Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1067: Comprehend

  Chapter 1067 Comprehension

  When Liu Zhiming realized all this, he felt that his body had changed again, from the original sun like a fireball to an odd sun.

  He looked like a huge eyeball, looking down at everything below in the sky, and there was no way for everything to escape his eyes.

  In the next instant, Yanagi felt something in his body was cut out.

  This feeling made Liu Zhi quite surprised. This was the feeling when the clone was about to be separated, but the problem is that Liu Zhi has no plan to incarnate a clone now, how could a clone suddenly come?

Before Liu Zhi could understand what was going on, his ontological consciousness had already returned to the position where he was originally meditating. At the same time, he saw that the huge eye-like sun in the sky was still there, still following the original. The location goes west.

  For this situation, Liu Zhi is quite speechless. Is this his own thoughts running away?

  Liu Zhi hurriedly checked his own attributes, and found that Rasha's Eye Meditation level was gone, and there was an upgrade sign behind it.

  As for how long it will take to upgrade, Liu Zhi is not clear at all.

   Now Liu Zhi is embarrassed, what kind of thing is this.

  He wants to upgrade his meditation thoughts. The meditation thoughts that can be used by Rasha’s Eye are now being upgraded. What should he do now?

He started thinking about natural breath meditation directly, but the problem is that there is something wrong with Lasha’s eye meditation thought. Now he doesn’t know that he will start the natural breath meditation directly, and Rasha’s eye will Will not just run away.

   By the way, Liu Zhi raised his head and looked at the big eyeballs that were flying farther and farther, and his thinking began to diverge.

   "That thing is called the Eye of Laxia."

  For Liu Zhi's brain hole, I can't get it back.

  But he soon discovered a different situation, that is, his natural breath thought needs to be among the plants of a world...

  Yagiji glanced around. There is a world, but what about plants?

  Where did the plants go, there are only red sandstones around, which makes him look for plants in a world.

  Is it possible that this meditation can't be helped?

  Liu Zhi was a little unwilling.

  He raised his head and glanced at the Eye of Laxia, which was flying further and further, and then lowered his head to think again.

   Fortunately, the Eye of Rasha is upgrading himself, and he has had some more time, otherwise, when Rasha’s Eye of Pluto is upgraded, he finds this situation again, there is really no hope.

  Now he still has a glimmer of hope, he can find a way to make the world grow plants again.

  As long as he is willing to use the power of the harvest here.

   Thinking of this, Liu Zhi couldn't help standing up.

  He was planning to release all his harvest powers, but just before doing this, Liu Zhi suddenly thought of something, this is not his world, this is the world lent to him by others.

  If he changed everything in this world, how would that big boss named Mr. Shengguang deal with him?

  Thinking about that big guy has so many clones, Liu Zhi won't calm down.

  He sat down again and tried to practice the Breath of Nature Meditation in this place without plants.

  In the beginning, Ryuji's goal was that the breath of nature does not necessarily require plants, and the wilderness is also a part of nature.

  But with this kind of thought to carry on the natural breath meditation thought, Liu Zhi could not even enter the concentration, let alone other.

  Yiu Zhi quickly realized that his thoughts were wrong, and he could not proceed with this kind of thoughts.

   So he immediately changed his mind. He didn't want to spend a long time in vain, and finally was wiped out by the master of this world.

  And Fireblade City Lord didn’t explain the situation here clearly?

  It’s also impossible, Fireblade City Master understands that Mr. Shengguang is a big man who can be asked to move once, it is considered good, he does not have the face, and he can ask Mr. Shengguang twice.

  So when they came, they must have discussed everything in it.

  In this way, Mr. Shengguang must know that Liu Zhi needs an environment full of plants.

   Sending people here, this kind of place without any plants, is also deliberate by Mr. Shengguang.

  Mr. Shengguang, such a big man, would definitely not be an enemy of Liu Zhi, so it would be meaningless.

  So there must be a way for Yanagi to complete the idea of ​​Breath of Nature.

  Thinking of this, Liu Zhi felt relieved, and he seriously began to think about the breath of nature.

  This meditation will help Liu Zhi find the breath of plants, or enter the breath of nature.

  Even in this wilderness, you can earnestly search for what Yanagi wants.

  Yagiji didn't pay much attention at first.

  It's different now. He gets serious, and even the smallest things can be perceived by Liu Zhi through the breath of nature.

  Yagiji quickly felt the natural breath of this world, but this breath was full of barrenness.

  There is no room for plants to grow in this world.

  Liu Zhi kept searching in this world through the breath of nature thought, but he never found anything.

  But in the process of meditation, Liu Zhi's heart slowly calmed down, the natural breath he brought with every breath.

  If it is in other worlds, every time he breathes, some plants will grow nearby.

  But in this world, it is different. There are no plants in this world, and Liu Zhi doesn't know whether this is the reason for the rules or other reasons.

   Before his breath fell to the ground, he had become assimilated into the world.

  Liu Zhi suddenly understood an idea in his heart. His idea of ​​natural breath can use a world of plants or a world of plants.

  If a world’s plants cannot be found, then use his body to become a plant.

  Yagiji's thoughts moved, and he felt as if his body had been affected.

  The feeling is the same as when he used the eyes of Rasha before, and it was suppressed by external rules.

  But Liu Zhi ignored it. He slowly felt his body as if he were a seed, starting from falling, sprouting, growing, flowering, and bearing fruit, until it became a tall and complete tree.

  The tree rises straight into the clouds, and a big tree is a world.

  The tree becomes a forest independently, and the entire tree monopolizes the world.

  In the end, Liu Zhi suddenly woke up from the feeling of the trees. He opened his eyes and saw that he had turned into a giant tree and covered the whole world with the shade of the tree.

  Seeing this, Liu Zhi smiled. He suddenly understood why Mr. Shengguang sent himself to this world.

  Perhaps in other worlds, he will meet the plants of the whole world, but he will never realize the state of mind in front of him.

"I understand."

  (End of this chapter)

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