Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1080: Fog molding

   Chapter 1080

  The wolves in the jungle did not know the situation here. Just after fighting the wild boars, the wolves retreated to their own wolf den, ready to have a good rest there.

  Because he had just fought, even the most powerful Wolf King did not feel anything strange in the air.

  But as the moon rose in the sky, the wolf king also felt something wrong. The wolf king who had been lying in the deepest part of the cave suddenly sat up, his eyes turned red, as if he felt something wrong.

  But even if the wolf king felt that something was wrong, it was already too late. With only one mouth, the wolf king’s mouth began to drip some gray and green liquids. After those liquids dropped on the ground, they would evaporate immediately.

  Wolf King feels that his body has become a bit rigid, and his movements are not as flexible as before. Every action will hear the sound of bones appearing between the bones.

  This feeling made the wolf king quite uncomfortable. He wanted to call all the wolves, but it was useless. He could not make any sound except for the loud sound.

  As the wolf king stood up, the nearby wolves seemed to have been affected in some way, and all of them got up. Their movements were the same as the wolf king, all their eyes were red, and a mixture of green and gray was dripping from their mouths.

  It can be seen, it seems that there is no consciousness, but it is just following the wolf king and wandering in place.

  If Liu Zhi sees all this here, he will find that this is actually a manifestation of zombieization.

   It’s just that the zombieization in front of him is not complete enough. There is still a little awareness of the existence of the wolf king at this level. He wants to struggle out.

At the same time, the eternal mist has not yet formed. The primer of the eternal mist is the black smoke released by Liu Zhi, but it is not this that actually forms the mist, but the green and gray mixed liquid dripping from the mouths of these zombies. .

  Don’t look at these zombies now drooling fast, but how much they can drip, so this eternal mist will take some time to form.

  And during this time, Liu Zhi also needs to guard here.

  After sending all the black smoke into the jungle, Liu Zhi stood high on the altar and looked at the jungle.

"It will take about ten to fifteen days before the fog of immortality is considered to be formed, but the general thing is considered complete. During this period of time, you must restrain your men and do not enter this area. If there are creatures or zombies rushing out of this area, You just think of a way to drive them back."

  As for the arrangement of Ryuzhi, Leila and Amanite have no objection. They are also regarded as the first time they have seen the existence of this epic skill. The previous skill Ryuuji will see the effect when it is shot.

  But the skill in front of him is different. From the beginning of preparation, Liu Zhi has spent a full day until now.

  Now that I have been busy for more than a day, Liu Zhi hasn't needed ten to fifteen days. From here, it can be seen that this skill is not as simple as imagined.

  Of course, this time-consuming skill is really effective.

  After Liu Zhi arranged the Immortal Mist, Leila and the others saw the effect of this trick about the third day.

  In fact, on the first day, a white mist rose up in this jungle.

  But it was not until the third day that they saw a pack of zombies wandering in the jungle.

  These wolves have been completely zombie, their body color has turned blue-gray, their skin has begun to rot, and a gray mist has begun to emerge from their bodies.

  All creatures that attack the wolves, whether they are bitten by the wolves or bitten by the wolves, will be affected by the poison of the zombie wolves and transform into new zombies within one to two hours.

  When they were transformed, they were different from zombie wolves. They did not breathe out a mixture of green and gray, but directly emitted a gray mist from the surface of their bodies.

  When these mists are one or two, nothing can be seen, but when the amount is too large, when they merge with the original immortal mist, the situation is different.

   Soon in the jungle, it was already shrouded in mist.

  The staff sent by Ryuzhi wanted to observe the situation inside, but it was not easy to observe.

  Only the Eye of the Sky released by Liu Zhi can fly into the mist, looking for the last clue.

About the fifth day, the strongest zombie wolf king began to absorb the power in the eternal fog. If Liu Zhi saw it, he would understand that this was a sign of the eternal fog forming, and it was also a sign that the power in the fog had reached a peak. .

  Eternal Life Fog is such a feature, it absorbs the power of many zombies, and concentrates on promoting one or two zombie kings.

  The zombie king will strengthen other zombies and let other zombies grow together.

  As long as there are enough zombies, there will be more and more strongest zombies.

  It's just that these changes are all carried out in the mist. After the mist is out, the strongest zombie king will quickly become weaker.

  Otherwise, Ryuzhi can slowly plant the mist here, and plant the mist all over the island.

On the seventh day, the Zombie Wolf King completed his first promotion change. His level was raised from the original level 5 to level 6. At the same time, the rotted fur on his body began to recover, only to make up for it. The fur looks a little different from the newly grown fur.

  Together with the fur that hasn't rotted, this zombie wolf king looks like a patch and a patch.

  At the same time, the zombie wolf king’s eyes also changed. The most important thing was that bone spurs began to grow around his mouth. Because of the bone spurs, some of the fur on the corners of his mouth disappeared, leaving only the scaly red muscles.

  This is the result of the first mutation of zombies.

   also means that the immortal fog in front of you is on the right track. Unless the zombie wolf king dies, the fog in front of you will never dissipate, and the transformation of the fog to biological zombies will never stop.

  Of course, Liu Zhi didn't know this. He waited until the thirteenth day, when the second advanced zombie king appeared, he discovered this situation.

The second creature of the advanced zombie king is a wild boar king, which is different from the zombie wolf king. The fur on the whole body of this wild boar is gone, revealing the muscle group like a hill, and all the bones on the whole body of the wild boar king Both began to grow in reverse, and row after row of back spurs were born on the back of the wild boar king.

  Liu Zhi realized that after seeing the zombie wild boar king, the mist of eternal life had been completed, and he didn't need to stare here any more.

  He can go with Amarnet to find Amarnet’s chance.

  (End of this chapter)

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