Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1095: Clean up the battlefield

  Chapter 1095 Clean up the battlefield

Although the spider infantry’s body and fighting style are all designed from the beginning, this kind of tactics does not require too much adjustment at all. Ryuzhi only needs to let them know where the murloc’s weakness is and how. Just a murloc.

  After seeing the murloc, the spider infantry instinctively cut towards the murloc's tentacles.

  Their forelimbs are something like a sharp blade, and with a single blow, they can chop off the murloc's tentacles.

  Before, the spider infantry did not look at the murloc, but would step over the murloc and rush towards the murloc behind.

  Most of the murlocs with broken tentacles can't stop the blood spurting. They don't even have a chance to fight back. They can only hold down their tentacles and want to reconnect the broken tentacles.

  The spider infantry swarming from behind directly stepped on them, and after a while, they stepped into the sea.

  As for the murlocs of those people's professions, there is no way to play a role in this chaos.

They hadn’t issued any moves yet, and the spider infantry had already rushed in front of them. These spider infantry were not afraid of death at all. Even if the opponent sent an attack, they would rush up to fight hard. No matter how the opponent shot, they must Cut off the opponent's tentacles.

  So the fish people were killed immediately, and the blood stained the sea immediately.

  Following the spider infantry, Shield Guardians rushed in. They protected the heroes.

  These heroes also knew that they had to make a move. Even if they couldn't kill the murlocs, they would definitely have to make a move. Otherwise, these spider troops would not belong to them, and they would not be able to gain experience.

  If they don’t have experience, they can’t improve their level, so they will be thrown away by some heroes who have gained experience.

  That is quite a tragic thing. You have to know that they have been waiting for the level to be upgraded for a long time. They were so bad now because they couldn't get the experience. They don't want to be so bad anymore.

  It is precisely for this reason that all the heroes here have played their strongest level. Even the commanding heroes have rushed to the forefront of the battlefield and participated in the battle personally.

  It was precisely because of their participation that the murlocs crashed faster. Under the attack of tens of thousands of spider troops, 100,000 murlocs were all hacked to death in an instant.

  Some of the heroes of the water system also led their men into the deep sea, wanting to see if there are any lurking enemies there.

  Looking at the end of the battle here, Ryuzhi didn't bother with the ambitious heroes. They were willing to go out to see if there were murlocs outside. That was their business.

  This is a good thing for Liu Zhi, but he clearly remembers that the final influence of the Palace of Extreme Cold can be extended to the surface of the sea.

   Glancing at the murloc corpses here, Liu Zhi waved his hand and arranged for some spiders to come and deal with these corpses.

  These newly emerged spiders are naturally researched by the spider woman Fangming.

  That was the request made by Liu Zhi, and a reasonable transport vehicle was needed.

After all, Liu Zhi has always used a skeleton transporter. The transporter can run forever without refueling. However, there is a relatively troublesome problem, that is, the size of the transporter cannot be too large. Just a skeleton pulling a transporter is already the limit of this transporter.

  If it gets bigger, the transporter can't run at all, and it can only run faster on the road. If they rush into the woods or other difficult terrain, their speed will slow down significantly.

  This is a taste for Liu Zhi. It is troublesome to use, and it also consumes a lot of corpses. For Liu Zhi, there is nothing else to use.

  Finally, just let go and let Fangming Spider Girl make this new spider.

The spider transporter in front of me is actually an enlarged giant spider. The body of this spider is ten meters long. There are various boxes around its body. At the same time, the spider has eight eight meters long. Long legs.

  Most land types have no effect on this spider.

  There are some small spiders sitting on top of the spiders, they will spray spider silk or spider webs down, drag all the things they want to transport onto the spiders, or put these things down safely.

  Now a dozen huge spiders came here all of a sudden, they were running on the sea, the spider webs on them kept throwing down, and they kept dragging the corpses of the murlocs and the spider troops on the spider's back.

  After filling all the space on the spider with the corpse, the spider quickly leaves, and the new spider guarding behind quickly fills it up.

  Liu Zhi asked these spiders to transport the corpses to the place where the main city he had looked forward to at first.

  At this time, the foundation of the new city has almost been laid, and all the stones on the original plain have been dug out.

  After the stone was dug up, Liu Zhi asked the undead to dig down a layer of the ground, and then processed the adjusted stone and installed it in a large underground pit.

  Yagiji did this to prevent the penetration of seawater on the one hand, and also to prevent the enemy from entering his main city from underground.

After all, there are all kinds of professions in this world, and it is possible to sneak into the underground, but the underground after treatment is different. In addition to using stones, Liu Zhi also added a lot of alchemy potions, although there is no The method becomes an iron plate, but it is also enough to prevent the invasion of the earth creatures.

  After laying the foundation and everything, it happened that the murloc body was also delivered.

  Liuzhi asked people to throw all the murloc corpses on the side of the main city construction site, and put them together with the dug out stones, which looked like some building materials were piled up.

  After watching the murloc battle here, Ryuzhi did not rush to the main city construction site, but went back to the palace of extreme cold.

  Liu Zhi didn't want to control the direction of Yin Qi in the Ghost Domain of the Chilling Palace.

  But now that he had the murloc corpse, Liu Zhi had some plans. He adjusted the direction of the cold air in the Palace of Extreme Cold, and turned the cold air that was originally directed in the other direction to the main city.

  This kind of cold body transfer, it also takes time, about three days later, this cold air moved from the palace of extreme cold to the main city of Liuzhi.

In the past three days, there were two more murloc attacks like this on the sea, but the number of murlocs was not as large as before, and only 30,000 to 50,000 murlocs shot each time. In the end, all the murlocs attacked. All the murlocs turned into corpses and were sent to the main city construction site.

  (End of this chapter)

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