Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1151: The big brother is coming

   Chapter 1151

Liu Zhi has also learned some knowledge over the years. He knows that the level of the great devil is almost level 10 or above, and below level 15. Although this red skull only looks like a great demon, no one can guarantee that, here is a lot. One.

  Liu Zhi understands this truth, and all the bone dragons here naturally understand it.

  They immediately pounced on the most high-profile Red Skull.

   When four or five bone dragons pounced, the red skull in mid-air also reacted, and he didn't quite understand why he did this.

  But the situation before him had to calm down. He knew that he was already the target of all bone dragons at this time, and the effect would be the same even if he retracted his transformation and fell on the ground.

  At the same time, he also saw that his soldiers were being taken away. Judging from their situation, they didn't even have a chance to resist.

   This time, the Red Skull broke a little directly, and he turned his mind and came up with a desperate move.

  The red skull in the sky rushed down, carrying the bone dragon and rushed down.

  The bone dragons have no brains than the red skulls before, and they quickly follow.

  At this moment, the Red Skull rushed towards the teleportation formation that had not yet been built.

   Under this charge, the Red Skull smashed several level 5 demons on the spot, broke the blood sacrifice below, and rushed directly into the teleportation formation.

  And those bone dragons couldn't hold their hands, and they rushed down too.

   So the Red Skull and these bone dragons collided with the teleportation formation.

  When they collided like this, the teleportation array just built naturally fluctuated.

  But unlike the previous blood sacrifice, the blood sacrifice opens the teleportation array and draws out the people behind the teleportation array. It feels like putting food at the door of someone else's house to lure people out.

  And what Red Skull does now is different. What he is doing now is to lead people into the teleportation array, which is the same as crashing in front of other people's homes and wanting to rush into other people's homes.

  This angered the existence behind the teleportation formation, and a huge hand wrapped in magma stretched out from the teleportation formation.

  At this time, the Dragon’s Cemetery also reacted. The yin in the sky was visibly concentrated with the naked eye, turned into a cloud of black mist, and rushed towards the huge arm below.

  Under the impact of the black mist, the magma on that arm quickly cooled and turned into black rock.

After   , large chunks of igneous rock fell from the arm, exposing the dry bones behind.

  Of course, as soon as the dead bones were blown by the yin wind here, they were scattered on the ground. It can be seen that the person behind the teleportation array has directly lost an arm.

  Since the size of the arm was really too big at the beginning, it was so big that Yanagi had noticed the situation there.

  So he immediately judged the opponent's strength, while waiting for the leader of this dragon graveyard to appear there.

  But after waiting for a long time, until the magma on the arm turned into igneous rock, the arm turned into dry bone, and no leader appeared.

  This made Liu Zhi directly speechless. As for the devil, didn’t he come up as soon as there was a battle? Why hasn’t he appeared yet.

  Ryuzhi was still waiting there, and saw that the three dragon descendants in the middle of the dragon graveyard started another action.

   Then a large amount of white ash floated from the ground. The ash sprang out in several groups, and finally combined into some weird-looking bone dragon phantoms.

   "This feeling, this is ghost dragon."

  Yagiji made a judgment at a glance. All the flying up here are ghost dragons of level 10 or higher.

   Now Ryuzhi also knows the situation of the dragon cemetery. The dragon cemetery in front of him doesn't look too big. It can only be regarded as a medium level based on the proportion of the dragon.

  But the strength of the established dragon is not weak, so the level is blessed.

  According to Liu Zhi’s guess, at least seven ghost dragons of level 10 can be bred here, and at the same time, the number of bone dragons close to level 10 may reach about a hundred.

  At the same time, Liu Zhi guessed that the founder of the Dragon’s Graveyard, that is, the leader he was going to face, should not have taken the 15th level.

  Otherwise, the level of the undead dragons here should be level 10 for bone dragons and level 13 to 14 for ghost dragons.

  As these ghost dragons appeared, the position of the arm that had become withered bones shook, and a huge arm stretched out from the teleportation array.

  This time, there is no longer any magma in the arms, but instead looks like muscles wrapped in red scales.

   Judging from the situation where the arm is stretched out, Liu Zhi believes that the one behind the portal is about level 16.

  This is still a low judgement, because the demons don't believe in their subordinates, they will only put all their strength on their own flesh and blood.

  So their flesh and blood tend to look stronger than normal people.

  The arm of the man in front of him, the divergent aura looked like an 18th-level master, and Liu Zhi had already lowered some standards when he calculated to 16th level.

  The arm stretched forward, and it got stuck halfway. It felt like a child was stuck while touching something inside the small hole he found.

  Looking at the scene in front of him, Liu Zhi seemed to feel that he had seen this somewhere.

  It seems that the last time I helped Tiandao of a certain game deal with troubles, I encountered such a superb.

  For this kind of boss who can directly extend his body to other people's games regardless of space and time, Liu Zhi is quite unhappy.

  You said that you are a big boss, you are already level 16 or above. Don't think about how to conjure the gods. It's okay to run over to find them like level 10 cannon fodder trouble.

   Just when Liu Zhi was madly complaining in secret, that arm also felt as if he could not go one step further.

  So at this time, he made a quite surprising action.

  He swept across the ground and captured all the demons and soldiers that appeared here.

  It was a very natural grasping method, just like the feeling of grasping beans in a jar, but with just that, all the demons and soldiers were in his palms.

It's okay for Liu Zhi to be far away, Alex who was closer was almost caught in, but a group of giant shield skeleton soldiers under Liu Zhi, and a few bone dragons rushing over were all caught by giant hands. Living.

  This giant hand squeezed hard, and all the demons, soldiers, and undead caught were crushed into a mass of flesh and blood.

After   , a kind of weird magic power was injected in, and the flesh and blood seemed to want to piece together into a large puppet.

  Liu Zhi's eyes lit up with this method. He felt that he was aiming at the doctor's soul, and he could turn that soul into a gem by simply handling it.

  It can be seen that this man has reached a mythical level in many aspects.

  This is the route of the real boss, and Liu Zhi crazily recorded everything in front of him in his heart.

  (End of this chapter)

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