Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1083: Exotic creatures

  Chapter 1083 Extraordinary Creature

  Special creatures refer to existences that are somewhat different from the original creatures. In fact, zombies are also one of the special creatures, but no matter what Liu Zhi thinks, the zombies are no stranger than these creatures in front of them.

  These creatures look the same as the living ones, except that their skins are all blue and translucent.

   Say they are ghosts. Underneath their skin are flesh and bones, layer by layer, you can see clearly.

  It can be seen that this is because of the moonlight ore that makes these creatures look like this.

  At the same time, Liu Zhi also saw a strange situation. These creatures seemed to have absorbed the mist in the Immortal Mist, but the mist had no effect on them, but was concentrated in their lungs.

  It can be seen. They can spray out these fog in an instant as long as they think. At that time, this fog will become their attack method.

  When Yanagi saw these extraordinary creatures, they had already been attacked by Amanite, as if they had one or two big holes that could hurt the vitals.

  If it were a normal creature, it would have died under such an attack.

  But these special creatures are different. They just fell seriously injured and have no combat effectiveness, but their injuries are obviously slowly recovering.

  This situation also surprised Liu Zhi. He finally understood why Amanite would say that this kind of strange creature was difficult to deal with.

  These guys in front of you are clearly a group of troubles.

  The most important thing is that they, like Amarnet, want to grab moonlight ore.

  Yagiji glanced at the strange creature on the ground, and said to Vidnina: "Cut it all open."

  Yes, Amanite’s attack methods have one of the biggest weaknesses, that is, most of her attack methods are piercing attacks, not slashing attacks.

So when Amanite killed these special creatures, he could only choose another way of thinking. He would first put those special creatures to the ground and finish the other things on his own. As for those special creatures who were seriously injured back, that matter. Wait for the last time.

  Now Ryuzhi is different. The existence of Vidnina allows Ryuzhi to have more experimental techniques.

  Videnina didn't say anything, she stepped forward with a knife, and the special creature that was recovering on the ground was quickly cut open, and at the same time it was cut into as many as seven or eight pieces.

  Yagiji noticed that these special creatures seem to be still moving there, but their bodies are recovering because they want to re-assemble, instead of what you did before, just waiting to be resurrected.

   "Forget it, it seems that this thing has super activity, even if it is burned, you can find a way to reorganize it. If you bury it, it will be underground. Just keep this thing trapped."

  Yagiji directly issued the order, asking Vidnina to throw aside these special creatures that had not been resurrected.

  But Vednina didn't think so. When she threw these special creatures aside, she made a special move, cutting the bodies of these special creatures open, and at the same time used an ice storm on the ice.

  After all this was done, Vidnina chased after Ryuzhi.

The more they go down, the more such special creatures, but these special creatures have fought with Amanite, and they have not recovered yet. Ryuzhi and the others are quite relaxed, but Vidnina has been there. He shot, and kept cutting open those special creatures that fell on the ground.

  After that, Liu Zhi saw a strange situation. These strange creatures were too anxious to try to fight back again, so some of them even got stuck on other bodies.

  But these strange creatures actually have a rejection reaction. It can be seen that they are not their original bodies, and they will not join together randomly.

  It can be seen from this point that these strange creatures are quite unique.

Of course, Ryuzhi did not study this situation too much. He had heard the sound of Amanite fighting not far away, and he could see that he kept rushing down the road, Amanite Finally stopped by those special creatures.

"Ready to fight."

  As for the special creature, Liu Zhi didn't care at all. He had beaten silver flesh before. It can be said that he has not encountered any kind of existence. These are all trivial things.

   Pulling out Thor’s Destruction Tooth, Liu Zhi rushed in.

  As soon as he rushed through a turn, Liu Zhi saw that Amanite was fighting there with special creatures.

Amanite’s fighting style is not the same as before. Before, Ryuji saw Amanite fighting in the sky or the plain. Her nine horses can run freely in the sky and the ground, but the enemy often hasn’t reacted yet. Well, Amanite has already rushed to the enemy.

  Waiting for the enemy to prepare to fight back, Amanit had already killed the enemy and left.

  But the situation in front of her is different. Armanet is not fighting in a big place, and she can make her sun carriage go around in a circle, but it is impossible to throw away the enemy for a long distance.

  At the same time, there are too many special creatures here. No matter where Amanit runs, there will be about thirty special creatures around him to besiege.

  Yagiji finally saw the fighting methods of these special creatures at this time. They were very similar to ordinary creatures, but when they threw forward, there would always be a faint blue light flashing around them.

  This kind of light will automatically turn into various weapons, slashing at Amanite, and they themselves will not actively attack Amanite.

  This situation surprised Liu Zhi, because he did not expect that these special creatures were actually mind-controlling?

   But unexpectedly, Liu Zhi still rushed out immediately. He and Vidnina cooperated with each other and directly released big moves.

  The wind blade ball released by Ragiji and Vidnina is even more terrifying than a tornado. With just one rotation, a group of special creatures can be cut into pieces.

  And these special creatures will not die, so Liu Zhi specially scattered their bodies and threw them away, so that they could not fight together in a short time.

Seeing Liu Zhi coming over, Amanite’s eyes lit up, "Help me hold them, I have to rush down again, there are two more floors, I need to get there within a certain time, otherwise this time the moonlight ore No more."

Ryuzhi was also a little curious about rushing to a certain place at a certain time, but he immediately realized that it is getting dark now. After a while, when the moon rises to the sky, maybe Amanat will look for it. This is the time.

  (End of this chapter)

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