Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1082: Mine

  Chapter 1082 Mine

  As for the fact that the ore has a special creature guarding it, Ryuzhi has no surprise at all. If the ore is so easy to mine, Amanite doesn’t have to think about it for so long.

  Yagiji believed that with the strength of Amanite, if it were a relatively simple thing, she would have taken the moonlight ore long ago.

What kind of special creatures are   ?

"All are creatures affected by moonlight ore." Amanite thought for a moment, "I have been there once. The creatures inside are not very strong, but under the action of moonlight ore, their combat effectiveness is not weak. The most troublesome thing is that there are moonlight ore, their vitality seems to have been undiminished.

  And my carriage is not so convenient to move in the underground passage, at least not as fast as I imagined, plus the underground passage is like a maze, I almost never got out after going in several times.

  So I need someone to help me, help me lead out or kill those special creatures. "

  Liu Zhi thought for a while, “I’ll read it first before talking. If it doesn’t work, I will call in a batch of spider infantry.”

   "No, no spider infantry is needed. Ordinary undead troops can come in. Spider infantry may not be able to affect the whole situation. On the contrary, ordinary undead troops are likely to be strengthened under the action of moonlight ore."

  Yagiji didn't say anything any more after hearing it. He just followed Amanite and entered the mine she had discovered at the beginning.

  This mine does not look very deep, nor is it hidden in any different place. Just after entering this jungle at the center of this jungle, you can see some of the shadow of the mine.

  Yagiji and the others came here, they had to relax because of some influences nearby. At the same time, Ryuuji also had the ability of some druids to study what kind of special creatures would be in the mine.

   "It feels like there is no higher-level existence."

   "Their strength is not high, they should not reach level 5, but it is troublesome to not be killed."

  Hearing this, Liu Zhi remembered the black gloves, that guy was only level 4, but he was also a troublesome figure, not only could not be killed, but also all kinds of troubles.

  Those who want to come here are also like this.

  With such thoughts, Liu Zhi's movements were obviously more careful when he moved forward.

  However, no matter how they walked, two sun carriages attacked, and soon they came to the middle of this jungle.

   Near the original wolf’s nest, they saw the mine this time.

   is different from the mine in the game. This mine was obviously not dug by humans. The mine in front of me looks like a beast dug by himself.

After    came here, Liu Zhi saw obvious traces of carriages in front of the mine. It was obvious that this was exactly the trace left by Amanite when he came over.

  Just looking at the passageway that was only three meters high and four meters wide in front of him, he took another look at the sun carriage that had become quite large, and at the same time had nine horse-drawn sun carriages of various attributes, Liu Zhi couldn't help but ask.

   "This one can you drive in?"

"If you drive in, there is a special horse in my herd. It can make the carriage larger by one-third or smaller by half. Osteoporosis can still be entered through various channels. "

  With such an explanation, Liu Zhi also understood it. It can be seen that these horses of Amanite really have various functions.

  At this time, Liu Zhi's gaze also fell on the horses. Liu Zhi noticed that the colors and appearances of these horses were somewhat different.

  Yuzhi only recognized that one of them was throbbing with lightning, and the body looked as black as a cloud. It should be of thunder and lightning, and there was a white horse that was like stepping on the sun, which should be of light.

  There is another horse whose mane is like yellow sand, and there is always a wind group around it, which should be of the storm attribute.

   For the rest, he has no way to see what attributes these guys are.

  Now Ryuzhi also understood why Amanite needs moonlight ore, but these horses have a strong influence on the sun carriage, not to mention that Amanite still has various attribute weapons against him.

   These seven-eight-eight attributes add up. If there is no moonlight ore fusion, as soon as the sun ore is added, the carriage will not turn into a colorful carriage, it will explode directly.

  At that time, Amanite won't get anything.

  After understanding Amanite’s mood, Liu Zhi nodded and jumped off his sun carriage.

  Vidnina had already stood at the forefront, she drew out all the eight long swords, and carefully guarded in front of Ryuzhi.

  Widenina was walking along with Ryuuji, followed by Alex who had just put away the sun carriage.

  It was Amanite who walked last, but Amanite did not get out of the wagon, but instead carried a spear and drove the wagon into it.

As Amanite said, after rushing into the mine, one of the nine horses, one of the gray horses, suddenly screamed, and then the sun carriage shrank by half, and even the Amanite above followed. Shrinked together.

  Yagiji noticed that although Amanite’s size had shrunk, her combat power did not weaken at all. Instead, because the sun buggy ran up, Ryuzhi noticed some differences.

  Yagiji at first thought that the sun carriage was still like what he had seen before.

  It does not seem to be the case now. All horses have the ability to walk in the air, and when Amanite’s sun carriage is actually running, there is actually a cloud support under the carriage.

  In this case, Liu Zhi had never seen it before, and he did not expect that in terms of carriage, Amanite had surpassed him too much.

  After rushing into the mine with people, Amanite, who had been walking at the end, quickly walked in front.

  Yagiji noticed that Amanite seemed to remember the way, and her carriage rushed straight down, rushing in one direction in a blink of an eye.

  And Ryuzhi was not careful, only to see the rear lights of Amanite, and he almost didn't get thrown away by Amanite.

  Fortunately, Liu Zhi and the others were used to this situation. They threw Alex behind, and Liu Zhi followed Vidnina quickly into the passage.

   rushed forward a few steps, and Liu Zhi also noticed that Amanite had also left some luminous carriage tracks for himself. It can be seen that Amanite was also afraid that Ryuzhi would get lost.

  With a corresponding route, Liu Zhi and the others moved forward naturally. After a while, Liu Zhi entered the maze and saw the special creature Amanite said.

  (End of this chapter)

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