Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1096: Murloc's handling

  Chapter 1096 The handling of the octopus

  While waiting for the cold air to come, Liu Zhi was not idle either. He had taken the undead and heroes to further process the murloc body.

  As a myth-level existence of fish knowledge, Liu Zhi not only knows the weaknesses of fish, but also knows what murlocs can do.

  For these murloc corpses, Ryuzhi is not like before, they are all piled together and used, or converted into undead, Ryuzhi has various ideas of his own.

First, he had people cut off all the murloc's tentacles. That was the weakness of the murloc, and it was also the most essential part of the murloc. With so many murloc tentacles, Yanagi let them weave them into one. rope.

After weaving   , Ryuji put the rope into the Palace of Extreme Cold, letting the cold air infuse with all his strength, and prepared it to be used as a rope for ships or a rope for the city gate suspension bridge in the future.

  These ropes will be related materials for future shipbuilding or city construction of Yanagiji. Now, Yanji hopes that more murlocs will come.

Except for the tentacles, Liu Zhi disassembled all the murlocs. The most important skulls and murloc skins were left behind. The remaining bones, internal organs, and flesh and blood were all beaten into mud and mixed in the soil. , Was shopped by Liu Zhi to the underground of the main city.

  This is a method that Liu Zhi has researched after reaching the myth level of fish knowledge. This is a curse strengthening of the entire city, which is part of the Necromancer's ability.

  This cursed soil will exude an aura that makes murlocs feel disgusted. All murlocs who feel this kind of breath will be impatient and want to rush in and destroy it.

  When the amount of this kind of mud is large, and the murloc stays on this kind of mud for a long time, the strength of the murloc will even be affected, the life will be slowly absorbed, and the strength will decline, etc.

And Ryuzhi used this as the base of the second underground level of the main city, which meant that he wanted to turn the city in front of him into the most abominable city for murlocs, so that they wanted to kill the city as soon as they saw it. .

  The murloc blood shed when attacking this city will continue to strengthen this curse, and finally turn this city into a cursed city of murlocs.

  This is Liu Zhi’s plan this time, and it is precisely for this reason that he will bring the chill over in advance.

  After preparing the mud mixed with murloc blood and mud, Liu Zhi began to help the undead to spread the mud layer by layer on the ground of the city.

  Liu Zhi is planning to build a big city this time. The whole city must be able to survive a million undead at least. Therefore, the main city area of ​​the whole city is quite large, and the blood mud of nearly 200,000 murlocs barely laid a foundation.

After   , Liu Zhi began to guide the cold air into the blood mud, and use the cold air to freeze the blood mud.

After   , Liu Zhi spread a layer of cobwebs and alchemy potion on it, and then began to let the undead begin to add stones to it, and the foundation was solidified.

  In the future, Liu Zhi still needs to add a layer of soil here before he can start to install sewers and the like.

  When the foundation is filled as high as the original ground, Yanagi will start to build a city here.

  Even if someone attacked at that time, they would not know that there would be such a design in this city about 20 meters underground.

   Watching the ice and Yin Qi freeze all the blood and mud, and watching the undead begin to transport all kinds of rocks, Liu Zhi didn't look anymore.

  The arrangement on this side has already begun, the next thing he has to do is to deal with the murloc skull and skin.

  The skin of the murloc is actually the last layer of defense. Most of their skin has scales, and these scales still have some mucus.

  But after they die, the scales on the murloc skin will dry and fall off. As for the mucus, it is even more useless. Usually, it is mainly used to grind into powder and serve as some supplementary food.

  But now there are so many murloc skins here, so they can’t be used like this.

  Liuzhi has mythical fish knowledge, and of course he also has some ideas. After peeling off the murloc skins before, let the undead send these murloc skins to a large pit nearby.

  And let the goblins send a lot of strong acid.

  The characteristics of the murlocs are rather strange. Their skin faces his quicklime, just like humans face a strong acid. Instead, they are thrown into the strong acid. The murloc's skin will be stimulated to a certain extent and become tougher.

  Of course, this kind of toughness is no better than cowhide, and no one is willing to use murloc skin to make any equipment.

  Yagiji didn't plan to use murloc skin to make armor or something. Even the undead under Liuzhi didn't want to use it.

  But Yanagi can use these murloc skins to piece together to make the sails needed for Yanagi's sailing boat.

  The texture of this sail will definitely be better than ordinary sails.

  And Ryuzhi believes that as long as he draws something like a curse circle on it, the sail will definitely have some curse and deterrent effect on the murlocs.

  This is the attribute that the entire plane needs most now, and maybe Liu Zhi can do it as a business.

  The last thing we deal with is the murloc skulls.

  For the treatment of murloc skulls, Liu Zhi thought about the most methods. At the beginning, Liu Zhi wanted to use these skulls to build the city wall, so that the city wall could have a certain deterrent effect on the murloc.

  But Liu Zhi tried it and found that this is not very good, because the murloc skull is no better than stone, and if you want to have an effective shock, you need a lot of skulls.

  If you put too many skulls in the city wall, it will definitely affect the strength of the city wall, and it will not be worth the gain.

  So Yanagi simply changed the skull to another purpose.

All the murloc heads are now placed in an open space relatively far from the city. The skulls are placed on the ground. Each skull is lit with a candle, and the dark blue candlelight provokes the murloc head. A fragment of the murloc soul.

  The soul fragments will be guided by the candlelight, going back and forth in the skull, going in and out, and finally dyeing the skull blue.

After   , the undead under Ryuzhi will pick out this blue skull, wrap it with soil and dry it, and finally make it into stone bullets for trebuchets. ,

  This kind of stone bullets made of murloc skulls will release murloc soul fragments strengthened by candles after they are exploded.

  Those soul fragments carry a kind of resentment towards murlocs, and have relatively strong lethality to murlocs.

  And Liu Zhi just wants to build his own city defense system. Using these murloc skulls to make stone bombs for catapults is a good choice.

  (End of this chapter)

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