Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1170: Find the target

  Chapter 1170 Discovering the target

  Because they took the undead bear on the road, Liu Zhi and the others were significantly slower. About five days later, Liu Zhi rushed to the place Braddock said.

  Here, Ryuzhi saw a large number of strange-looking ice cubes.

  Those ice cubes are said to be fragments, but in fact each piece is higher than him.

  Yagiji felt the power of soil properties on these ice cubes.

  These ice cubes spread out around an inconspicuous mountain. It looks as if a huge statue was crushed by someone casually, and the fragments of the statue were scattered on the ground.

  When seeing these ice cubes, Liu Zhi slammed into the ice cubes and felt that there seemed to be a trace of life in these ice cubes.

  Ryuzhi stopped and walked to one of the ice cubes.

  Liu Zhi wanted to study it and see if there was something in the ice block that had strong vitality.

  But after Liu Zhi really stood in front of the ice cube, he realized that it didn't seem to be the case.

  The ice cube itself is someone’s body.

  Yagiji lightly tapped on the ice cube, and his mind poured into the ice cube, and then he found something very interesting.

  The ice cubes in front of me look like ice cubes, but in fact they are flesh and blood, and flesh and blood still carry a trace of divinity.

  Ryuzhi immediately judged this.

   "Is that the Frost Giant?"

  Yiu Zhi kicked it, kicked the ice cube to pieces, and took a closer look at the fragments just now, the expression of disdain in his eyes became even stronger.

  After that, he tossed the more broken ice aside and headed for the mountain not far away.

  The peaks that appear in the Arctic Ocean are actually islands in the water.

When   Ryuzhi stepped on, he seemed to have walked to another place.

  Although the place was still covered with snow and ice, when Liu Zhi walked up, he felt as if he had stepped on the ground.

  This is a feeling in the heart, Liu Zhi doesn't want to describe it himself, anyway, the moment he steps on here, he knows that he has stepped on the ground.

  Liu Zhi understands that he can feel it, and those frost giants who live by the power of the earth can naturally feel it.

  At this time, Liu Zhi stared carefully around to prevent anyone from rushing out suddenly.

  But he set foot on this land for a long time, and found nothing wrong.

  This situation also surprised Liu Zhi.

  He thought for a while and thought that the white bear with the soul of the frost giant had already left.

   So Liu Zhi waved his hand to let the undead bears begin to enter. He was going to dig out all the ice here and take a look at what was underneath.

   What Liu Zhi did not expect was that when the undead bear entered this island, a roar suddenly came from the depths of the island.

  Liu Zhi was surprised, and then he realized that it was not the white bear that had left, but that he had hidden himself.

  And here is the restricted area of ​​the white bears. All the white bears are his offspring. Before his order is issued, all the white bears will not enter this area.

  Only in this way, this white bear, which has sealed the soul and supernatural power of the frost giant, can monopolize such an island and restore its power.

  Although the bears that Liu Zhi is carrying are all undead bears, they are all bears, and they are all descendants of that white bear during his lifetime, and Xiunei also has the blood of that white bear.

  The sleeping white bear naturally felt all this.

  At first, he thought he hadn't been out for too long, so the white bear outside wanted to rebel.

  So he just roared, trying to activate the blood in the white bear and let them quit by themselves.

  But this white bear doesn’t know if it’s sleeping too long, or because the soul and body are not in harmony.

  Anyway, he no longer has the kind of vigilance that he had when he was a frost giant.

  He roared so, Liu Zhi discovered the existence of this white bear.

   "It seems that the legend is true, there is really a white bear hidden here."

   Then Liu Zhi took his men back and took a step back.

  He is not a fool, of course he can see that the white bear in the legend is real.

  The white bear in front of him hasn't figured out what the situation is, then Liu Zhi has the opportunity to ambush the white bear.

  Liu Zhi thought for a while, then released the Eye of La Xia to look around, and soon Liu Zhi found a suitable place.

  Yagiji led his subordinates and swiftly moved in that direction.

  At this time, Ryuzhi had only one goal, and tried to draw the white bear to the sea to fight.

  Because he didn’t know the general situation of the Frost Giant, Yanagi would prefer to treat the enemy as almighty.

  So he must consider more things. The arrangement of the cannon fodder, the location of the ambush, and the timing of the shot all need to be carefully considered.

  The most important thing is that Liu Zhi must consider what happened temporarily, and he must grasp the whole situation.

  So Yanagi must consider the most impossible direction.

After thinking for a while, Ryuzhi decided to lead the battle to the water, so that Vidnina's advantage can be fully utilized, and at the same time, he can restrain the white bear and drag him from the battlefield selected by the white bear to his own choice. To the battlefield.

  After confirming the goal, Liu Zhi moved quickly.

  He did not dig directly near the island.

   but withdrew from the island with the undead bear.

  When the undead bear withdrew, the sleeping white bear was also satisfied.

  In his opinion, this is a bloodline suppression. In the Arctic Circle, no white bear dares to do anything to him.

  So after the white bear felt that the bears had left the island, he ignored it, but found a place to sleep.

  He didn’t know that, about fifty miles away from the island, Yanagi was leading Vidnina to break through the thick ice.

  Yagiji didn't hit directly from the top of the ice, but relied on Vednina’s ability to find a seam in the ice that could go directly under the water, and dig up from below.

  Finally, he dug the ice layer up to 100 meters thick to only about one meter thick.

This is quite a stamina-consuming thing. Liu Zhi almost couldn't dig down. He wanted to use some undead means to dig the ice layer. Fortunately, Liu Zhi finally reacted. He did not do such a thing, but used himself. His dark night stabbing swordsmanship and indigo wind chasing swordsmanship cut through the layers of ice bit by bit.

  And this time Vidnina played a very important role.

  Vidnina seems to have mastered the connection between water and ice since she improved her strength last time.

  She could clearly feel the gap between the glaciers, this time the way down was also found by Vidnina.

  It was also Vidnina who told Ryuuji that from which point to cut in, part of the ice layer could be easily cut off.

  Otherwise, with swordsmanship like Yanagiji, I don’t know how long it will take to cut this ice layer into the present.

  (End of this chapter)

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