Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1106: Assassinate

  Chapter 1106 Assassination

  For the first time Vidnina spoke in years, Liu Zhi didn't know what to say.

  It seems that Vednina’s IQ is still online, and she didn’t just say a word of ‘日’ just because she wanted to talk less.

  If that were the case, Yanagi might not know what Vidnina wanted to express.

  It's different now. Ryuzhi instantly understood what Vidnina was thinking, and at the same time knew where the danger came from.

  He thrust the Soul Devouring Eye Staff into the city wall and activated the power of the sun's divine nature in his body at the same time.

  Since Liu Zhi had a clone of Rasha, his control of the sun's divine nature in his body has been significantly improved.

  Yagiji put the sun divinity out, and he seemed to have become a huge golden eagle, illuminating the whole thing.

  Because of the angle at which Ryuji was standing, all the shadows under the sun just disappeared.

  The bladed murlocs hiding in the shadows jumped out before they reached the designated location.

  The number of Bladebreaker Murlocs coming over this time is not many, after all, it is more difficult to sneak over.

  So they sent the strongest force, with a number of about 60 people, all of which were level 4 murlocs, led by two level 5 murlocs, and two level 6 murlocs as arrows.

  Originally, their plan was to get close to Liu Zhi and then shoot at the same time.

  But they were not even close to Ryuuji this time, they were discovered by Vidnina.

  At the same time, Ryuzhi destroyed the foundation of their sneak, and now their sneak attack has become a force attack.

  After appearing from the shadows, they jumped up at the same time and jumped towards Yanagi from several angles.

  However, Vidnina, who stood in front of Ryuji, shot directly, and eight different styles of swordsmanship cut to the murlocs.

  At this moment, Liu Zhi also arched his body and pulled out Thor’s Destroying Teeth around his waist.

  At the same time, his skin began to darken, as if a black electric current was flowing through him.

Those murlocs did not expect that Liu Zhi would draw his sword and prepare to take action. In their opinion, whether it is a normal wizard or a necromancer, shouldn't it be a matter of stepping back and talking about it? What about this guy in front of them? Will want to rush forward.

  The fish people haven't reacted yet, the eight sword auras on Vednina's side have already cut to those fish people with various attributes.

  Vednina has been with Yanagi's side. In fact, she doesn't spend much time fighting, so her level increase is not high.

  However, she has several advantages. The first is that she has no level restrictions. Originally as an eight-armed naga, no matter what kind of naga, she is considered to be a royal existence among naga.

  And her level limit is 15, except for the gods that Naga may exist, that is, she is the strongest.

  She doesn’t need to be like Liu Zhi and Amanite at all. She needs to consider how to advance at level 5 and 10. As long as she has experience in place, she can level up directly.

  There is also that Vidnina is practicing swords every day, even if she is next to Ryuzhi every day.

  So her level of swordsmanship is quite high, and several kinds of swordsmanship have reached the level of mythology.

  Even if the other levels have not been improved, Vidnina's swordsmanship level is enough to deal with the murloc in front of her.

  Not to mention that the current Widnina has now reached level 6, and the strength is actually not weaker than those murlocs.

  After releasing eight sword auras, Vidnina turned her body and released another sixteen sword auras.

  At this time, Liu Zhi had also rushed out and fought with a level 6 murloc. At the same time, the Alex next to Liu Zhi began to release his troops to prevent other murlocs from approaching Liu Zhi.

  Riuji in the battle has completely changed. At this time, he is like a human form transformed from lightning. After the lightning, you can see the crystal transparent skeleton from time to time.

  This is exactly the impact that Liu Zhi's two professions have on his body after reaching level 6.

After    became an element of the Thunder of Death, Liu Zhi's speed increased significantly.

  He appeared in front of the Murloc like a flash of lightning, and thunder god’s destruction tooth stabs forward in his hand. When this thorn pierced out, a small ‘z’ appeared on the tip of the sword.

After   , the 6th-level murloc only felt all kinds of lightning flashing in front of him.

  He only saw those lightning bolts gathered from the center of his eyebrows from all directions, and finally concentrated on the tip of Liu Zhi's sword.

  As a level 6 murloc, he instinctively felt the danger of Liu Zhi's trick.

  This is an attack method that concentrates everything on one point.

  Don't talk about this attack method against a murloc, even if it is used against a city wall, it is very likely to make a hole in the wall.

  Not to mention the power behind the sword tip, this kind of lightning power is the most destructive one.

  As long as you hit it down, you can directly charge the murlocs here into coke.

  And Liu Zhi actually concentrated the power of this lightning on the tip of the sword, how much you can see the murloc in front of you.

  The murloc really didn't want to have such an optimistic view, he flashed and prepared to retreat.

  But Ryuzhi seemed to know how he would move, and the tip of the sword just turned a bit and it pierced the murloc’s eyebrows.

  At the same time, as soon as Liu Zhi used his force, a z word was written on the center of the Murloc’s eyebrows.

After   , Liu Zhi clicked his hand, and the head of the level 6 murloc was blown to pieces. After that, his body quickly scorched and turned into a piece of black carbon.

  After finishing the blow, Liu Zhi rushed towards another 6th-level murloc. It can be seen that Liu Zhi intends to deal with the guy himself.

  But Vednina was a step faster than him, and Yanagi rushed out. The 6th-level murloc and two 5th-level murlocs were all cut into pieces by Vednina.

  At the same time, the level 4 murlocs were also blocked by the troops under Alex's men who used to fill the front.

Although these troops are used to fill the front, their level is mostly around level 5, and they are well equipped, and they cooperate with each other well. They fought one out of three or five, and quickly killed all the murlocs. .

  Looking at the murloc assassin who rushed to the wall, Liu Zhi's expression also became serious.

  In this case, it is clear that he slapped him in the face, and he was already in his own territory, and he could be attacked by someone close, which made Liu Zhi's face go.

  Ryuzhi thought for a while and gave the order directly.

  "First, plasma cannon wash the ground over the sea area, and then all the spider troops and heroes attacked and killed all the murlocs for me."

  Under Ryuzhi's order, all the heroes on the wall became excited, and regardless of whether they could go into the water or not, they rushed towards the sea with their men.

  (End of this chapter)

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