Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1127: Yuji Returned

   Chapter 1127 The Returning Liu Zhi

  When Liu Zhi arrived on the island, what he saw was a chaotic battle.

  The situation in front of you is not like a big battle at all, nor is it like a rivalry between millions of forces.

  Instead, it looks like street gangsters are fighting there.

  On this island, except for a few spaces that are relatively quiet, most places can see some murlocs and spider infantry fighting there.

  The strength of the spider infantry is pretty good, and they have a good relationship with the murlocs.

   But it made Ryuzhi feel speechless, what about his army?

  The stronger existence in the spider army, why can't you see any of them?

  This situation makes Ryuzhi feel wrong, and his troops should not leave the island.

  Just as Yanagi was considering this situation, a group of murlocs over there seemed to have seen their appearance.

  These murlocs hadn't seen this misty passage before. When Liu Zhi showed up with someone, they discovered that there was a problem.

  So these murlocs rushed over with their weapons, not knowing where their courage came from, obviously there were two legions of troops here, and there seemed to be less than a hundred murlocs.

   At this point, the murlocs, Liu Zhi didn't need his men to do anything, and he could kill them all by himself.

With this thought, Liu Zhi drew his sword and was about to rush forward. Unexpectedly, the person who came with Liu Zhi was faster than Gut. He drew the long sword in his hand like that, facing the murloc. Wave.

   didn't know what power he used, the murloc who was rushing forward lost all the water on his body and fell to the ground, looking like dried salted fish.

  For this situation, Liu Zhi was also quite speechless. What kind of situation was that hundreds of murlocs were killed in a single blow, which was considered a relatively powerful strength.

  At this time, Bigut said: "Um, my mortal enemy is a murloc."

  Just this sentence, Liu Zhi was satisfied, and he nodded: "Very well, then you can do it here."

  Ryuzhi was quite simple, and directly delegated the power to Bigut, letting him take action against the murlocs, and he himself took his troops towards the main city.

  In his opinion, the main city is the most critical part of the island. As long as the main city is guarded, the island will have no problem.

  And Liu Zhi's handling of the main city in front of him is also a variety of arrangements for the murlocs. The place where the murlocs are most likely to go is the main city.

  So Ryuzhi quickly rushed towards the main city.

Because his current location is relatively far from the main city, Liu Zhi simply flew over, and the two legions that came with him directly took out their most powerful combat power and directly faced the Lord. Kill in the direction of the city.

   Judging by the speed of their advancement, they only need less than two hours to get to the main city.

  And all the murlocs they encountered along the way will become dried salted fish that have been hacked to death.

  Yagiji doesn't need to wait for them to come.

   Flew to Liuzhi near the main city for the first time, and saw the situation here at a glance.

  He never thought that his main city would not have many defenders.

  There should have been two troops defending in the main city.

  But the problem is that the troops don’t know where the heroes have been.

  The main city in front of you actually relied on the spider troops to come in for defense.

  But the spider army has no organization and no heroes.

  The battle between them and the murlocs is to rush, rush, and then rush.

  If it were not because there were many arrangements and arrangements for the murlocs in the main city, it might have been taken by the murlocs in the main city of Ryuzhi at this time.

  After arriving here, Liu Zhi fell directly on the roof of the Assembly Hall.

  He began to mobilize the undead forces and spider forces in the city. Under his mobilization, the defensive positions of the city were immediately filled with manpower.

  At the same time, the spider artillery, which originally attacked by itself, now seemed to have a backbone, and started a three-shot salvo.

  The power of these spider artillery is quite large, and under their salvo, the murloc attack was repelled.

  Take advantage of this opportunity, Liu Zhi organized the legendary lizard-men undead, and let these guys use ordinary weapons to charge at the bow of the ship.

  After suppressing the murloc on the bow, Yanagi began to mobilize the magic power in the city. Under the control of Yanagi, thick snowflakes began to float in the sky.

  The heavy snow affected the impact of the murlocs behind, and also allowed Liu Zhi to keep the main city safe.

  At this time, Liu Zhi had time to check where the several legions of his family had gone.

  On the sand table map, Ryuzhi saw a rather speechless situation.

   Of the six legions he stayed behind to guard the island, three were led overseas, and the other three were trapped near the Palace of Arctic Frost.

  In such a situation, Liu Zhi didn't know what to say. Those murlocs didn't have much brains. On the contrary, the legions and heroes under Liu Zhi were all based on various conspiracies.

  They could be tricked into this by the murlocs, and they don’t know which line they put their wisdom on.

   "Sure enough, the transportation team is the life of the transportation team. Even if the formation of the corps is still the transportation team, there is no way to become the main battle corps."

  Liu Zhi sighed and made some arrangements for the legions.

  He planned to divide these legions into two situations.

  One is the army that heroes have brains and can arrange tasks. This kind of army can be called the main army. If there are tasks arranged for them, just let them go.

  Another kind of corps is this kind of heroic corps. They can only exist as cannon fodder or transport team.

  Even if these legions are strong, Liu Zhi dare not let them go.

  Because these legions are released, it is tantamount to putting one's own weaknesses in the hands of others.

  In such a situation, Liu Zhi really has no choice.

   sighed, while Liu Zhi commanded the troops in the main city to clean up the murlocs outside the city, he began to contact the legions that were led out or trapped.

  After contacting through the sand table, Liu Zhi confirmed and found that the three legions that were led to the sea were completely attracted by the defeat of the fish people.

  They actually took the lead. After discovering that the murlocs had been beaten back, they chased them directly, hoping to gain more experience.

  It’s just that they didn’t know it, it was just a bait to lure them out, to make the island chaotic.

   "It seems that there are masters in the Murloc."

  Yagizhi immediately judged that this kind of plan could not be made by the mindless Orca murlocs.

  There must be other murlocs who are making ideas behind this, and I don’t know if these murlocs are Broken Blades or Ghost Faces.

  While thinking about it, Liu Zhi began to inquire about the situation of the three legions trapped in the Palace of Extreme Cold.

  (End of this chapter)

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