Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1128: Danger on the island

  Chapter 1128 Crisis on the island

   Hearing the response of the legion trapped in the Palace of Extreme Cold, Liu Zhi was finally relieved. The legion under his hand was not all the kind of mindless thing.

The army on the side of the Arctic Palace was not led by the murlocs, but the large army of the murlocs. I don’t know why they were eyeing the Arctic Palace. The Arctic Palace could not be guarded, so Odin used it. By some means, these three legions were transferred to the past.

  It is precisely for this reason that the Palace of Extreme Cold was kept, and was not taken down by the Murloc on the spot.

  It can be seen from the battle in the Arctic Palace that the murlocs are really under the command of the Orca murlocs.

  I just don’t know if it was because of their luck, or because someone behind them was secretly doing a ghost. After they rushed to the island, they were not attracted by the main city, but were instead led to the Palace of Extreme Cold.

  If it weren’t for the fact that the Palace of Arctic Cold itself is located in a high mountain, and the Palace of Arctic Cold is constantly snowing on the mountain these days, and the route is sealed with ice, maybe the Murloc has already entered the Palace of Arctic Cold.

  Now outside the Palace of Extreme Cold, Ryuzhi's three legions are fighting with most of the murlocs there.

  Because of some reasons, the spider army did not come over at all, so the legions here are the three legions of Blizzard, Lizard Bone, and Iron Cavalry Skeleton.

  At this time, the two legions of the blizzard and the lizard bone were stuck on the way up the mountain, and the iron cavalry and skeleton legions were hitting the murloc troops back and forth on the mountain.

The impact of the Iron Cavalry Skeleton Legion is pretty good, plus they are undead, so they don’t have to worry about physical strength or anything. They just drove the skeleton horse like a plow, and impacted back and forth in the murloc battlefield. With.

  Every time they will take away part of the murloc's life, but soon the murloc will add new troops.

  Instead, it was on the side of the Iron Cavalry Skeleton Legion. As long as the skeleton cavalry fell from the battle horse, there would be no chance to mount it again.

  They will be killed by a surge of murlocs, and they can only support a short period of time after such an impact.

  Although they had left the seeds of the Legion in the Arctic Palace, the heroes who commanded the battle knew in their hearts that this time, it would be a big loss for them.

  If all the heroes in the legion are destroyed, the legion will also be removed from the system. Even if Liu Zhi resurrects all the heroes from the tavern, it is of no use.

  At most, the army establishments left behind in the legion are still left.

  But these heroes also understand that Liu Zhi recruited them not to make them shrink at this time.

  What Liu Zhi wants is that they can get on top at critical moments.

  So at this time they are thinking of preserving their strength, which is simply joking.

  Liu Zhi became ruthless, even using the entire army as cannon fodder.

  So this iron cavalry and skeleton army rushed to the foot of the mountain, but after taking a break, it reorganized the charging team and rushed towards the murloc.

  In this way, they charged the murloc troops time and time again, and broke up the murloc troops. It was precisely because of their efforts that the next two legions defended more securely on the mountain road.

  After knowing the situation, Liu Zhi immediately made a decision.

The situation in the main city is quite chaotic. Ryuzhi judges that about one-third of the murlocs who have entered the island are on the main city side. Among the remaining murlocs, there are one quarter to three points. One of the troops is on the side of the palace of extreme cold.

  The rest is either to lead the unintelligible legions overseas, or they are scattered on the islands to fight with the spider forces.

  It can be seen that the plan of the murlocs is like this. The main city can be dragged by people. The murlocs on the island are all cannon fodder. They only need to attract the spider troops.

  The three troops dragged to the sea, as long as they are not allowed to come back.

  The remaining troops are placed in the Palace of Extreme Cold. As long as the Palace of Extreme Cold can be taken down, the island can be taken back.

  The forces that Ryuzhi can use right now are the two legions that have just been brought over from the plane of Id.

  The combat power of these two legions is extremely strong, and it is not a problem for them to force a way out.

  But Ryuzhi immediately denied this idea.

  He judged that the number of murlocs who had invaded the island this time was about 800,000.

  In other words, there are at least nearly 200,000 murlocs on the side of the Arctic Palace, and they are very likely to be the main force on the murloc side.

  Although the two legions of Liu Zhi are relatively strong, their combined number is not more than 10,000, even if the level is high, it is useless.

  Although they can make a way, but what if they finally get in? They may also be trapped in the Palace of Frost.

  Looking at the situation in front of him, Liu Zhi also had a headache.

  Is it difficult to give up the ghost domain in front of you?

  This is impossible. Give up this island. Ryuzhi believes that it won’t take long for an attack from Burning Blade City to appear.

  When he arrives, he is equivalent to giving up everything that he has fallen in this Burning Blade City.

  If you don’t give up, then you have to fight hard.

  Liu Zhi thought for a while, and began to let people inform the plane of Ide, and quickly transferred troops from the position of Ide.

  First, the mythical ship like the Adariyat came out first, and then all the heroes and troops that could be pulled out from the plane of Id.

  Finally are those spider forces placed on the plane of Id, and how many are called.

  It can be said that Liu Zhi has taken out all of his own assets this time.

  Of course, it will take some time for these troops to sort out and arrive, and it will take an hour at the earliest.

  Ryuzhi needs to stabilize the situation on the island within this hour.

  At least a few key positions cannot be occupied by murlocs.

  And in these key positions, there is also a palace of extreme cold.

  Liu Zhi thought for a while, directly activated the power of the lord of the ghost domain, and began to adjust the weather on the island.

Under the control of Ryuzhi, snow began to fall in the sky, and the squally wind began to keep rolling the waves on the sea. At the same time, Ryuzhi also triggered his own ghost domain's ability to change the sky, and made heavy snowfall by reducing the power of the blizzard. All over the island.

  After finishing all this, Liu Zhi immediately gave up the defensive work on the main city side. He handed over the things here to the undead guarding the city, and flew to the extreme cold palace.

  At the same time, Odin, who was guarding the Palace of Extreme Cold, also heard Ryuuji's order.

  He was sent to the main city to be guarded by his ability to move in the ghost realm for the first time. As for the affairs of the palace of extreme cold, Liu Zhi will personally handle it.

  (End of this chapter)

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