Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1091: Transformation of space

  Chapter 1091 The transformation of space

  Walking around in this space, Liu Zhi found that the space in front of him was about the same size as the Kodo Bone Burial Ground. As long as a medium-sized camp was built here, it could be controlled.

At the same time, the products here are relatively rich. Large beasts have not appeared, but various small beasts still exist, especially things like flying birds. When Ryuji came in, they quickly flew up in space, but they didn't. Ways to fly away from the scope of this space.

  Yiuzhi raised his head and glanced at the birds in the sky, and then at the ground. Then he found a corner and scratched, and found that a large number of bird bones were found near the weeds under the tree.

  It can be seen that there is no way for these flying birds to leave here. They were born here, grew up here, and finally died here.

  Over the years, the bones of birds here have been piled up all over the place, at least in the soil, there are bones of birds everywhere.

  Yagiji squatted on the ground and turned a bit, and found something out of Mu Asuka’s bones.

When these flying bird bones fell into his hands, Liu Zhi had already felt it. The quality of the bones in front of them was not very strong. Because these flying birds never left here much, they formed an ecology of their own in this space. ring.

  Some of these birds were eaten. This kind of birds should account for about one-third, and the remaining two-thirds died due to other reasons.

  At the same time, it can be seen from the quality of these bones that the birds in this space also slowly have their own strengthening direction, and the strongest bird strength should have reached the level 1 level.

Although there is only such a little bit of evolution, this is an opportunity for these birds. If they are allowed to develop for a period of time, maybe they will evolve wisdom, and eventually there will even be a civilization like flying birds. .

   But now, it may not work.

After throwing away the bones on his hand, Liu Zhi raised his head and glanced at the space.

"The murlocs should have a disdainful attitude towards this place. They look down on this space. The wood here is useless. Although the birds here can serve as their food, they are too difficult to catch. They have this strength. They might as well go to the sea to catch fish to eat.

  So for this kind of space, they just give up, but leaving the space here is a bit wasteful for them, so they cut down the big tree that supports the space. "

  Yiuzhi immediately judged the attitude of the murloc, just as Liuzhi said.

  The murlocs don’t have too many requirements for materials such as wood, at least they don’t need wood to build ships.

  At the same time, let the murloc run here to catch the birds. It is quite troublesome. The murloc swims fast in the water, but if you want to fly, you must reach a certain level.

  The kind of murlocs that can fly will not come here to do hunting things. They might as well go hunt a big fish in the sea when they have time.

  So this space is an abandoned existence in the eyes of the murlocs. If you don't get it, you can't use it, so just destroy it.

   is also the action of the murloc, which made Liu Zhi see another possibility. After thinking about it, Liu Zhi flew up and landed on the giant tree that was broken in two.

  He fell to the stump of the giant tree and looked down here.

  The stump of this giant tree was cut off by a single blow from a position about 30 meters away. From here, you can see how strong the player who shot at the beginning is.

  Of course, if Liu Zhi and the others are given enough time to accumulate energy, they can also do this, but the effect may not be as beautiful.

  Here in this stump, Liu Zhi walked twice, looking for a moment very seriously, and then stood a little east of the stump, reaching out and pressing down.

"it is as expected."

  Liu Zhi pressed this way, and he felt that there was a lot of space here, and as soon as he pressed his hand, he drove the stump through.

After   , a wave of resentment and yin air came over.

  It can be felt that this giant tree has also begun to produce a trace of wisdom before, and he is unwilling to his death.

This kind of unwillingness is exactly what Liu Zhi wants to take advantage of, "I'm afraid that you don't have these yin auras. Then I want to transform this place and open the channel to the underworld. I don't need it now, and I will focus on this in the future. Build a camp."

  Yagiji said, a black bolt of lightning appeared on the palm of his hand.

  The lightning seemed to be controlled by someone, constantly beating on the stump, engraving a detailed and stable magic circle.

  This ability to easily control lightning was mastered by Druid Ryuuji after he reached level 5. As his skill level with lightning increases, this control power becomes stronger and stronger.

  Now let’s not say let Liu Zhi carve a magic circle with lightning, even if he is asked to make a statue on a grain of rice, he can do it.

  It can be said that now Ryuzhi wants to engrave magic circles, except for some quite special magic circles, most of the time he does this.

  After engraving the magic circle, Liu Zhi stood in the middle of the magic circle, and at the same time stretched out his hand, grabbed the Soul Eater Staff.

He inserted the staff in the center of the magic circle, and at the same time grabbed it against the opposite side, a tornado rolled up, and the tornado rolled up a large amount of dirt on the ground and threw it all here. Above the stump.

  There are a large number of bird bones in the soil. When these bones fell, Liu Zhi also chanted a spell.

  Under the spell of Liu Zhi, the bones shattered quickly, and a faint blue ghost fire began to emanate from inside.

  Whenever a ghost fire rises, Liu Zhi will mobilize another batch of soil to release the bird bones in the soil.

  After processing this time and time again, slowly the broken tree stump showed a scene like a firefly starry sky.

  At this time, Liu Zhi slowly raised his head and pointed at the ghost fires. All the ghost fires flocked to the half of the giant tree that was half fallen.

  Ryuzhi calculated this point just right, and the number of wildfires was just enough to light up the half of the giant tree.

After   , the half of the giant tree rotted at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the ghost fire that had absorbed the essence of the half of the giant tree flew back to its original position, and then piled up continuously on the stump.

  In a short while, a giant tree with a height of 3,000 meters ‘grew’ from the stump.

  This wildfire giant tree is all made up of wildfire, but it looks like the original giant tree should be.

  After doing all of this, Liu Zhi then pressed the Soul Eater Staff to activate the magic circle on the stump, and began to transform the space in front of him, transforming this space into an underworld ecosystem.

  (End of this chapter)

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