Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1081: ore

  Chapter 1081 Ore

After   Yagiji laid down the mist of eternal life, he didn't take care of it anymore. Leila knew what to do with things here, and Ryuzhi and the others could look for Amanite's chance.

  As Amanite said, their chance is in this jungle.

   After re-entering the jungle, Liu Zhi looked at the gray mist entwined among the trees, and couldn't help but sigh for the power of the eternal mist.

  In the mist, there will be some zombie birds and zombie squirrels jumping around from time to time.

  At the same time under the tree from time to time there will be mice running around with rotten skin.

  It can be seen that the power of the eternal fog has penetrated into every corner of this jungle.

  After a while, when the entire forest is covered with fog, this area will become an area of ​​undead, slowly connecting with the ghost domain of Liuzhi, becoming a peripheral area of ​​the ghost domain of Liuzhi.

  Now Ryuzhi is of course satisfied with the situation in front of him, and he does not want to destroy everything in the mist of eternal life. He takes Vidnina, Alex, and Armanat into this jungle on foot.

  With their strength, they easily bypassed the attention of the zombies and came to the position mentioned by Amanite.

  As a huntress who advances to the ranks of her career, the chariot master, most of Amanite’s abilities are above her chariot. The key to the chance of upgrading from level 9 to level 10 is also above this chariot.

  To step out of level 10 from the legend to the legendary level, Amanite must make choices in some aspects.

  Whether to choose the unity of man and car, or to control the car by man.

  If you choose the combination of man and vehicle, Armanet will merge with her sun carriage in the future, and if you want to get down in the future, her combat power will be reduced by half.

  If people control the car, it is different. Her own level of strength will be improved, but the blessing effect of the sun carriage on Amanite will disappear.

  Amanat must choose one of these two routes. Either A or B. There is no possibility that a third route will appear.

Amanite said that these two routes will definitely affect the advancement of level 15. If she chooses the combination of man and vehicle, then her future route is to strengthen the tank. When she is upgraded to level 15, the divine nature will be blessed in the battle. On the car, then turn into her body.

If she chooses to control the car by humans, then what her chariot is like now and what it will be in the future, and the divinity will directly affect her in the future. Then, when she chooses divinity, she needs to think about herself. The connection with the chariot.

  If one makes a mistake, it is very likely that not only will she not be able to merge her divine nature, but even the chariot will be destroyed.

   "So Armanet, what is your choice? I think you spend most of your time on the chariot. Do you plan to take the route of combining man and vehicle?"

   "No, I plan to take the route of human control of the car, so for my future growth, I must strengthen the car to the strongest level before I reach the 10th rank."

  Amanette said that, Liu Zhi was also a little surprised, he did not expect that Amanite would think so much.

  It can be seen that Amanite has a comprehensive plan for his growth.

   "Then where are we going this time?"

  "A mine in the jungle. The reason why the wolves gather here is because it is closer to the ghost domain and there is more food. There are also things they need in that mine."

   "What's in the mine?" Liu Zhi was a little curious, what do the wolves need here?

"Moonlight ore, a special product here, I have checked. The two most famous ore in the world, one is called sunshine ore and the other is called moonlight ore. These two kinds of ore have a strengthening effect on living things. Ore is a favorite of Druids, who can build a sunshine greenhouse in the underground world and produce food in the underground world.

  And moonlight ore has a strengthening effect on some dark creatures, I need moonlight ore to strengthen my carriage. "

  "But isn't your carriage a sun carriage? Shouldn't it be sunshine ore?"

  Ryuzhi asked curiously.

"I already have the Sunshine Ore, and the quantity is still quite large, but I found that the Sunshine Ore wants to be merged into my wagon. It is quite difficult. I have tried several times, but I can only fuse the Sunshine Ore. Go into my weapon.

This is very abnormal. Finally, I asked someone to ask, and found out that the reason why my sun carriage appeared like this was entirely because I had incorporated too many things in the carriage. I didn’t talk about the other things, just the front. The nine horses have various attributes.

  I wanted to be fast at the time, but I didn’t think too much, but now I realized that too many attributes are not good for integration.

  If the pure melting sun ore enters, either the attributes will be backlashed or the attributes will disappear. Moonlight ore must be used to fuse a wave. Only use moonlight ore to wash the carriage and all horses once before the final enhancement can be carried out.

  In addition to the original speed and attributes, the strengthened carriage like this will also have the same attribute as sunlight, so that it will be a true sun carriage. "

"But this shouldn't be the case." Liu Zhi heard the question in Amanite's words. "You said you need to fuse Sunshine Ore, and now you need Moonlight Ore. You can find Sunshine Ore. Why must Moonlight Ore come Are you looking for it here?"

Regarding this question, Amarnet explained, "Moonlight ore is not the same as sunlight ore. In this world, most of the sunlight ore is open-air ore, which can be easily collected in sunny places, while moonlight ore It's not the same, the production of moonlight ore is quite troublesome.

   is after absorbing enough moonlight in a certain place, and then introducing it into a place where underground sunlight cannot appear, and slowly accumulating.

  So in this world, moonlight ore is difficult to generate or mine, and the output is not high.

  I can buy a lot of sunshine ore at will, and even can be purified and reused. Moon ore is different. I have looked for a lot of methods, but only found such a clue. "

After hearing this, Liu Zhi nodded and said that he understood. In fact, it is the same to think about it. If moonlight ore and sunshine ore exist in the open air, then the moonlight absorbed every night will be completely absorbed by the sun the next day. No more.

  It’s no wonder that Armanet, after hearing about this, would find a way to come and take a look.

   But Liu Zhi also thought of another thing, "Moonlight ore is difficult to find and difficult to mine. Is there any unique problem behind this?"

   "Yes, moonlight ore is guarded by some special creatures."

  (End of this chapter)

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