Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1097: Construction of the main city

  Chapter 1097 The construction of the main city

  With the passage of time, the main city of Ryuzhi slowly began to take on the appearance of a city.

  The cold air and yin air that are constantly injected every day make the city walls and arrow towers that were built one step ahead slowly take shape.

  The walls of this main city are made of stones collected nearby, mixed with some metal, and cobwebs.

  Originally, when you look at it from a distance, it will look like an old city wall. The feeling of spider webs hanging on the city wall adds a bit of vicissitudes to this city wall.

  After the cold and yin air came over, all this completely changed. After the cold air level, the city walls and arrow towers were dyed white, and at the same time some hoarfrost began to appear on the city.

  In addition, some reliefs of skulls slowly appeared on the wall, which was what Liu Zhi had been avoiding before.

  Yiji originally wanted to give it a try. Why are the undead and the skeletons in all games and novels? Is it possible that there is no other thing that can be used to represent the undead?

But unexpectedly, it turned out to be like this in the end, and I don’t know if there is something wrong with the ghost domain. Slowly, Liu Zhi discovered that under the influence of the ghost domain's Yin Qi, the city wall and the arrow tower became'semi-automatic. 'melted.

  On the city wall, Ryuzhi arranged a trebuchet every 20 meters. On the arrow tower, in addition to the platform normally prepared for the archer troops, there were also heavy ballistas and magic arrays specially used for wizards.

  Originally, Liu Zhi's plan was to wait for these things to be built before arranging for the undead to deal with these things.

  But I didn't expect that when the ghost domain's yin air arrived, the ice froze these things, and then looked back, it turned out that the catapult and the heavy ballista had become semi-automated things.

  Liu Zhi doesn’t need to arrange people to come over to control the direction, aim or something. He only needs to arrange some undead to help reload the ammunition, and the catapult and heavy ballista can attack by themselves.

  And Liu Zhi estimated that in the past, the accuracy of this thing would be much more accurate than he thought.

  For such a situation, Liu Zhi would definitely not object to it. In fact, he had already planned, and he was going to divide the city wall into several defense zones and so on, and arrange for his heroes to come and command.

With such a transformation now, Liu Zhi can see that the number of heroes defending the city here can be obviously reduced by more than 80%. This is a good thing for Liu Zhi. Now he is more concerned about what ghost domain can bring to his city. A different conversion.

  So Ryuzhi changed his direction of building the city and began to build the most important administrative center of the city.

  Originally, Ryuzhi planned to build this thing at the end, because he did not have architectural design drawings such as administrative centers.

  If you continue to build it arbitrarily, although you can build a house and say that this is an administrative center, the administrative center cannot be opened to the functions of urban management.

  Not to mention that the administrative center with design drawings can also influence the style of the city. Heroes can be arranged to settle in, so that the heroes can become the managers of the city.

  The house built by myself has no such function.

  Liu Zhi calculated that his ghost domain is so big that several other cities may not need it, but the main city definitely needs such an administrative center.

  So he always planned to ask if there is a suitable administrative center design plan in Burning Blade City, and then use it.

  Now Liu Zhi has another idea. Even if the other administrative center design drawings are obtained, they may not be suitable for the style of the ghost domain in front of him.

  It might as well just treat it as if there is no administrative center, and leave everything to the ghost domain to handle.

  See how far the influence of the ghost domain on the entire island can go.

  For this reason, Liu Zhi advanced the construction of the administrative center.

  In Ryuzhi's own thoughts, the administrative center in front of him should be like the scarab palace in his own palace, with functions such as living, meeting, handling affairs, construction, and commanding battles.

  As long as you are in this administrative center, you can take care of everything, instead of running around because of a small matter.

  After Ryuzhi made a decision, the undead troops quickly brought in various materials and began to build the administrative center.

   Soon a three-story building was built a little behind the center of the city.

  This position was also specially selected by Liu Zhi. In order to deal with this position, Liu Zhi also specially processed this position and specially moved a part of the ground vein.

  In Liuzhi's planning and design of the entire city, this location will be built into a relatively large square. There will be a fountain in the middle of the square. After the square is a three-story administrative center with a relatively large area.

  The entire administrative center covers an area of ​​about one acre, plus the square in front, the entire area is equivalent to the size of two regular football fields.

  Besides this is the location of some more core functional buildings.

  Perhaps because of the habit of handling the camp, and the land here has been leveled, so Ryuzhi naturally divided the nearby land by drawing squares.

First, sixteen large-scale spaces were delineated on the edge of the square, then ninety-six medium-sized spaces were delineated outside the large-scale space, and then there were small-scale spaces. It was just that kind of small-scale space. No more counts.

The small space going out is a living space for the heroes. After all, hundreds of heroes have come here this time. Each of them has his own personality, and no matter what, they are all people with identity, which is naturally impossible. Camp in the wild.

   Even if the hero is again, Liu Zhi will arrange a place for them.

Before in the plane of Ide, they could still find a place to live on their own, but here, they might not have such good luck. Ryuzhi simply arranged a living space for all of them, at least a small space. Hospital or something.

   is the same as the original residence of Liu Zhi in the southern swamp plane. As for what this residence will become in the end, it depends on each hero's own personality. In this respect, Liu Zhi does not care.

  Further out, that is the place where the ordinary undead and undead troops live, and there is also a market arranged for goblins, defense system logistics and so on, there will be no functional buildings.

  Now that these undead begin to build the administrative center, it means that the big construction of the main city of Ryuzhi has already begun.

Except for the heroes who are patrolling, most of the heroes are gathered here. They want to see the situation of the city, hoping to grab a good place for them to live in advance when the city is built. They grab experience and tasks.

  (End of this chapter)

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