Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1150: Dead red skull

  Chapter 1150 The Red Skull Who Was Dead

  The power of the red skull fireball is not too great, but this thing comes from hell, and it is not so easy to control if it is released.

  After burning a few Great Shield Skeleton Soldiers, the nearby fire was already lit, and the Red Skull felt the breath from hell, and it became more and more violent.

  In the end, the Red Skull’s hands were actually lit, and the flames turned into long whips in his hands, waving them incessantly.

  Every time he waved, he would ignite a piece of ground nearby, and the bones of the giant dragon were burned under such circumstances.

   Under the stimulation of the red skull, all the white shadows of the dragon circling in the sky rushed down, and some keels near the red skull were slowly floating up and began to form a bone dragon.

  Ryuzhi also stopped at this time, watching the transformation of the bone dragon.

  Liu Zhi discovered that this transformed bone dragon, they are their souls returning to their bones, using the power of their souls to fly the bones to fight.

  It can be said that these bone dragons have not been resurrected, nor are they normal undead.

  This situation made Liu Zhi a little disappointed. If it was just such a bone dragon, then he didn't need to go here specifically.

   Just when Ryuzhi was disappointed, the Red Skull made a big death.

  He watched several bone dragons rushing towards him, and he even folded his hands and hit the ground directly.

   Then he pulled out the entire teleportation array that seemed to be composed of flames.

  Behind this portal came a rather strong smell of sulfur.

  After that, batch after batch of red-skinned demons rushed out with flames.

  Seeing this situation, there are a lot of these demons. What they rushed out at the beginning were only some weaker demons. From the perspective of their strength, they were about the level of the Red Skull.

   Judging by the standards of this world, it is equivalent to an ordinary transcendent.

  But as the number of demons came out more and more, these demons began to release new portals just like the red skulls.

  And their several demons cooperated with each other, and the portal they released became bigger and bigger.

  Slowly, within these demons, some demons with strength around level 5 began to appear.

  Although Liu Zhi didn't see it, he could feel it that when these level 5 demons reached a certain number, the demons that appeared below would definitely be level 10.

  Then this dragon graveyard is interesting.

  Liu Zhi understands the situation here, and those dragons who have died must also understand.

   Just when the level 5 demons were about to gather together and opened a large portal, a strong breath came from the center of the Dragon’s graveyard.

  Yagiji glanced over there.

  It was discovered that on the top of the three black pyramids, three identical figures appeared.

  Those figures are all in a translucent state, wearing decayed dragon leather armor, and holding props such as a staff in their hands.

  After they appeared, they kept praying at the top of the pyramid. It can be seen that they should be the dragon descendants of the dragon race here.

  This situation also surprised Liu Zhi. He didn't expect that there were other different existences buried in this dragon cemetery.

  A closer look at Liu Zhi and found that these dragon descendants did not have their own consciousness, but looked like puppets.

  Yagiji couldn't figure it out at once.

  At this moment, Liu Zhi suddenly heard a dragon roar from the ground.

  Then those bone dragons that had attacked the devil suddenly came back to life.

  The souls of those bone dragons who were like giant dragons dragged their bodies, but now they are real bone dragons.

  Yagiji looked at the distance in surprise, trying to recall the situation just now.

   Then Liu Zhi seemed to have discovered something. He stretched out his right hand and placed it flat in front of him, and then he saw a trace of black ash falling on the palm of his hand.

  In the eyes of others, these black ashes may be nothing more than ordinary ashes, but Liu Zhi didn't think so.

  He saw that this turned out to be the kind of consciousness aggregate hidden in the dragon's blood before.

  It’s just that this kind of consciousness seems to have been cleared, and it has become quite obedient.

  A large amount of consciousness gathers on the bones of the dragon, which can make the bones of the dragon merge with the soul of the dragon, and become the undead dragon that Liu Zhi sees now.

  This is how the real bone dragon transforms.

  Seeing this, Liu Zhi has already roughly understood how to make bone dragons.

  Now even if there is no building for making bone dragons, he can make bone dragons as long as he is given the right dragon corpse and soul.

  At most, the bone dragons produced have no level, and the fighting power is not strong.

  In this way, the main goal of this game is almost complete.

  What we have to do now is to wait for the red skull to finish his death, then he can challenge the leader of the dragon cemetery and get the architectural design of the dragon cemetery.

  For the success of the subsequent challenge, Liu Zhi will not stop the Red Skull from doing a big death there.

  On the Red Skull's side, he saw the bone dragon pounce on him, he rolled on the ground, and quickly dispatched the part of the troops with the tomahawk under his hand.

  When these men were dispatched, Red Skull still cursed Liu Zhi secretly in his heart. If Liu Zhi hadn't killed his three capable men yesterday, he would not have brought such a group of ordinary soldiers.

  As long as there is the support of werewolves or superman in this battle, he won't be so difficult to fight, and he won't have to use the power he doesn't want to use normally.

This made Red Skull quite uncomfortable. He only felt a rush of fire in his heart, causing his eyes to flash a ray of fire, and then he kept waving the fire whip on his hand, hitting the bone that was about to fall in the sky. Long.

  And those level 5 demons used this opportunity to arrange the teleportation array there. In their opinion, the life of the red skull may not be as important as the teleportation array.

  Some of the weaker demons pounced on the troops brought by the Red Skull. For the demons, the ordinary teleportation array had flames, but the teleportation array needed to do below them required certain sacrifices.

  If they are in the outside world, it is very simple for them to find sacrifices.

  But in a ghost place like the Dragon’s Cemetery, where there are dragon bones all around, it is quite difficult to find some suitable sacrifices.

  So the soldiers brought by the Red Skull became the best choice for sacrifice.

At this time, the Red Skull had been controlled by a kind of crazy consciousness, and he did not realize that his subordinates were taken as sacrifices. He was still there constantly attacking the bone dragon, attracting the attention of the bone dragon. .

  Even in order to be able to fight the bone dragon in the air, bat wings formed of flames grew behind him.

  If you add a pair of corners, he is more like a big demon.

  (End of this chapter)

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