the hut, he talked about the situation of Ryuzhi.

The division of the legal profession looked at Liu Zhi, "Yes, just recently there was a world that became vacant. I can arrange for you to go in, but the time is only two days. After two days, whether you have completed your goal or not, you Must come out."

  Yiu Zhi nodded affirmatively. He knew that he had no choice now, and he could only arrange what the other party would do.

  The avatar of the law system said: "Then come here and stand a little bit ahead."

  Liu Zhi just stepped forward, and a white light fell from the sky and fell on him. For an instant, he seemed to be sent to another space.

  The space is a huge world, the whole world is barren, there are no plants on the red sand, and some technological cities floating in the sky can be seen in the distant sky.

  The number of these cities is small, but no matter which direction Ryuzhi looks in, one or two cities can be seen flying in the sky.

  The city will fall to the ground from time to time, and I don’t know what it is doing.

  "Your time is running out. Let's start to level up."

  Ryuzhi stopped observing the situation here as soon as he heard it. He immediately sat down and meditated.

  When his meditation reached level 11, he knew what to do next. He also experimented with the plane of Id before, but the plane was not the world, so he didn't succeed.

  It is different now. After he sat down, he immediately felt that this was a world, a whole world.

  Although there are no plants that Liuzhi needs here, Laxia’s Eye Meditation idea can definitely succeed.

  Ryuzhi closed his eyes and his body began to change.

  When Rasha’s Eye Meditation reaches 8th level, Liu Zhi can use Meditation to pull his body into the Underworld.

   has now reached level 11, he can even transform himself into a golden eagle in the sky.

  No, this time Liu Zhi incarnates a golden feather snake.

  The body of the feathered snake kept circling in the air, and then confirmed the west side of the world, and flew towards there.

After Liu Zhi became a quilted snake, he flew faster and faster in the sky, and his appearance slowly changed into a spherical shape, and finally turned into a huge sun.

  This world originally had the sun, and the appearance of two suns at the same time immediately changed the rules of this world.

  Ryuzhi immediately felt the suppression of him from the rules of the world.

  At the same time, Liu Zhi also understood why he must find a world to meditate.

The difference between the   plane and the world is that the rules of the plane are not complete, while the rules of the world are complete.

  Under the complete rules, everything that changes the rules will be suppressed, and the things that originally developed will be beaten back to Liu Zhi's body.

  Only after experiencing this kind of internal and external integration, meditation can take this final step.

  Otherwise, level 11 meditation thoughts are enough for ordinary people, and there is no need to do anything at all.

  But if Ryuzhi wants to take the last step, it is better to reach level 12.

This time, after Liu Zhi knew what he was going to do, he bit his teeth and flew forward with all his strength. No matter how he was affected by the rules of the world, he always ignored all this, just kept feeling himself. Changes in your own body.

  At the same time, various sounds came from his ears.

  The sound is a bit like the effect of the tongue of messy information, but all the sounds in this sound are the changes brought to Liu Zhi by the eyes of Rasha.

  Yagiji still listened to these sounds at first, but then as the deepening of his meditation, the voice slowly disappeared. Now, Ryuji felt like a sun flying across the sky.

  His body is the earth, and in front of him is the underworld.

  And all the things in the world all impacted into his eyes.

  He suddenly realized that the idea of ​​the Eye of Laxia is not the dead and the sun, but the eyes, seeing, and mastering everything.

  (End of this chapter)

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