Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1090: space

  Chapter 1090 Space

  As Ryuzhi decided on the construction plan, Amanit also rushed over with his troops.

  The pass given to Fireblade City was quite effective. The 100,000 spider troops passed through the territory of Fireblade City with great strength and rushed to the island in front of them with the help of goblin ships.

  Come here together, and there are about 200 toolmen heroes.

  Compared to the heroes who played with Liu Zhi before, these heroes are even worse.

  How can the original heroes bring 7 troops with constitution.

  These heroes now only brought out one troop.

  All of their levels are only level 1, and you can see that it is the kind of existence that has no potential.

After    came here, Liu Zhi was rather generous.

   summoned all the heroes on the spot, and each of them was divided into 500 spider troops.

  Just like that, all 10,000 spiders were separated.

  Of course, all the spider infantry are divided out.

  After dividing these spider infantry among them, Ryuzhi began to divide the defense zone in the future.

  50 heroes were also rushed to patrol the coastline, and the remaining heroes were all sent to mine stones or transport various ores.

  The mined stones and various ores are all divided into 5 corresponding locations.

  All the things mined from the gold mine and silver mine were sent to the highest peak of this small island.

  There is the location of the extremely cold palace selected by Yanagi.

  The camp of the Lord of the Ghost Territory is not the same as the normal camp.

  The camp of the normal lord only needs to open the construction plan.

  But the camp of the Lord of the Ghost Territory must invest a lot of materials and Yin Qi.

  The substance in this is secondary, and Yin Qi is definitely the most important.

  Precious metals become the next choice when there is no yin.

  Yagiji calculated the investment in the Palace of the Frost. It takes about a week of silver and six days of gold production to get the materials for the Palace of the Frost.

  So Ryuzhi first let those toolmen heroes open gold and silver mines.

  The remaining nearly 90,000 spider troops were arranged by Liu Zhi in two batches.

  The largest group of them is naturally the spider artillery unit, which is the best unit that Liu Zhi can use.

  They came here with nearly 30,000 at one time, which can be regarded as most of the troops in the spider artillery that Ryuzhi has cultivated over the years.

They were arranged on the spot to the major mountains on the island, and the entire island and the sea area around the island were accurately positioned to ensure that no matter what went wrong, Ryuzhi could have a thousand spider cannons at any time. Three consecutive shots at the corresponding location.

  The last 60,000 spider troops are dominated by spider infantry, and spider guards and some other spider troops are auxiliary.

  After they were transferred out, under the leadership of Liu Zhi, they cleaned up the space on the island one by one.

  When he got the island map, Liu Zhi also knew the situation of each space on the plane.

  In fact, these so-called spaces are the positions drawn from the map by some powerful beings, or the benefits of cutting out from the map by themselves due to ground veins or other reasons.

  It feels as if Hogwarts is clearly there, but nothing is shown on the map, or the mountain gate of the Xianjia sect, mortals can’t see it at all.

The same was true of the two spaces that Liu Zhi had encountered before. One was the resting place of the giant turtle, which was the ability of the big turtle, and the other was the place where the Kodo beast was buried, which was the entire Kodo beast. The ethnic group does not know how many years it took to transform.

  As for the situation in other spaces near Fireblade City, Liu Zhi didn't inquire about it, nor did he research it.

   But as you can see from the immediate situation, it is almost the same transformation process.

There are a total of thirteen spaces on this island. In these spaces, there are four spaces transformed by ground veins. Among them, two are transformed from gold veins, the other two are transformed from volcanic magma, and the last one is transformed from gold veins. Everywhere is transformed from ordinary mountains and forests.

  In the remaining nine spaces, there are three powers from the original island. One of them is a ruin that looks like a temple, and the other two are a huge ape corpse and a hot spring.

  The reason why Yanagi knew that this hot spring also came from Da Neng was completely because according to some information he had obtained from the Lord of Fire Blade, there would be some bird calls from time to time under this hot spring.

  I just don’t know if the news is true or false.

The last six spaces are all supported by some old trees in the forest. It can be seen that no matter what minerals are on this island, the trees and forest are on this island. theme.

  What Ryuzhi has to do now is to take the spider troops to clear all the spaces in these thirteen places.

  His Palace of Extreme Cold can transform this small island into a ghost domain, but the space is somewhat separated from this small island by a layer.

  In the end, it is very likely that the entire island has been transformed into a ghost domain, and the space here will be the same as before.

  In this way, these spaces may become the last living places of creatures on the original island.

  It’s good if it's just ordinary creatures, but what if there are some powerful creatures in it, what if there are some murlocs in it.

  So Ryuzhi simply cleaned up all these spaces and threw the spider troops that came in.

  As for building a city or something, it will take some time to accumulate the corresponding things.

  With Ryuzhi's current strength, which space he wants to deal with, he no longer needs to prepare as before. He only needs to enter the space with his subordinates to see if there is anything that can be used in this space and whether there are any enemies.

  If there is, the spider infantry blasts a wave, and it is almost done.

  The same is true this time, Liu Zhi simply entered a space closer to him.

  This space is a space made of trees, but when Liu Zhi came in, he saw that the giant tree that should have supported the space had fallen down.

  If the giant tree hadn't fallen down, it should be more than 3,000 meters high and 80 meters in diameter. A lot of rope made of white paper was wrapped around the tree.

When the giant tree fell, it seemed that something happened to be stuck. Liu Zhi saw that half of the giant tree was stuck in the air. It was precisely because the giant tree was about to fall that the space was preserved. There was no reason. The destruction of the spiritual objects that support the space leads to the collapse of the space.

  Looking at the giant tree, Liu Zhi shook his head.

   "It still doesn't work. Last time on planet E-96, trees of this level were small trees. I didn't expect it to be a support point in space. This plane is really not strong."

  (End of this chapter)

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