Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1107: Fish people are crazy

   Chapter 1107 The octopus people are crazy

  Ryuzhi can be regarded as squeezing out most of his strength this time.

  At this time, beside him, except for Vidnina and Alex, there is not much defensive power.

  But he did not retreat into the city, but stood on the top of the city and waited calmly.

  The opponent has the murlocs of the Broken Blade clan, this kind of assassination method will certainly not be less, and Liu Zhi is now trying to draw them out.

  Liu Zhi believed that under his stimulation, those murlocs would definitely do something.

  Ryuzhi guessed right. When his troops rushed into the sea, the murlocs had already reacted.

  They saw the emptiness of defense on Liu Zhi's side, and finally the commander on the Broken Blade clan decided to assassinate Liu Zhi again.

  So he strongly urged the commander of the Whaleluo clan to guard the line of defense here, and if possible, it would be better to drag the battle into the sea.

Regarding this request, the commander of the Whaleluo clan was quite angry, because the commander of the Broken Blade clan had clearly stated that they would retreat immediately after the battle, otherwise they would not take out their whale colony flora. .

   But now.

   has to fight again, this is not their plan at all.

  "Are you crazy? We are going to retreat now. As long as we retreat into the deep sea, they will not be able to catch up. You can see from the past, there is no chance of winning. He is leading you to that city, do you understand?"

   "I know, but this is the fate of the assassins, hold them back, and leave the rest to me."

  The commander of the Broken Blade clan said, "I will participate in this battle and bring all Broken Blade clan troops."

  After speaking, the commander drew his weapon, took all the murloc troops of the Broken Blade clan, and began to sneak into the shadows.

  Looking at the commander of the Broken Blade clan doing this, the one of the Jingluo clan couldn't help but screamed.

   "Lunatic, all are lunatics, everyone changes, block them for me."

Liu Zhi also saw all the fighting situation in the fish crowd. Seeing them changing formations over there, preparing to defend in the sea, Liu Zhi laughed.

   "Come on, quicklime is ready."

  Under Ryuzhi's order, the undead on the city wall began to spread quicklime on the top of the city.

  Yagiji knew that the murlocs would sneak over there. Their method of sneaking was to walk in the shadows, but no matter how they sneaked, they had to step on the ground.

  The large amount of quicklime on the ground will let them know what it feels like to step on a strong acid.

  As for the quicklime paving, Liu Zhi has no worries about waste.

  In the eyes of the necromancer, there is a ground made of quicklime, called a corpse breeding ground.

  So Yanagi does not have to worry about the quicklime being wasted.

  After spreading the quicklime on the ground, Liu Zhi no longer paid attention to the matter, but watched the battle on the sea very seriously.

After    rushed into the sea, the movement speed of Liu Zhi's troops was significantly slower. They had the upper hand when fighting the murlocs, but now it is different.

  This gave the murloc a glimpse of opportunity, and some murlocs from small tribes rushed up with a roar.

  They charged like this, but the heroes under Liu Zhi seized the opportunity.

  They also don't want to go to the deep sea to fight the murlocs. They lead the murlocs out in twos and threes and lead them to the shore to fight.

  For such a situation, the commander of the Whale Clan did not stop it. In his opinion, this did not affect the overall situation.

  But slowly he realized that something was wrong.

  Because as long as the murlocs step on the shore, they will have an urge to hit the city wall.

  Before, their ability was to go to the city, so this feeling did not attract the fish people’s attention.

  But now their task is to defend here and drag all of Ryuzhi's men to death in the sea.

  In this case, the situation is not right.

  The commander of the Whale Fall clan reacted quickly, and he immediately realized that he had been dragging here, and he also had the idea of ​​taking that city in his heart.

  There is a problem with that city.

The   Whaleluo clan commander immediately confirmed this situation. Is it possible that the Broken Blade clan commander led his men to kill, and it was also because of the attraction of that city?

  If this is the case, then they have to think about the follow-up.

  The appearance of such a city will make the murlocs change their attack direction.

  So be sure to destroy this city.

  The commander of the Jingluo clan flashed a thought in his mind.

  He stood up and pointed to Liu Zhi's unbuilt city.

   "Kill me out."

  The fish people didn't react to this order, but their hearts were full of excitement. All the fish people who hadn't participated in the battle rushed out with their weapons. It seemed that the whole scene was quite chaotic.

  The heroes under Liu Zhi were shocked when they saw this situation.

  They thought they would fight at sea. What's the matter?

  Even Yanagi who was standing at the head of the city was a little speechless. Didn’t the commander on the Murloc’s side do a good job at the beginning? Why does it seem to be crazy now.

  Ryuzhi did not expect this to be the influence of the city on the murlocs, after all, the influence of the previous battles did not play a lot of role.

  So Ryuzhi has always thought that his city has not been built, so the effect on the murlocs has not been exerted.

  It is precisely for this reason that the riot of fish people in front of him makes Ryuzhi feel a little wrong.

  He couldn't understand, obviously the murloc already had a plan, how could he kill it directly like this.

At this time, Liu Zhi ignored the murlocs. Anyway, his heroes and troops were sent out, so let them fight over there. Now he is more concerned about the Broken Blade murlocs that suddenly disappeared. .

  They should be close to the wall.

  With this thought, Liu Zhi suddenly heard a cry for killing.

  The Bladebreaking Murloc, who has not rushed to the city wall, didn’t know why he jumped out of the shadows and wanted to rush to the city wall leaning on his body.

This situation made Liu Zhi quite speechless. Are these blade-breaking murlocs stupid? The shortest part of the city wall is fifty meters. Even if Liu Zhi flies, it would take a certain amount of effort. How could these murlocs think, I can rush up.

But in the next moment, something that made Liu Zhi speechless happened even more, because in order to rush to the wall, the troops of the Broken Blade Murloc actually clashed with each other, and several Broken Blade Murloc gave some of their comrades in front of them. Killed, causing chaos in the entire team.

After   , the Bladebreaker Murloc fought from below, and it looked like it was a dead hand.

  (End of this chapter)

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