Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1120: Disappointment and opportunity

  Chapter 1120 Disappointment and Opportunity

  Looking at the new legion-level logo in front of him, Liu Zhi was also a little surprised. He didn't expect that this would happen to the legion flag. There was another thing similar to a platform in the war banner.

  The platform is a thumb-sized skull made of ice, and the battle flag of the Snow Girl Corps is inserted on the skull.

  However, Liu Zhi immediately understood that Xue Bone made the choice and became the exclusive army of the ghost domain. From now on, their army can only fight in this ghost domain.

  For this, Liu Zhi is not very good at commenting, but this is somewhat beneficial, at least the offensive and defensive capabilities of this army in the ghost domain will be improved, and their movement speed in the ghost domain will also become relatively flexible.

  Looking at Xuegu's choice, Liu Zhi naturally wouldn't object to it.

  He pointed at the battle flag on the skull.

   "You are the first legion of this ghost domain, named the Blizzard Legion, the battle flag is the extremely cold ice palace shrouded in the snowstorm, the legion leader Snow Heroine Xue Bone, the staff member of the frozen corpse hero..."

  Under the order of Ryuuji, the battle flag representing the Blizzard Legion also changed rapidly. It can be seen that the sand table and the game system have accepted Ryuuji's order.

  At the same time, the Snow Girl Corps, which is the nine heroes of the New Blizzard Corps, also received the news.

  At this time, they were discussing how to select a new legion commander and drive Xue Nu from the position of quasi army commander.

  One of the heroes who seemed to be frozen to death, in order to achieve the goal of becoming a legion commander, he specially paid some money and attracted four heroes to advocate for him.

  In his thoughts, as long as the other heroes remain neutral, he can drive Snow Bone from the position of quasi-legal commander.

  At that time, all he had to do was to take the position of legion commander, and then complete the organization of the legion. Even if Xue Bone had any dissatisfaction, he would not be able to drive him from the position of legion commander.

  Just as the hero was discussing the most critical step, how to launch a vote and cast the snow bones, Ryuzhi’s order was conveyed here.

  When the heroes heard that the legion had been formed, the legion commander was Snowbone, and the hero who was frozen to death was just an ordinary toolman, all his energy was gone.

After the position of the    legion was determined, no one other than Liu Zhi could change all this.

  After the hero who was frozen to death heard the news, he couldn't help but yelled.

"This is impossible."

  But no matter how he calls it, it’s useless. If he dares to provoke Xue Bone, it’s because he has confidence, but he doesn’t dare to provoke Liu Zhi, because Liu Zhi is his master and he is his subordinate.

  Ryuzhi can even give an order to send him to death.

  In the end, this one could only sigh, and said to the heroes he had recruited: "I'll go and find out what's going on."

At this moment, a frozen corpse hero who belonged to neutral stood up. Unlike the hero who was frozen to death, the frozen corpse hero was frozen in the ice after his death. At this time, there is still something on his body. A lot of ice fragments.

  Perhaps because of this reason, the frozen corpse hero is naturally calmer and has his own views on overall judgment.

  When the hero who was frozen to death wanted to find out what happened, the frozen corpse hero said directly.

"Don't ask, Xue Bone was forced by us. I think she must have gone to the Palace of Extreme Cold. She must be willing to join the Palace of Extreme Cold in exchange for the establishment of the legion. Now things have become a foregone conclusion. We need to think about it for ourselves.

  Look at whether we have any chance to participate in the battle hard.

  Because I guess that if Snow Bone took us to the Arctic Palace, then we may be trapped on this island forever, or the largest range can only be moved in the ghost domain.

  In that way, we will not be able to participate in the expedition to the Murloc, we need to have our own source of experience. "

  Speaking of this, those heroes didn't care about the snow bones. In their opinion, it is the same for whoever is the commander of the army. What they value most is their own experience.

   "What do you think?" said a hero.

"At the moment we only have two plans. First, discuss with an adult. We are already the exclusive army of this ghost domain. Before we are defeated, the ghost domain should be guarded by us. We hope what happens in the ghost domain. All battles are handled by us."

  Frozen Corpse Hero made his first opinion.

  This point was immediately recognized by all the heroes. The battles in front of them happen almost every day, but several quasi-legions who want to advance to the ranks are guarding them, and it is not easy to get their turn even in rounds.

  Now they have a reason to **** all the battles with the murlocs. If they do a little harder, they can even **** the security and patrol of the ghost domain.

  In this way, the experience of several of their heroes can not be quickly improved.

Seeing the reactions of several other heroes, the Frozen Corpse Hero said: "Next, we should feed back to the ghost domain. I feel that the ghost domain should not be only this big. We don't know the other ghost domains, but the ghost domain in front of us. There are many things we can do.

  For example, our ghost domain is taking the cold route, then we can think of ways to expand the ghost domain, such as an iceberg..."

  The Frozen Corpse hero thinks a lot of things from the perspective of the lord of the ghost domain. Although there are many things that he thinks temporarily, in fact, it will be more maneuverable.

  In the estimation of the frozen corpse heroes, as long as Liu Zhi no longer adds a guard army in the ghost domain, then they can at least push all heroes to about 9 in this battle.

After   , relying on fragmentary opportunities, it should not be a problem for all heroes to upgrade to 10 levels.

  Level 10 is enough for the heroes, and above it is another realm.

  These people did not have the idea of ​​attacking the 15th-level mythical heroes at first, and they were quite happy to be able to pass the 10th level.

  Listening to the opportunity mentioned by the Frozen Corpse hero, a trace of excitement flashed in the eyes of the other heroes.

  At this moment, the hero who was frozen to death said disdainfully: “I see, forget it, you don’t know how quickly the guys who copy homework react, and it won’t take long before someone will copy homework.”

"No, they can't copy it, because all the undead troops related to the cold are all on our side. Even if they want to pick the job, they can't come up with the corresponding troops. This is our opportunity. We have to persuade Xue Xue. Commander of the Bone Army, win us the opportunity to guard the island in front of us."

  (End of this chapter)

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