Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1084: Rasha's Energy

   Chapter 1084

  With Ryuzhi taking the shot, Amanite rushed to the next level, and the next thing was much simpler. After Ryuzhi cleared the enemies at this level, he immediately rushed down.

  This can just help Amanite deal with the enemies on the next level.

  After two floors like this, Armanet finally arrived where she wanted to go at the appointed time.

  And Ryuzhi came over half an hour later. After he got here, Ryuzhi came to understand why Amnet wanted him to move forward together.

  There is a huge strange creature here.

  The strange creature is more than a thousand meters long, his body is lying in the deepest part of the cave like a hill, and a rather strange-looking head is staring at Amanite.

  The reason why he said his head is quite weird is entirely because it looks long and pointed, just like the head of a crane.

  But his body looked like a dragon's body, but because he was too fat, he seemed to be unable to move at all.

  No matter from which direction Yanagi and the others go, they will enter the area around this person's special creature, and his head can quickly reach that position to eat the enemy that enters his body area.

  The moonlight ore that Amanite needs to find is on the top of this cave. At this time, it is not considered that the moon has risen to the highest position, so it seems that the moonlight ore is still a little dark.

  Only part of the place, there appeared some flowing silver-white lines.

  It can be seen that the silver-white pattern is the moonlight ore that Amanite needs. There may not be much of it now, but I believe that after a period of time, all this large piece will turn into that bright silver.

  At that time, Amanite needed to rush to grab the moonlight ore.

  In this case, Amanite will definitely rush into the range of the special creature below, and then she will encounter a full range of attacks from this special creature.

  This kind of attack is not difficult for Amanite to deal with, but it is quite difficult to grab Moonlight Ore under this kind of attack.

  Moreover, the things in front of you can't be delayed too much. The small special creatures above will be resurrected after a long time. Especially when the moonlight ore is strongest, these small special creatures will resurrect faster, and they will come from all directions.

  At that time, Amanite would not be able to deal with the attack from this position, and finally could only leave quickly.

  Actually, Amanite has been here seven or eight times, and only twice entered this position, but in the end he failed to get the moonlight ore he wanted.

  After seeing Ryuji enter here, Amanite nodded to Ryuuji, and then focused on the moonlight ore on top.

She doesn’t have much demand for moonlight ore, as long as a heavier moonlight ore is enough. She has calculated the angle when she comes, and she can get the corresponding moonlight ore as long as she is out. Now her only problem is how to get it. To such a piece of moonlight ore.

  At this time, Ryuzhi stood up. He flew into the air and said to Amanite: "I'll take action first, you are ready at any time."

  After Liu Zhi pressed his hand down, a lightning bolt fell from the sky and landed on the huge special creature below.

  This blow directly drew the attention of that special creature, and the guy immediately reacted, and it was a bite at Liu Zhi.

Ryuzhi's reaction speed was faster than him. When he bit him, he flashed back and retreated to the side. Then a few wind blades cut out from the direction of Vidnina, which happened to fall on the strange creature. Body.

  However, the size of this extraordinary creature was quite big, and the wound cut by the wind blade almost disappeared in an instant.

  This situation made Vidnina a bit of a headache, but the existence of Vidnina still attracted the attention of this special creature, making him wonder which direction to attack first.

  At this moment, a ray of sunlight flashed over Liu Zhi, and Laxia sprang out from Liu Zhi.

  As a Paladin, Rasha uses weapons such as swords.

  It's just that at this moment, he was holding a sword hilt and mixing his hands, a lightsaber appeared in the hilt.

The appearance of this lightsaber looks quite simple yet powerful. Rasha just pressed down, and behind the strange creature, something like a teleportation array appeared, and the point of the lightsaber was from there. Stabbed out of the teleportation formation, just piercing into the back of the special creature.

  Under this thorn, the strange creature couldn't help screaming.

  Liu Zhi noticed that this sun-carrying power of the holy light can actually cause some damage to the special creatures.

  This situation made Liu Zhi's eyes bright, and he understood what was going on.

  At the same time, Liu Zhi made a decision immediately, "Come on, tear off a piece of meat from him."

  Under Ryuzhi's order, Laxia took the initiative to rush forward. He became a target to attract the other's attention, while Ryuzhi and Vidnina attacked behind them, and they weren't acting as a guide.

  Because Rasha’s sword seemed to appear in any position, Liu Zhi quickly saw the wound on the special creature.

  The wound was unable to heal for a long time under the action of the sun's power. This was exactly what Liu Zhi wanted. With the opened wound, Liu Zhi's lightning and Vidnina style cut out from the wound.

  At this time, the moonlight ore above the huge special creature finally lit up. Amanite seized this opportunity and rushed toward the moonlight ore in the sun carriage.

If it was before, the huge special creature might still pay attention to Amanite, but now, all his attention is on Lasha. For the existence of Amanite, he hasn’t paid attention to it at all. In the eyes.

  So Amarnet easily rushed to the moonlight ore for the first time.

  Amanite holding the spear raised his hand, and the spear in his hand stabbed out.

  With this blow, it happened to hit the root of the moonlight ore.

  In addition to using all of Amanite’s own power, this blow also brought a powerful impact.

   So with one hit, the rock on the top of the cave was cut off by three points, and at the same time a large amount of silver liquid sprayed out, wrapped the rock and fell on the sun carriage.

  "Help me hold it for a while, I need to dispose of this moonlight ore immediately."

  Amanite said while pressing the moonlight ore onto the carriage. The silver moonlight extended from the position where the moonlight ore touched the carriage as the center and extended to other locations.

  (End of this chapter)

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