Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1098: Find

  Chapter 1098 Discovery

Just as Liu Zhi was building the main city, the other cities had already begun construction, but those cities were considered functional cities. They were not very defensive because they were aimed at minerals or other resources. Governance does not need too much reinforcement and management, just arrange Amarnet to patrol on his behalf.

  This kind of trivial matter, Amanite did not know how many times before with Sandro.

  For this kind of resource city, Amarnet knows what it needs best, so the construction speed of these cities is obviously much faster.

  And Amanite even has time to go to the beach from time to time to watch the heroes patrol.

  It can be seen that she also wants to participate in the battle.

  In the past few days, the murloc’s attacks have become less and less, and I don’t know if it is because the cannon fodder is almost cleared, or because they want to hold back a big move.

  However, all the heroes under Liu Zhi are undead. They have no morale to say, and they will not slacken off because they have no enemies. They complete fixed-point and quantitative patrol tasks every day.

  The same is true today. An undead hero is patrolling a designated position with a formation force and 500 spider troops.

  This undead hero is a zombie. He exudes a green breath. It can be seen that he has a certain degree of research on zombies and plague.

  If in other places, his existence may become the main battle hero.

  However, there are too many zombies or plague heroes under Liu Zhi, and this one is the advantage of the two-in-one. In fact, there is not much attraction.

   Seeing that the troops with him were a group of skeleton swordsmen and shields, he knew that he was not taken by Liu Zhi.

  But he didn't care. His plan was to take this opportunity to fight the enemy well and raise his level to 3.

  At that time, he can pull his little brother, and the two heroes unite, apply for the corresponding troops together, and finally form a combat system.

  At that time, he is sure to fight the enemy head-on undefeated.

  Now everything is planned, the only thing worse is the invading murloc.

   is exactly the same idea. When this hero is patrolling, he always looks at the sea from time to time, as if he wants to see the flowers out of the sea.

  But every time I look in the past, it is always plain and flat, and there is no change.

  The hero shook his head and was about to conduct another patrol. Suddenly he seemed to have found something and stared at a location far away on the sea.

   "That's the shark's fin, it's wrong, those things were there before, and the action is repeating."

  As soon as he saw this, the hero’s eyes were filled with excitement.

  Thinking about it, the hero did not report this information, but rushed into the sea with his men.

He has already seen that there are problems with these sharks. This must be a prelude to the war. With his strength, if this information is passed on, in the end he will only serve as cannon fodder. It is better to directly cause the war. It.

  He can definitely grab some experience for a while.

  Furthermore, Liu Zhi will not blame him for this reason. Several heroes have caused great wars in this way before, and they have benefited in the end.

  Now the opportunity falls on him, so let's go.

   With this idea, the hero rushed into the sea with his troops.

  As a zombie hero, he is not a murloc and naturally does not have much underwater attack ability.

  In addition, they did not have the ability to run on the surface. After entering the sea, their movement speed obviously slowed down.

  This made the zombie hero quite anxious, he was afraid that the murlocs discovered their behavior and just ran away.

  So the spider army chasing behind you accelerates, and quickly attack those sharks. As for the skeleton sword and shield hand behind, if they can keep up, just keep up. It doesn’t matter if they can’t keep up.

   But when the hero chased the shark, his face became as green as the plague around him, because he found that he had been deceived.

  There are no murlocs here, even the fins of these sharks are fake.

  If it's a normal hero, maybe it's okay to get angry, but this hero is different. He is a smarter one, otherwise he won't find a problem with the shark here.

  Seeing such a situation, he immediately dived into the bottom of the sea to find some traces.

  Although the sea will soon clear away some traces on the bottom of the sea, all the traces will be cleared away, and some weapons and the like will still come.

   Soon the hero discovered a situation. He immediately swam to the surface of the water, and then took out a flare gun in his pocket.

  This flare gun was bought by Yanagi from Burning Blade City. It can be launched underwater and can send three different colors of signals in the sky.

  It can be said that Fireblade City has thought of many ways to deal with the murlocs.

  These three different colored signals represent murloc attacks and request support; if there are circumstances, come and run faster to send out the intelligence; hard fight, pay attention, it is hard fight.

  This time the signal from the hero is that there are circumstances.

  Not long after this signal went out, a hero fell from the sky.

  This hero is a swan hero, which can be regarded as a relatively rare existence under Liu Zhi. There are so many heroes in Liu Zhi's team, and there are only three swan men.

   And he is the latest one to appear, and at the same time the most troublesome one, because he is unwilling to bring other troops except the Swan troops.

  But his speed is the fastest among all heroes. Where other heroes may take three or five days to get there, he can get there in one day.

  If the distance is within one day, he can almost do it faster.

  It can be said that besides a few who play teleport, he is considered to be one of the fastest under Yanagizhi.

  When he saw the signal, he rushed here for the first time, and at this time it was less than three minutes before the zombie hero sent the signal.

   "Let's talk, what you found." Flying in the air, the Swan Man hero said high up.

   "The murlocs have changed the direction of the invasion. Their large forces seem to be heading towards the main city, but they should be sneaking in the deep sea, and they have not found their shadows for the time being."

  "This is a very important situation. You will spread the news quickly. I will also look for the location of the murloc underwater. If I find it, I will locate it."

  Listening to the explanation of the zombie hero, the swan hero nodded, turned his head and left like this. As for the battle here, it is not important to him. His task is to spread the news.

  (End of this chapter)

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