Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1121: Ten Legions

  Chapter 1121 Ten Legions

  At this time, everyone on the island of Ryuji was staring at the quasi-corps who might become legions. Any change could not escape their eyes.

  As soon as the Blizzard Legion took shape, someone immediately wanted to understand what was going on.

Although there are nine heroes in the Blizzard Legion who don’t want to do this, it doesn’t mean that other heroes don’t want to do it. Almost immediately, three selected quasi-legal commanders took other heroes to the Palace of Frost. there.

  But before they said what they wanted, Liu Zhi had fallen from the sky and landed on the roof of the Palace of Extreme Cold.

"Enough of you, if I have a lot of heroes now, I will not prevent you from making a choice, but not now. I already feel that the war is about to begin. Before the war starts, I need ten to leave the ghost domain. , The legion that followed the large forces.

  Blizzard Legion is just an accident, you all give me honesty, I give you so many undead, not let you take shortcuts. "

  Under Ryuzhi's drive, these heroes were driven back.

  However, in the eyes of these heroes at this time, the route of how to become a Legion-level troop is already there.

  There are three routes in total. After the simplest one is blocked, you can try the remaining two.

  So Ryuzhi soon received many applications from the quasi-corps to go out to sea to find the troublesome murlocs.

  Of course, in order to ensure that they can quickly form a legion, they no longer bring the spider army.

  Liu Zhi is quite satisfied with their self-motivatedness. After raising these heroes for so many years, we must arrange them well.

  Lest these heroes are idle and have nothing to do.

   So Liu Zhi watched the batch after batch of heroes and the undead going out into the sea through various means.

  However, because these heroes rushed out in a swarm, the Murloc’s reaction was relatively timely. In addition, the sea is the home of the Murloc, and Yanagi's subordinates can win and lose for a while.

  For this situation, Liu Zhi didn't mean to help, but just stared at the transformation on the soul tower every day, and arranged the transformed lizardman undead to the heroes who returned.

  As for the number of arrangements, in fact, it is not that a single hero can get enough Lizardmen undead.

  These lizardmen undead are arranged according to the potential of the legion that these heroes are in. The more they are about to become legion-level, the more troops they will receive.

  It is precisely because of this reason that more and more quasi-legion establishments have begun to complete. After the seventh day, Liu Zhi began to get busy with the corps.

  The first army to become a legion is the ghost legion. They are the fastest moving army among all legions. Even in the sea, their movement speed will not be affected.

  In addition to the unique abilities of ghosts, they are the first troops to complete the transformation of the organization.

  When this unit was transformed into a legion, Liu Zhi knew it for the first time.

  He arranged the army on the spot and gave them a pattern of grimace in the fog as a battle flag, and at the same time named the army ‘Ghost Armor’.

   was named this because all the ghosts in this legion looked like they were armored, and at the same time their shoulders were the head of a murloc and the head of a lizard.

  A ghost like this looks naturally different from a normal ghost.

  That’s why Yanagi gave this ghost army an order to be a ghost armor.

  The next thing is relatively simple.

  In the following month, Liu Zhi harvested ten legions.

  The numbers of these regiments start from the seventh legion and continue to the sixteenth legion.

  Ryuzhi named these groups as Plague Zombies, Deep Sea Zombies, Ghostface Zombies, Reloaded Skeletons, Skeleton Skeletons, Skeleton Skeletons, Stitched Deep Seas, Floes on the Sea, Dark Blue Ghosts and the Corps of the Dead.

  Of course, there is nothing to say about the three zombie units and the three skeleton units. They are the most normal undead routes. All the three zombie units have zombies, but the focus is different.

  Plague zombies are dominated by poisons and plagues. Deep-sea zombies take the route of underwater battles. Ghostface zombies are the most regular of all zombie forces.

  The same is true for the three skeleton troops. The reloaded skeletons are all melee skeleton soldiers, the weapons used by the broken bones are all heavy hammers, and the iron cavalry skeletons are all skeleton cavalry.

  These are actually relatively easy to understand, and the naming and battle flag Liu Zhi gave them are naturally quite satisfactory.

The three zombie legions all look like zombies, but on the battle flag of the plague zombie legion is a ball of green mist covering the zombies, and the deep navy regiment is zombies walking underwater, surrounded by corals and swimming fish. Ghost face zombies are the simplest, with a face drawn on the zombie’s chest.

The situation of the three skeleton legions is different. The battle flag given to the skeleton legion by Ryuzhi is not like a skeleton soldier, but the skull of the skeleton legion. On the side of the reloaded skeleton is the skull with an iron helmet, and the skull with broken bones. On the side is the broken skull, and on the side of the iron cavalry skull is a combination of horse head and skull.

  This arrangement can tell the situation of these troops at a glance.

  The remaining four troops are not regular undead troops. The Deep Sea Stitch Army is a combination of sea beasts and stitch monsters under Liu Zhi.

The ten heroes here are all masters of stitching monsters. They used lizardmen undead and some deep sea beasts to make large stitching monsters. Although there are not many in number, they are definitely made up. Intend to use them as underwater siege troops.

  The battle flag given to them was a giant marine fish pieced together with three lizardmen.

  The floating ice on the sea is another cold-attribute legion after the Snowstorm Legion. They originally wanted to become the other two guard legions of the ghost domain.

But Liu Zhi did not allow them to do this. In the end, they thought of a way to form an iceberg on the sea. All the troops were hidden in the iceberg, and the field battle was turned into a city offensive and defensive battle. Their abilities.

   And their battle flag is a skeleton-shaped iceberg floating on the water, which looks quite interesting.

The ghost army is another ghost army under Yuji. They use regular ghosts. Most of them come from the Ide plane of Yuji. Their battle banner is the ghost of the ghost blue. .

The   Dead Corps is a rare pure legal regiment under Liu Zhi. There are all legal professions in it, but the most common elements are ordinary elements and necromancers.

  So their banner is a skull made up of several elements.

  (End of this chapter)

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